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ATTENTION: Before you go, here’s a quick question…

Are you one of the 49 percent of Americans that cite running out of money as their chief retirement concern? – AARP

Discover a Safe & Simple Trading Strategy for Generating Full-Time Income in Retirement in as Little as 1 Hour a Day!

Rick Ackerman’s Mechanical Trade System is a proven way to generate steady profits ranging from
$60 – $400+ a day for full-time retirement income.

Strictly Limited Time Offer Just $397

Benefits of the Mechanical Trade System…

Ideal Strategy - You need a good strong “Impulse Leg” to begin with. The stronger the impulse leg, the more likely the Mechanical Trade will work.
Earl Degner
At-home trader

Dear fellow Senior,

If you’re over the age of 55, like me, then you’re probably starting to think about retirement a lot more.

I promise to show you a clear and proven trading system that can…

  • Generate income in retirement safely, simply and steadily for as long as you live
  • You don’t need to have any previous experience
  • You don’t need to be a math wiz – I’m certainly not
  • You don’t need a lot of time – just an hour a day

That’s right! Within just 30 days, you’ll be up and making trades that generate $60 – $400+ a day within just 60 to 90 minutes a day!

This is game-changing news for you because among 16,000 workers and retirees surveyed from 15 countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia, only 36 percent reported that they are very confident they will be able to retire comfortably. Globally, that share drops to 29 percent, according to a new report shared on

It’s sad to know that so many people work most of their lives and get to a place where they should be able to retire and enjoy life, but can’t!

Now YOU can!

Yours truly,

Rick Ackerman,
Editor, Rick’s Picks

“I had $24,500.00 in my IRA and I now have about $34,500.00 ! What can I say? I’m amazed by your uncanny ability to see stock moves. To put it simply, ‘Boy, I’m glad you’re on my side’!”
Mike Boschma
At-home trader

The trick is to accurately and consistently read those chart ticks so that you’ll be ahead of the curve – knowing what the market is going to do – with a certainty that shames the so-called experts. You’ll find out how you’ll be able to do this with zero previous experience, but first…

Who is Rick Ackerman?

You’re probably wondering, right off the bat, “Who is this guy?” and “Is he blowing smoke with his promises?”

I’m the editor and publisher of Rick’s Picks, an online service for traders from novice to expert level. I’ve been trading for more than 40 years, a dozen of them as an options market-maker on the floor of the Pacific Stock Exchange.

My work has been featured by CNBC and Bloomberg, and I’ve written on the markets and the economy for numerous publications, including Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Barron’s, Stocks, Futures & Options magazine, and The San Francisco Examiner.

A headline in Barron’s labeled me an “intrepid trader” after I helped the FBI solve a notorious pill-tampering case. I received a $200,000 reward and a guest appearance on “FBI: The Untold Story.” An epic party on San Francisco Bay celebrated the event.

In the trading world, I’m known for the unusual accuracy of my price predictions and for the Hidden Pivot Method I use to trade and forecast. My provocative insights and timely trading calls have made me a frequent guest on shows hosted by Max Keiser, Greg Hunter, Corey Fleck and Jim Goddard, among others.

My thoughts on the markets and the headlines have also been featured on ZeroHedge, Seeking Alpha, Benzinga, The Daily Reckoning, FX Street, Financial Survival Network, Crush the Street, Jory Capital, Howe Street, Gold-Eagle, GoldSeek, 321Gold and Kitco.

Now that you know that I’m the real deal, I’ve got a question myself…

What Happened to Our ‘Golden Years?’

As you near retirement, it becomes evident that you will need a way to generate income without having to bag groceries or pass out samples at the supermarket as your retirement job. That’s no way to spend your golden years.

And you also don’t need to waste your time and money betting on fly-by-night ‘opportunities’ such as investing in gold, franchise business ideas, and other schemes that will cost a fortune and leave you broke and frustrated.

That’s why I’m revealing one of my best trading strategies that has worked for me and thousands of students, for decades, to generate income in retirement.

“As a retired CTA I have never seen anything as prescient as your Black Box Forecasts. It’s like having a crystal ball. On my very first trade with you (September 14), the long bond had closed at 112.28. You advised that they would sink to ‘exactly 112.16.’ Your instructions were to bid 112.17, risk just eight ticks, and then to hold to a 113.17 objective.

I entered the entire trade before the open, and like magic the low was hit shortly after the open at exactly 112.16, and, incredibly, the market rallied through 113.17 for a clean $1,000 profit per contract!

