Welcome aboard to Rick's Picks
What Rick’s Picks is all about
Rick’s Picks is the website of Rick Ackerman’s Hidden Pivot method. It is an online service for traders from novice to expert. On the pages of this website are the tools and information to teach a member to become a skilled and successful trader.
Rick’s Picks offers traders and investors information detailing trading strategies, fresh ideas and plain old horse sense. This is accomplished through different outlets such as a once a week Morning Line, Rick’s Touts (his trades), various Trading Courses, Tutorials, and webinars. Recommendations and forecasts are based on proprietary methods that seek to identify exceptional opportunities for profit in stocks, options, futures, minis and indexes. Precious metals stocks receive special emphasis, and puts and calls are often employed to reduce the cost basis of long-term core positions in selected mining stocks.
If you are overwhelmed by technical jargon the first time you enter the Trading Room or attempt to follow a trading Tout, don’t worry. It is our goal to offer novice at least a few easy trades to more than cover the cost of a subscription while you learn. Please note that titles, Chat Room names, page content, and website layout can change from time to time, but the site basically operates as shown on this page. (Note: some of the following features are only accessible by Paid Subscribers)
Table of Contents
The Morning Line
This is published normally one a week on Sunday and is Rick’s general comments on the markets. This is published on the Front Page of the site along with Rick’s Free Touts. It is also published on the protected member Tout page.
Free Trades
These are free Touts (forecasts) by Rick on the public Front Page of the website, giving general trading recommendations for a security (a stock, commodity, option, index, etc …).
Current Trades – Rick’s Touts
These are Rick’s trading forecasts on many varied securitys. These are more explicit and more detailed trading recommendations then the Free Trades on the Public Front Page. These are Rick’s ‘deadly accurate’ daily trading recommendations (his forecasts) of tradable vehicles like stocks, bonds, precious metals, currencies and options. Posted with each Tout is a thumbnail chart of the vehicle that if clicked opens the chart for a larger viewing. Clicking the Title of the Tout will also expand the chart. Rick’s forecasted price levels and targets are based on his Hidden Pivot Method.
Only subscribers (members) can view these protected Touts. Normally, new Touts and updated Touts are published on Sunday evening, giving subscribers time to include the information in time for the start of the weeks trading. Rick can create a new Tout or update a previously published Tout at anytime during the week. The Touts, when published or updated, are individually sent via email to a subscriber. Each Tout has a certain format that displays up-trends, down-trends, price targets, and midpoints. The targets and midpoints are critical points of Rick’s Hidden Pivot Method that Rick uses to calculate these levels. Subscribers can take numerous courses to learn how to find these price targets and midpoints for themselves.
Up-trends: In the Touts, a bold face green number (1746.75) represents a “D” rally target that has not yet been hit. A light face green number (1616.50) represents a “P” midpoint that has not been reached. Down-trends: In the Touts, a bold face brown number (1219.20) represents a “D” rally target that has not yet been hit. A light face brown number (1342.00) represents a “P” midpoint that has not been reached.
Updates to the Touts are made by Rick when warranted. The update is given at the end of the respective Tout in italics, and the updated time is given along with the Last Price which corresponds to the price when the update was made –> ESU13 – September E-Mini S&P (Last:1637.75). Rick will usually leave a tout posted as long as it remains actionable. Note: If there is no date in parentheses, but just a time, it means the update is being written on the same day as the original post. If the update is being done on a day other than the original post, than the new date itself appears in parentheses after the word ‘UPDATE’.
Rick’s main outlets for trading information is the Trade Page Touts and the Trading Room. In those places will you get the on-spot trading data and the why of Rick’s predictions. These are the paid channels so therefore those places will get the current data and updates. Having a subscription will keep you in all the current trades.
You can see the history of all securities Rick has done by selecting the drop down list under “All Picks By Issue” on the Front Page of the Website under Rick’s Picks for (the weekday).
Important note: Trading updates and forecasts (Rick’s Touts) are on the Trades Page and come by email. You should be receiving these trading updates and forecasts as Rick puts them out. Some days they may not be output by Rick. If you are not receiving them by email, check your spam box or internet provider as to why not. Also go to your Account Dashboard, the Customer Profile tab, and make sure that the “Get Touts” block is set to “Yes – Add me”.

The Trading Room and the Coffee House
There are two Trading Rooms on the site that can be reached by clicking the Chat Rooms menu item – the Trading Room and the Coffee House. These Chat Rooms are the best in the industry, both in trading information and ease of use. The Trading Room is where users can give and get timely impending trading information. Rick uses this room to give timely information and updates. When there is actionable update to a Tout, the first place you will see the change will be in the Trading Room. Rick will also from time to time, announce impromptu webinars in this room. A key feature of Rick’s Picks is the spirit of helpfulness that pervades this chat room.
The Tradind Room is the place to ask questions. Rick encourages those in the room to help each other. Ask questions and there should be someone there to help you, even if Rick is not in the room at the moment. Rick asks that this chat room be used to flag upcoming trades that anyone can do. Keep the emphasis in this room on tradable advice. One can deviate from that regime (we give you a little slack) if you post lots of tradable information.
The Coffee House room is where any subject of any length can be posted and ranted on. Good taste and good language are required.
When you enter a room for the first time you will be asked to enter a chat room handle. This handle can be up to 12 characters long. Examples: Catman, dano, krimso, TKNeo, Silverlady and so on. Catman is the handle for the Website Manager and Web master. He also monitors the Chat Rooms.
To change your chat room handle, there is a Change Your Handle link in each chat room. It is at the top of the Users Online column in each chat room.
To post in a chat room, text is entered into the white input box with up to 500 characters. When ready to send the text to the room, click Publish. All posts to the rooms appear within a few seconds. You have 12 minutes to change (edit) your post by clicking the pencil next to your name on the post. Good taste and good language are required. The rooms are moderated by Rick and Catman. See the Chat Room Help Page in each room for more information on using the room and creating a Hidden Pivot Pattern on some popular platforms.
Logging in
There is a log in block at the bottom of all website pages. This where you sign in to your Rick’s Picks subscription.
The “My Account” Page
By selecting “My Account” from the top menu on the Home Page, you will be taken to the page where you can administer your account. Here you can add or renew your subscription, view your payment history and edit your profile (including changing your Password and credit card information).
By setting “Get Touts” in the Customer Profile to “Yes-Add me”, you will receive by email, any updates to the commentary and Touts that are made on the website by Rick. Rick usually updates his Touts in the late afternoon or evening. The Page is where you can add new subscriptions and also sign up for the Hidden Pivot Webinar subscription.
Help Ticket
Use this Help Ticket page to only ask subscription or account questions. We will not respond to trading or investment questions. We answer customer tickets Mon-Fri, 8am – 5pm EST.
Free Resources
There are a number of Free Resources on the Rick’s Picks website

