The S&Ps have yet to collapse in the heat of Santa Season as I had suggested they might, but they are acting mighty strange. Friday should have been a slam-dunk for bullish seasonality. Instead, the futures doubled-topped just shy of a juicy rABC rally target before selling off hard to end the week. Granted, there was a heavy layer of supply just beneath early December’s record high near 6200. But it’s not as though setting up a short-squeeze to get past it should have posed any difficulty for the scumballs who manipulate the markets. Let’s give it another day to see whether the thimble-riggers are impaired or merely toying with shorts. If the latter, the futures should produce a profitable ‘mechanical’ buy at the green line (x=5930.44). You can trade this one for real if you know what you are doing, but it is not recommended for Hidden Pivot greenhorns.
ESH25 – March E-Mini S&Ps (Last:6029.25)