Actionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)
Rick Ackerman
Possible opportunity in June Gold [See update, since the trade has been negated)
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)Tuesday, April 30, 2024 08:0008:02 RickVoodoo number coming up in June Gold at 2310.50 that can be bottom-fished with a 5.50-point trigger interval (TI). [Note: I'd planned to email this recommendation to you 40 minutes ago after posting it in the chat room. Since then, however, gold has taken the leap I'd anticipated from above the voodoo number. This has effectively negated the trade, although not my suggestion that you paper-trade my chat room ideas for a while to get a feel for them. You'll discover that most either work or fail to trigger. RA] This trade was posted in the chat room a short while ago. It is recommended for subscribers who understand the risk and know how to manage it. In theory, entry risk on this one is about $550 per contract on this trade. I once posted only trades in the chat room that controlled risk VERY tightly. Over the last couple of years, however, I have loosened up and broadened the selection to include trades that I have found to work fairly consistently. You can decide for yourself whether to take them, but I'd suggest paper trading for a while before you jump in. This will help buttress your confidence and allow you to sharpen your risk-control methods. RA
Second attempt: Timely opportunity in E-Mini Nasdaq (from the Trading Room):
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.) 14:38 Rick: NQM24: Bottom-fish near projected low at 17,807 with a trigger interval (TI) of 41 points, good until 3;30 p.m. An attractive opportunity, but less so if it requires exposure to risk
Timely guidance in E-Mini Nasdaq
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)14:38 RickNQM24: Bottom-fish near projected low at 17,807 with a trigger interval (TI) of 41 points, good until 3;30 p.m. An attractive opportunity, but less so if it requires exposure to risk overnight.
Opportunity beckons in AMZN
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)12:42 RickBid 0.48 for AMZN 12 April 180 puts, day order. Currently trading for 0.78. I may adjust this price before the close, so stay tuned. We really do want to buy 'em, based on this appealingly gnarly pattern in the underlying:12:42 Rick RickThis one is for novices, too -- especially if you've never made a profitable option trade.
Actionable guidance in MIckeyD
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)10:25 RickBid 0.55 for expiring MCD 267.50 calls to bottom-fish the 267.05 target. Order good till 11:00 a.m.10:27 SpartacusMCD Cover the MCD short. by buying back the calls. Profit $11,900 Thanks for the help Rick. OK lets spec on the bounce [ {{ Ur welcome. Great trade, Sparty! RA }} ]10:30 SpartacusMCD 167.5 calls.. Did we get front run?10:35 RickNot sure. The so-far low at 267.30 missed my target by 0.25, or less than 1/10 of one percent. Seems close enough to for us to consider the target fulfilled, but I'll leave the 0.55 bid in for the calls anyway. They expire tomorrow and are already melting away; that's why I am lowballing my bid and time-limiting it. The offers are skittishly high, but I'd rather not buy the calls at all than pay up for them. That's because their volatiity will get crushed if the stock does rally from my target.
Are u ready to pile onto AMZN?
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)12:51 RickLet's plan on shorting AMZN when it hits 186.32. This will be an easy one for your Sparty, since the 12 Apr 187.50 calls you will want to naked-short will be selling for 1.90, give or take a few pennies, if the stock his my target tomorrow. I will come up with a put-buying strategy when the moment is right. At the moment, they are poorly synched at a projected 0.66 low.12:55 RickIt's kinda creepy that MSFT is stealing up on 430.58 yet again, even as nasty little NFLX is once again clawing at 634.14. That's a major reverse-pattern target on the weekly chart that no one but us could know about. It puts me in mind of 'The Thing That Couldn't Die," a 1958 horror film about the severed head of a very bad man that kept clamoring for attention, even when stuffed in someone's closet.