Black Box Forecasts is simply black magic, and I particularly admire your patience and discipline to only offer trades whose projected profits are four times greater than the money risked. With odds like that you provide a money management, risk/reward discipline that is unrivaled.”
Scott Reeves
Retired technical analyst
I’ve packaged the entire method into a program you now have the limited-time opportunity to own, called the…

Mechanical Trading System

A Rules Based Trading Strategy that Minimizes Risk and Maximizes Profit Potential for Financial Freedom in Retirement

Strictly Limited Time Offer Just $397

Before I go on to discuss what you get in this course…

Your Two Main Objectives for Retirement Income

The mechanical trading strategy is a method that meets two critical objectives that if you want to enjoy a financial free retirement…

If you learn this method that is working for tons of students to generate full-time income in as little as 1 hour a day, you never have to worry about going broke.

With as little as $2,000 – $3,000 – you can generate profits of $60 – $400 within just 60 – 90 minutes!

And you can do this as many days as you want to generate however much monthly income you need to enjoy an amazing retirement.

Topics Covered in the Course

You’ll get access to your library of video training you can watch over and over again as you implement this system.

Here’s a sneak peak at the modules:

Module 1: How to Set Up Your Trading Account

You’ll start with step-by-step instructions on how and where to set up your trading account. If you think you know how to best do this, think again. You’ll get insider pro tips you can’t miss.

Module 2: Introduction to the Conventional rABC setup

You’ll gain the basics to recognize the Conventional rABC setup to gain the confidence needed to setup your trades using the Mechanical Trading method.

Module 3: Mechanical Trading

You’ll get a complete, step-by-step breakdown of this proven trading method. You’ll have the skills and know-how to comfortably setup your trades within weeks.

Module 4: Risk Management

Protecting your nest egg is vitality important in your golden years. You’ll learn how to manage your trading portfolio to mitigate risk while capitalizing on daily opportunities

Module 5: Planning Your Trading Day

You’ll learn different ways to organize your trading activities within your week and daily schedule. We’ll explore different trading routines from the in-and-out once a week trader to the daily trader.

Module 6: A Simple System for Developing ‘Horse Sense’

Avoid some of the biggest mistakes novice and expert traders alike are making. Know when it is too good to be true and avoid being fooled in a money pit.

📊 CHARTS INCLUDED: Plus, you’ll also get access to clear annotated charts to cement profitable patterns in the back of your mind. These charts will reveal the exact patterns you’ll look for in the market to execute trades like a pro!

These powerful sessions will give you…

Armed with these insightful resources, you’ll be on the fast-track to knowing precisely what to look for in chart movements and you’ll know exactly what to do to get into a trade and generate profits, day-after-day.

You’ll soon progress to developing your own favorite trading patterns as you master this profitable method!

With this system you have everything you need to generate profits for a long and happy retirement.


This course could easily sell for $5,000 or more. You’re learning a strategy that fully equips you to start from zero and start generating income that can replace your full-time income in retirement.

In fact, I’ve sold courses like this for that price for years at prices in this range. Still, my aim is to help a lot more people that are nearing retirement. I see far too many fellow-seniors who are scared to retire while I’m greeted by others at the grocery stores. I know good and well these individuals wish there was a better way.

So then, I’ve priced this course at a moderate $500. Still, since I’m just launching this powerful strategy in its own course, I’m offering it at a special introductory discounted price of just $397.

Strictly Limited Time Offer Just $397

But wait, there’s still more…


If you’re one of the first 50 to sign up for the program before March 31st then you’ll get a special bonus gift you can’t afford to miss.

3 LIVE Online Classes – These LIVE 1-hour video classes are essential to gaining confidence by placing real trade with me in real-time! These are not about trading theory…this isn’t a ‘chalk talk’…we look for and make actual trades.

That’s right, I’ll stand over your shoulder and walk you through the analysis and trading process and you’ll be able to actually make trades with me standing over your shoulders!

We will look for ideal trade setups on charts of many potential vehicles. Sometimes this will be a stock for futures contract that is especially active on a given day.

LIVE Class Agenda:

This is what brings a student up the learning curve quickly – seeing actually trades play out in real time, as opposed to chalk talks. You’ll also watch me walk you through my thought process and make trades with my real money!

Even more, since these video meetings are recorded, you can replay the recordings over and over until you have mastered the principles.

These 3 Live Online Classes are valued at $800 but if you order this course during the special offer period you get it at no additional cost!

All this provides an $800 value for just $397! A savings of $603!

