Actionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.) buy QQQ calls this morning for 0.44 that later went to 12.86, It was geared especially for beginners who have never made a profit on an option trade. The chart tells the story: The options precisely telegraphed QQQs ferocious bounce after the index got sold down hard in the first hour . I post informal trades like this one in the chat room from time to time and would estimate that 95% of them have been profitable. (Note to subscribers who frequent the chat room: Please do correct me if you think I've exaggerated even slightly.) I disseminate the trade recommendations simultaneously via email to paying subscribers who have checked the 'Notifications' box on their account dashboards. Eventually, I plan to divulge the secret behind this trick, as well as to a few other tricks designed to produce steady income with risk very tightly controlled. If I offer a course on this radical new approach to trading options, it will likely be on the same basis as the one on 'Advanced Tactics of the Hidden Pivot Method" given a couple of summers ago. That course was not marketed, but it was made available for a short time to subscribers who have been with me for a while. The course was geared to futures trading and featured some proprietary adaptations of the Hidden Pivot Method. I have not offered it since, although it is available on request to qualified subscribers for $1,400. Rick From the chat room, 9/11/24: 10:28 RickSame-day QQQ 456 calls, currently 1.22, look like they will break down and fall to 0.44. They can be 'mechanically' shorted at 2.26, stop 3.01. // UPDATE 10:41 a.m. Calls have fallen to a
An update from the chat room, with further guidance for micro-NQ short
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)Wednesday, August 28, 202414:0014:51 skibumRA: Got it, thanks14:53 Roxygrooveyea, this system is something pretty good. i.e. tsla 207.5 puts that turned precisely at 2.17 this morning and then rocketed away... and Rick showed me yesterday 24 hours ago, thats where it would happen. to the penny.15:0015:07 RickThis little pre-NVDA fright-mask frisson has stopped out the naked-short calls I'd suggested in QQQ, for a theoretical loss of $35 per contract. It has also negated the promising, 0.28 bid for them/15:26 MM18Sold MSFT Oct4 410 Put $10.4515:29 MM18Are the PM's miners and bullion in a Wall of Worry or just settling back a bit or more for a breakout to new highs? Can't pull the trigger!16:0016:17 k.u.k....if you want to see real coincidence, put up the 15 minute, 5 day charts of /MESU24 and NVDA side-by-side.16:22 JoeyJoltBought back the shares I sold 8/20 in GDXJ and SLV.I've been taking some off the table on rallies and buying on pullbacks. I'm staying long but adjusting my shares and futures contracts accordingly.16:22 JoeyJoltMM-The true risk is not being invested now in the PM sector. I understand the drawdowns are uncomfortable and you may not wish to take alot of risk. Cut down your size to a manageable level. At least you'll have some exposure and be able to sleep peacefully16:25 JoeyJoltRick-nice call on NVDA. [ {{ Thanks, JJ. No pivots, just a feeling. RA }} ]17:0017:50 MM18Thanks JJ. Today may have been the day to load up!Thursday, August 29, 202408:0008:08 mattbaOn to SIZ24 now? [{{ Yes. Thanks for the heads-up. RA }} ]09:0009:33 entisas24MM NVDA shares traded on the open. That's a lot of options getting assigned.09:48 RickAlthough the naked-short QQQ 479 calls that expire today got stopped out quickly yesterday, the second trade I recommended (see
Tradable notes from the chat room
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)Wednesday, September 11, 2024 08:0008:57 RickRussell 2000, a chimp fave, is losing its struggle to hold p=2105.10 of a pattern that projects down to d=1940.2008:59 RickDec Bonds can be bottom-fished at 125^27, stop 125^22. (60-min, a=125^23 on 8/21)
Interesting activity to greet the day
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)Friday, September 6, 2024 07:0007:50 RickES closing on 5429.38 target introduced last Sunday, then reaffirmed in the update. Price action at this midpoint Hidden Pivot support cannot but provide the 'tell' we need to determine the importance of Sep 3's secondary top and the possibility that my scenario #1 (i.e., August 1929 repeating itself) is playing out. For confirmation, we will want to factor in MSFT's expected bounce to 449.52 after it triggers a back-up-the-truck 'mechanical' buy at 401.54.08:0008:09 k.u.k.Morning, Rick. My 10 D, 30 min. chart indicates MSFT touched 400.57 and bounced with a tail on the candle. Currently: 406.37.08:10 6:00 AM EST.08:28 RickFancy that! Indeed, it did -- and thanks for the heads-up, Charles. I was barely stirring at the time, but anyone who was awake and used my target to get long should take 25%-50% off here at 407-408 and save the rest for a swing at the fences. An impulsive stop-loss can also be used.08:36 RickAlthough the Whoopee Cushion bounce has occurred from within two-tenths of a percent of 'x', I should repeat this for the umpteenth time: the green line is neither a target nor a Hidden Pivot nor a support, just a handy reference point for two types of trades we do: mechanical and conventional. It's only a stupid, annoying coincidence that these bounces from x seem to refute me by beginning 90% of the time within a hair of the green line.
