Bearishness on the U.S. dollar reached a shrill crescendo last week after the Saudis began accepting other currencies for oil. Some seem to think this will move the world away from the dollar as the global reserve standard, but I strongly disagree. The dollar’s indispensability for propagating a $2 quadrillion derivatives shell game is far more crucial to its supreme status in the world’s heavily financialized economy. Crude oil is certainly a large market, but it is puny in comparison to the nominal value of derivatives traded digitally around the world. The chart shows the dollar ensconced in the upper range of a wedge formation, An upside breakout without a cyclical correction down to the lower line would be very bullish, however illogical it might seem to dollar bears (aka ‘inflationists’). When the breakout occurs, it will leave the punditry, eggheads and bloviators who would consign the dollar to ignominy with some serious explaining to do. Suck it up, dudes!
DXY – NYBOT Dollar Index (Last:105.52)