Strictly Limited Time Offer Just $397

"I’ve been a full-time trader for 3 years, have used many newsletters, Internet sites, and even developed a screening application. The information gained was at best hit or miss. Then I came across Black Box Forecasts and became a subscriber. Rick’s uncanny ability to hit price points intraday and longer term have helped me develop trading methods as aggressively as I deem prudent. Using Black Box Forecasts as a trading tool has been very profitable. I would recommend the newsletter to any active trader."
Craig B. Flood
Retired technical analyst

Myths About Trading…Demystified

Perhaps you have some lingering ideas in your head about trading that still make you wary.

I’ll be the first to say, you should be scared out of your boots! There are many well-founded ideas people have about trading that are simply false when it comes to the methods I teach and how my students and I conduct trades.

Myth #1: Trading Takes 8 Hours a Day Watching Charts

While many trading practices have popularized this perception of trading, it’s completely false for my methods.

Here’s the Truth:

Myth #2: Market Timing is Highly Risky

This is very true. Most market timing methods that attempt to predict market movements are horrible. But there’s a reason that I’ve been a successful trader for decades and why thousands of students of my methods have too!

Here’s the Truth:

Myth #3: Trading is Too Complicated

It’s true that some trading methods involve a lot of math, charts, and other hair-brained factors to try to predict chart moves. However, my Mechanical Method involves zero math. You will learn to identify chart structures and patterns in order to make logical, emotionless, objective decisions.

Here’s the Truth:

Here’s my promise to you – once you fully grasp this Mechanical Trade System, you’re going to be stunned at how precisely you’ll be tagging market highs, lows, upturns and downtrends.

In fact, once you master it you’ll be coming within a tick or two of dead-center bulls eyes for many (if not most) of your trade entries and exits.

“Your rules based system has really put it together for me.”
Jim Noetzelman
I have found Rick’s technical analysis to be extremely reliable. His dedication to subscribers is unsurpassed by any other charting service. Furthermore, he writes in a concise, unwavering manner that cannot be misconstrued. His commentary is a must for any macro investor.
Al Grigoletto
Professional trader

Golden Years, On Your Terms…

As you click the button to enroll into the course, I want you to imagine yourself just 45 days from today – executing trades and generating a check of $60…$250…$450 or more.

It’s really exciting because you know this is income you produced in just 60-90 minutes of time before you even start your day..a day in retirement…a day where you’re generating income so you don’t start drawing down on your income.

Fast forward to a full year from now. You’ve mastered this strategy and are confident in executing trades. You love how low-stress these trades are and that they produce consistent income for you.

You’ve found that you can achieve consistent, winning results which has built rock-solid confidence to take the small losers in stride. You’re never emotional because you’ve mastered the simple rules, calculations and know precisely how to read the movements of the charts to execute profitable trades.

The best part is that you’ve been able to travel, see beautiful places, eat at fine restaurants, indulge in your favorite hobbies and develop new ones, you’re able to buy good gifts for your kids and grandchildren and the love of your life. You’re proud of yourself for figuring out what so many seniors haven’t – how to generate income without slaving away in menial jobs in retirement.

Go ahead and claim this vision for yourself and enroll into the Mechanical Trading System course today.

“Rick Ackerman’s daily forecasts are superior to that of any other technical data I have seen. In particular, I have found the bond and S&P analysis to be extremely reliable, in addition to the individual securities”
John P. Morgan
Professional trader
"Rick, you are a genius. Gold had one of its biggest swings today in 20 years, and you nailed both the exact high and low by within a total of less than one point."
Stan R.
At-home trader

Strictly Limited Time Offer Just $397

Frequently Asked Questions

This simple method allows beginners and experienced traders to get started with as little as $3,000 and accurately make profitable daily trades like an industry pro!
Yes! You don’t have to analyse charts for countless hours and you certainly don’t need to do complex math for this to work. To execute the method all you need is to do a few basic calculations and be able to recognize a few elementary charts.
Many trading systems have a steep learning curve and require countless hours of learning and application for you to be successful. A lot of industry experts have you follow their trades without ever understanding them which can induce anxiety. This system teaches you how to fish, minimize your risk, understand your trades and has you equipped to trade in as little as 3 to 4 weeks with only 60 to 90 minutes a week.
You’ll gain lifetime access to the course materials for as long as our website is alive and you’ll have the opportunity to download the materials if we wind down. Rick Ackerman has been trading for over 40 years and operating the website since 2009.

Strictly Limited Time Offer Just $397