A heads-up for all you Newmont fans
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)11:38 BaplgWas unable to find the earlier posts about NEM calls. RA commented "depends on what price you were able to buy them". About 10 days ago. Bought 4 6/21 NEM 37.5s at 1.05. Just got out of 2 at 2.38. Bingo12:05 RickI can't find the NEM reference either, Bap. I would never have recommended buying three-month calls, not ever, but you got aboard at a decent price just before they began to climb. The trajectory has flattened this week, losing a little ground relative to the stock, but the calls look like they will achieve a minimum 2.55. If they exceed that price, 3.15 would be my target. There are quicker, easier ways to make money. The price corresponds to a 39.33 target in NEM that looks like a 75% shot to be achieved, presumably within the next 3–5 days.
E-Mini Dow trades
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)Here's a snippet of chat room guidance from today that you may have missed. It includes a potentially actionable coda: 10:47 Rick YM on a 'mechanical' buy signal from x=39,862 (15m, A=39,657 on 3/26; B=38,861 on 3/27) /// UPDATE 12:26 p.m.): Rally from x narrowly failed (by 10 points) to reach p=39,914. The position is slightly in-the-black at the moment, trading well above the 39,810 stop-loss. Please note that a 'dynamic' trailing stop using a 1:2 risk/reward would have taken you out at 39,899 with a $700 profit on four contracts. If you still hold a position, p=39,915 is still the minimum objective. /// UPDATE 12:46 p.m.: YM hs touched 39,914, so you should be out of at least half the position.The gain on two contracts would be $500. 11:05 Artie Thanks, Rick, already in. It's been one of my favorites lately. Micro that is. 15:33 Artie Thanks, Rick , that was a nice ride! 15:40 Rick Pleased that you were able to participate, Artie. As you will already be aware, YM lunaticked above my rally target at 40,017 just moments ago. Four contracts bought initially at x=39,863 would have produced a profit of $2,500, assuming half the position was exited as suggested at p=39,914. 16:53 Artie Rick, since she looked an [sic] flipped across your D pivot, would you update tonite if you find time? Thanks 17:16 Rick YM's final-hour short squeeze GUARANTEES more upside to at least 40,548, or to 40,858 if any higher (60m, A-39,425 on 3/20; or A=39,115 on 3/19). The word 'guarantee' here implies that any 'mechanical' buy that triggers will make you money. Please note that p=40,258 tied to the higher target could stall
Put buying opportunity in NFLX
– Posted in: NotificationsActionable Trade-Alert from Rick in the Trading Room (Please check all related discussion in the room before you do any trades.)A busy thread this morning. My latest post involves a speculative possibility: using options to short NFLX, which is at a long-term rally target on the weekly chart. 11:48 geebellssom, I think Rick has stated there's a buy with a tight stop at $24.76 (coming soon?) and a chance, but not great of $23.47.11:59 RickSilver is deeply mentally ill, reflecting the absence of conscience in the criminals who manipulate it. This morning, for example. It is nonetheless a 'mechanical' buyyy at p=24.785, stop 23.930 (240m chart, A= 21.425 on 10/4/23).12:0012:02 RickNFLX will top at 632.47, so put-buyng is in order. Have an interview with Jim Goddard now, so can't elaborate, even as a chart alert flashes in my face. (weekly, a=231.23 on 12/31/18).12:02 geebellsI was able to turn a volatile short from yesterday into some money on this mornings raid, too eventful for my taste. Mentally ill it is, well put, Rick.12:10 SpartacusOK Then... sold 5 Apr 19 NFLX 600 calls @ 48.713:0013:18 RickYou sold them at the p midpoint of a clear pattern - a logical place to jump in. Consider selling a few more if the calls pop to the pattern's D target at $57. If they get second wind, that is as high as they are likely to go, at least over the near term. Here's the chart:13:18 Rick RickAs an alternative, subscribers can bid 0.95 for some NFLX 19 Apr 480 puts. This is a speculative bet, so don't overdo it. The puts are currently trading for 1.10. This is a day order.