Henny Penny or more commonly called Chicken Little in the U.S. is a folk tale about a chicken that believes the sky is falling when an acorn lands on its head. That's what I see when I turn on television everyday. Just one Henny Penny after another proclaiming the end of the bull market. The only problem is Henny Penny hasn't been paying attention to the Russell 2000 which this week broke out to new all time highs. There are a pair of P2 and d targets (1658.15 and 1637.49 respectively) directly above which we can use to gauge the strength of this market. Whether we get a tiny overshoot or a miss of each target will provide us with a wealth of information as to the state of this bull market. At the end of the folk tale Henny Penny and all the other animals that follow Henny Penny are invited into a lair by a fox and all of them are eaten.
Brian Catalucci
Time to head south?
– Posted in: Free Rick's PicksAs an avid gardener I am very sensitive to the weather. Having grown up in Marin county here in the SF Bay area in the 80's I have fond memories of incredibly hot weeks where you could barely sleep at night it was so hot. And it wasn't just a few days of hot weather. The 100 degree weather would go on and on for weeks. I am surprised at how cold it has been the past 7-8 years. We are in the middle of May and it's still very cold outside and my garden is quite the sad scene due to the relentless cold. To experience back to back 90 degree days is now quite the anomaly. As an investor being a contrarian is an integral part of my life as I am always looking to do the opposite of the herd. Is it possible we've been wrong all along and we are actually entering a mini-ice age? A team of European researchers seem to think so and the mini-ice age could come as soon as 2030. If an ice-age is coming I don't think Florida will be far south enough. And how will an ice-age impact agriculture? What kinds of investments can we make now before things get really cold. These are the kinds of things I think about when it's a quiet day in the markets.
BTCK8 – May Bitcoin Futures (Last: 8365)
– Posted in: Current Touts Rick's PicksA chatroom subscriber that goes by LukeDog requested a chart on Bitcoin. Any investment instrument capable of moving up or down 50-100% in such a short period of time is what I consider a psycho trade. That is- you'd have to be psychotic to want to trade this. With only 6 months of history I don't see anything other than 4455 d target pain in Bitcoin's future. If bitcoin can muster up the strength to take out the 12,075 C that would certainly change my outlook.
– Posted in: Free Rick's PicksAs a recovering Gold bug I have great sympathy for what die-hard bitcoin fans are about to experience. Years and years of grinding lower with the occasional wicked spikes up that bear markets are known for. Don't get me wrong-- I'm with the minarchists (e.g. Libertarians) and anarcho-capitalists in my excitement for crypto-currencies and their ability to transact anonymously not to mention their portability allowing you to move your entire net worth across national boundaries with a click of a mouse button. But with the crypto-mania having its blow-off top along with the retail public buying bitcoin it's clear the top is in for now and it's time to move onto the next big thing. So what about the original alternate currency- Gold? And more importantly the leveraged gold investment play- the HUI Gold Bugs Index? The good news is I believe the major low is in. Why do I think that? Take a look at the attached long term chart where we missed our clear d target. Without giving away too much of Rick's proprietary system one thing I like about this chart is the short and unintuitive B-C leg and then the subsequent interactions with P, P2 and d. The bad news is that we are still not ready for prime-time. The inset chart shows a possible P2 target of 155.77 which coincidentally happens to be near the low made in Nov-Dec 2016. Taking out this low by a few dollars should be enough to freak everyone out that the bottom will fall out. Experienced pivoteers won't be afraid to buy this low. When the next leg up in gold takes us to $2500 and higher we will look back at this coming low in gold stocks as the buy of a lifetime.
The screws are tightening
– Posted in: Commentary for the Week of March 8 FreeThe 10 year treasury hit 3% today and 2 year treasuries haven't been this high since back in 2008. Is the 5,000 year low in rates behind us? Let's just say I don't think we'll see these lows again in my lifetime. If you are considering selling your house this could be your last chance as once the bonds start to collapse rates can double very quickly. The DOW had a light volume day but it did refresh its bullish impulse leg on the hourly. According to the SEC there is over $3 trillion sitting in money market funds. You can be sure this money will be waiting to jump in when the markets end their consolidation and decides to make its next move.
