Search: options strategies

Demand for Silver Can Only Grow

– Posted in: Commentary for the Week of March 8 Free

Our friend and colleague Sean Rakhimov, editor of, is an astute observer of the silver scene, as well as a charter graduate of the Hidden Pivot Course. In the essay below, Sean explores some of the reasons why silver will be increasingly in demand in the years to come, especially by sovereign and institutional buyers.

He writes as follows:

Over the last several months, we have been pondering if governments will come into the silver market. Before we get into that, it is important to note that governments are very different animals and that there are over two hundred of them out there. Therefore, it is a very liberal generalization to lump them all together as if their needs, objectives and agendas were the same.  Expecting them all to act in the same fashion for the same reasons is a big stretch. That said, it’s the stigma, the psychological effect, the sentiment and the message it would send to markets that prompts us to group them together in investors’ minds as a market force.

This same topic has been argued in the gold space for several years and now it has come to pass that central banks worldwide have thrown in the towel and became net buyers of gold. Should it be different for silver? By the way, did you notice, how silver silently became mainstream again, and [continue reading…]

This is a free forecast (Tout) by Rick. Get a free trial of Rick’s Picks to see full member content.

Bullion’s Rally Fills Our Sails

– Posted in: Free

Firming quotes for gold and silver in recent days have filled our sails, allowing us to spread off the risk in bullish options positions we hold in two issues popular with Rick’s Picks subscribers – Silver Wheaton (SLW) and the Gold Miners ETF (GDX). A while back, we bought calls in both with the intention of later shorting options of an earlier expiration against them. However, with precious metal prices relatively flat for a spell, there were no [continue reading…]

This is a free forecast (Tout) by Rick. Get a free trial of Rick’s Picks to see full member content.

Gold, S&Ps Dance to Our Tune

– Posted in: Free

Rick’s Picks subscribers were well prepared for the diabolical price action in gold yesterday, since a forecast sent out the night before caught both the high and low of June Gold’s $35 swing almost exactly. Comex futures were in a promising rally when we published an advisory just after midnight that warned of potential trouble precisely at 931.60 (a “Hidden Pivot” resistance). Gold in fact topped moments later at 931.80, then plummeted to 896.10 — just 80 cents from a bearish target we’d spotlighted in yet another midnight bulletin.  Price action in the E-Mini S&P proved equally felicitous, since we’d identified a rally target at 843.75 that came within 1.50 points of nailing the top of yesterday’s 37- [continue reading…]

This is a free forecast (Tout) by Rick. Get a free trial of Rick’s Picks to see full member content.

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