I rickismed the time of the session….
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)It should have read 12:30, not 13:30. I am rescheduling for 12:45 Eastern – in six minutes. Here's the link again: 12:18 RickI'm going to open an impromptu session at 13:30 Eastern to briefly explain reverse patterns and camouflage. I will record the session and make it available to all subscribers.12:31 RickHere's a link to the session. I'll wait until a few people are in the room before I start.12:31 Rick
Impromptu session NOW!
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)12:18 RickI'm going to open an impromptu session at 13:30 Eastern to briefly explain reverse patterns and camouflage. I will record the session and make it available to all subscribers.12:31 RickHere's a link to the session. I'll wait until a few people are in the room before I start.12:31 Rick
An important note from the chat room
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)To: All subscribersFrom: RickI will be moving into another stage of my life when I leave Florida in October. I am considering returning to San Francisco, which, despite the very negative publicity, the squalor of the Tenderloin and a dying downtown, is still the hands-down greatest city in America. The redevelopment of the Presidio in particular has been a spectacular success. It has always been one of the most desirable properties in the world, even when the U.S. Army used it and when the U.S. Park Service merely maintained it. It offers amazing views, scenic hiking trails, golf courses and tennis courts, and miles of beach along the Bay. But its conversion for civilian use must be seen and experienced to be fully appreciated. Some of the credit must go to Nancy Pelosi. One of my goals for 2025 is to put Rick's Picks in capable hands so that I can pursue a big project that has beckoned me for many years: reviving muscular local journalism. I had started working on this in 2017, before divorce and cancer derailed me. Selling Rick's Picks does NOT mean I will be any less of a presence in here, only that someone else will handle the touts. Commentaries and interviews would be optional, but I would continue to play a role. Some of you are better suited than I for using interviews promotionally, since you are more knowledgeable than I about, for one, bullion and the resource sector. If any of you, or perhaps a group of subscribers, are interested in buying Rick's Picks, please contact me at I will train you in all aspects of the Hidden Pivot Method and also
Silver update
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)I am continuing to track Comex Silver closely because of popular demand. Some subscribers re-entered at lower prices after getting stopped out of a position that racked up a theoretical gain of as much as $22,000. From the chat room here's my current outlook, along with a link you can copy-and-paste to see the chart I am using to call the turns: Thursday, August 15, 2024 02:0002:26 KrisKrosAmazing calls again Rick regarding Silver. I was stopped out of position around 27.50 but then when i saw your post here and it had already gone down to 27.23 i realized i had to get back in. So i ended up getting in a bit lower thanks to you. It has now passed the 27.79 indicated in your chart as it's right now at 27.95. What do you see next, sell half and target 28.61 and stop at 27.50 for the rest? I use to think i would invest in Silver and wait but given how unpredictable and jumpy it is i think it's only good for trading purposes. Gold is so much better for being long and at peace too!03:0003:07 RickThe gratuitously vicious little sonofabitch is headed to D=28.60, which coincidentally is the original rally target. The target will become an odds-on bet to be reached if the futures can overcome their stall precisely at p=28.045. Here's a chart, with an ABCD pattern that few likely see -- and that is why it will work reliably for us:03:08 Rick
And here is something else you ought to know about….
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)13:43 RickHere is a very important chart. If MSFT decisively exceeds p=417.36, which I think is what it is about to do, it is going to take EVERYTHING with it. The chart:13:43 Rick
Screming, actionable guidance in UBER, just posted
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)12:59 RickUBER, currently around $70, is an almost certain bet to hit $78.26. It would be a screaming 'mechanical' buy if it pulls back first to x=66.68 (60m, weird A= 66.71 on 2/13)