DJIA – Dow Industrial Average (Last:24,902)
– Posted in: UncategorizedOn a rather ho-hum day buyers were able to refresh the bullish impulse leg by taking out the 24,977 March 21 peak. Zooming into the hourly the P 24,989.89 was tagged on this clear pattern using a one-off 'A'. As we are still in "consolidation" mode I expect more of the same mundane activity for a bit while longer although I wouldn't blame you for wanting to get long using a mechanical buy at 24,853.7.
– Posted in: UncategorizedThe Euro/USD looks to have made a temporary low and should bounce a bit here. We don't normally discuss currency pairs and the Forex market at Rick's Picks but it's important to understand what's happening globally to understand what will happen domestically. With the constant bashing of the Fed compared to what's going on in Europe the U.S. Fed looks like the Rock of Gibraltar. When you buy a U.S. Bond you are buying a bond representing all 50 states. Can you imagine buying a California Treasury Bond or a Florida Treasury Bond all with different yields? That's exactly how the Euro was set up, with each European member having its own bond instead of a unified bond market like we have here in the U.S. This is the Euro's fatal flaw and this is why the German Bund is trading at 200 basis points lower than the equivalent U.S. treasury, because German Bund investors think they are going to get Deutsche Marks when the Euro finally collapses. Once the Euro/USD bounce to the trendline resistance concludes (could take a few months to play out) it's easy to see it dropping into the abyss below the critical 1.16 area and all hell breaking loose in Europe. Not only is this going to fuel the flight to U.S. equities but also catapult the U.S. dollar much higher. How high could the dollar go? The 1985 highs are not outside the realm of possibilities.
NVDA – Nvidia (Last: 255.80)
– Posted in: UncategorizedEarlier this year finding a video card was nearly impossible. The markup on used video cards on eBay was double the new price and all video cards were backordered indefinitely. I've voiced my frustration many times in the chatroom about this situation due to the bitcoin miners and at the same time I had been keeping an eye on Nvidia's stock price as they were the primary beneficiary of this crypto-mania. As they say during a gold rush you make your money selling shovels and NVidia has sold a lot of shovels. As the bitcoin mania has subsided I noticed I started getting alerts a few weeks ago from my favorite hardware retailer B&H Photo that the various video cards I had been monitoring were back in stock. I checked today and things appear back to normal where dozens of different video cards in all price ranges were available. Looking closer at the NVDA chart we got within 17 cents of a long term target of $260.67. So far the d target has stopped this rampaging bull. If the crypto-mania decides to take a multi-year long break I just can't see how NVDA can keep this ballistic rise. Stay tuned in the chatroom for ways to get short this stock by zooming in on lesser timeframes.
Prepare for consolidation and confusion
– Posted in: Free Rick's PicksThe DOW remains in a broad trading channel currently ranging between 28,000 on the top and as low as 18,000 on the bottom side. Consider bonds are 10 to 1 in size compared to equities globally. Just a small amount of money coming out of bonds will blow the stock market through the roof. How can the stock market rise with rising interest rates? Remember, interest rates always rise in a bull market and drop in a bear market. Interest rates have even been taken into the negative just to support a bear market. So we could certainly see rising interest rates and rising equity markets together in the coming years. The talking heads are going to talk this market down by claiming rising rates are bad for the stock market. This will set up the consolidation period we need to base before we lift off as shorts pile on and will need to cover thus providing the fuel needed to take this market to the next level. This bull market will not end until the retail/public have jumped in and so far we have no sign of that. A dollar rally is still in play so we could have what appears to be a flat equity market but foreigners will see the DOW rally in their currency. A stronger dollar will attract foreign capital into the U.S. markets and foreigners will not be as confused by rising rates as investors in the U.S. will be from television propaganda. This bull market will not end until DOW 40k and possibly higher.
GCM18 – June Gold (Last:1313.80)
– Posted in: Current Touts Rick's PicksI've been saying for quite some time now that gold is not yet ready to take off. There are still too many gold bugs clinging on for hope after all these years and not until the last one has thrown the towel in will this gold bull market resume. What will make the last gold bug throw the towel in? Imagine the media generated hysteria if gold were to breach the psychological sub-$1000 mark. The front page of Time Magazine would declare gold dead. Interestingly this sub $1000 target happens to be neatly sandwiched between two weekly P2's. I'm guessing if we were lucky enough to get such a move down that it will happen by the end of this year and it will be a back up the truck opportunity. Only taking out $1434 to the upside would negate this downside target. Either way we are not yet ready for prime time.