Happy New Year!

To all of my subscribers and readers, warm holiday greeting and best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.  It begins with many troubling issues unresolved, most particularly the question of who will be the next U.S. president. Various vaccines promise to ease the pandemic, but possibly not in time to prevent many small businesses from failing.  A bright spot, particularly in states like California, New York and Michigan,  where dictatorial governors have disregarded individual rights, is that business owners are at the point of revolt. This bodes well for America, since our political leaders are obviously in need of rebuke and a reminder of whom they would serve.

  • Pan January 1, 2021, 8:47 pm

    Oh you needn’t trouble yourself with that one Rick, Joe will be the next US president on paper and Kamala will be the next president in reality.

    You too have a fabulous year, stay healthy and may you nail some great pivots so we can all prosper.

    Kind regards,
