$CLX24 – Nov Crude (Last:75.56)

November Crude climbed almost precisely to the 78.39 rally target I air-mailed to you last Sunday, topping at 78.46 before plunging a brutal $7. No one mentioned this in the chat room besides DJI, let alone crowed about making money on it, so I will be dropping crude from the core list of touts to get the list down to a more manageable seven symbols.  As always, I will gladly furnish timely guidance when requested in the chat for those who trade this vehicle. The chart shows the comfy, $20 range in which crude has been screwing the pooch for more than two years. Presumably, DaBoyz are waiting for the perfect opportunity to short-squeeze quotes to $90 or higher. This will happen; it is only a matter of when. We can hope it is not caused by an escalation of the developing and so-far-tolerable Third World War. It is saying something about capitalism in its manifestly advanced state of decadence, and about civilization itself, that the world’s largest commodity market is just one, gigantic game on the global midway, rigged for the benefit of a relative few at the great expense of all humanity.

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