Rick’s Picks has numerous courses that instruct members on how to use Rick’s Hidden Pivot Method in their own trading. These are:
The Hidden Pivot Course – The complete course on using the Hidden Pivot Method
Fundamentals of the Hidden Pivot Method – Basic ABCD Pattern using conventional entry starting points which are the least sophisticated and yet MOST effective for any trader.
The Mechanical Trading System – a proven way to generate daily income from stocks and commodities in the present uncertain and volatile market.
Camouflage Trading Technique Course – Learn how to practically eliminate risk on every trade and works perfectly with virtually any trading method you wish to use.
Please see the description of each course on the drop down list under the Course Menu item.
All courses have been recorded.
Once you purchase a course you can begin to watch it immediately.
What are The Hidden Pivot Tutorial Sessions?
These are bi-weekly sessions, typically held on Wednesdays, where students can interact one-on-one with Rick to hone their skills. They are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. When you purchase the seminar, you will receive a complimentary 90-day subscription to these tutorials. There is a library of hundreds of hours of previously recorded Wednesday Tutorial sessions.
I took the class a while back and would like to take it again to refresh my skills. How can I do that?
Graduates of The Hidden Pivot Seminar are eligible to signup for a quarterly Hidden Pivot Tutorials subscription. With this subscription you will have access to the weekly live sessions, a library over 100 hours of previously recorded sessions, as well as the most recent 6-hour seminar recording. To add it to your account, please visit the My Account page and select on the Add/Renew tab.
Is there some preparatory study I should do before taking your course, on charts and chart reading for example? If so, which book or books would you recommend?
No preparation is necessary, although reading Lindsay’s “Trident: A Trading Strategy” will help you master some important content covered in the first 20 minutes of the course.
How large would you say my trading bank should be in order to get started?
Margin ample for four contracts – perhaps as little as $15k . Rick suggests starting with mini-indexes, mini-gold or mini-silver.
What information services would I need to make the most of the hidden pivot technique – can I get all the stats and charts I will need for free, as part of a trading account (and if so, which company would you recommend as offering the best information services as part of having an account)? Or am I going to need to pay subscriptions to various information providers (and if so, how much would my overheads be on a yearly basis)?
For day trading, a real-time feed is essential. The platform will usually cost you nothing or very little if you trade a few times a week, but exchange fees cannot be gotten around. Mini-S&Ps are pretty cheap, but if you trade Crude Oil, for one, you’ll need to pay NYMEX $60 a month.
Is it possible that I might do the course but simply fail to understand it?
Initially, perhaps – but not after you’ve reviewed a few of the more than one hundred hourly recordings of Wednesday tutorial sessions.
How long would you expect it to take for an average person to master the hidden pivot method and become a good trader in their own right, without having to rely on your recommendations (excellent though they may be)?
If you are diligent about attending and reviewing the Wednesday sessions, you should be at least as good as any guru, even a famous one, within 12 weeks. Mastery will come with more time.
How would I attend the post-webinar classes you offer if I am at work – is there a time expiry for taking up the classes, or can I opt to do them when I can get the time off work?
They are all recorded and usually made available the same day.
How do you know that the sheer weight of money following your recommendations or the number of people using your method for analysis will not squeeze margins at your hidden pivot points to the point of unprofitability?
Sometimes it does appear that Rick’s targets are getting front-run. But there are so many vehicles to trade, and so many places to initiate profitable trades in each, that there will always be good opportunities.
The Hidden Pivot Method Overview
This section is an overview of the Hidden Pivot Method that Rick uses for his forecasts and teaches in his Hidden Pivot Seminar. It is the method of analysis Rick uses to create the Hidden Pivot Forecasts that Rick’s Picks subscribers receive each day. It also serves as an excellent introduction the topics he covers in his Hidden Pivot Method Webinar, where, over the course of one evening, you can learn Rick’s time-tested trading method.

The video below is an introduction to Rick Ackerman’s Hidden Pivot Method. It is from a seminar that Rick held on the Hidden Pivot Method.
To play the video, simply press the play button at the bottom-left of the video window. To adjust the volume, press the volume buttons near the lower-right of the window. To view in full-screen mode (highly recommended), click the expand icon in the lower-right of each window.
Please disregard any offers or scheduled dates in this video as they are not current.
Never risk more than $1 to make $3 by using Rick’s Picks.
Sign up for the Hidden Pivot Seminar
Hope you enjoy the site