Would You Choose Putin Over Obama?

Whom would you prefer as U.S. president: Vladimir Putin or Barack Obama?  That’s the topic of the week, and I want you to have fun with it.  And lest you judge Mr. Putin too harshly in the light of current events, consider how President Obama might react if half the population of California were threatening to jettison ties with Washington and unite with Mexico. That’s roughly the problem that Mr. Putin faces in Ukraine, which is verging on civil war over the question of whether the country should scorn Moscow and turn toward Europe.

Regardless of whether you believe Putin’s pretext for ordering in the troops (which have yet to fire a shot), there should be little doubt that Obama would do the same thing if pro-Mexico riots were threatening to break out in Los Angeles. Violence aside, the economic consequence of Russia “losing” Ukraine are huge. The country’s hopes of becoming economically significant in the world will be dead without the potential contribution of a rejuvenated Ukraine, just as America’s odds of escaping the fatal drag of The Great Recession would sink to zero without California aboard. (Nor would the loss of California’s tax revenues be a small matter for Washington, whose ponderous bloat would not survive such a radical amputation.)

Channeling Jonah Hill

In the meantime, we have the pathetic spectacle of Mr. Obama and his equally lame Secretary of State telling Putin, in effect, “Hey, that’s a no-no!” If this saga were given a Hollywood treatment, it would feature Obama’s Jonah Hill stepping into a UFC cage with Putin’s Junior Dos Santos.  Although the script would contrive a way for the comically inept Hill to triumph, victory unfortunately is not in the cards for the equally inept Obama.  For in fact, there is nothing the U.S. or Europe can do about Russian troops in the Crimea, and Putin knows it.

His methods may be blunt and sometimes brutal, but unlike Obama, he means what he says.  Obama could undoubtedly teach Putin a thing or two about communism, but little else. Where character is concerned, Putin is the better man. And where bluff and bluster are required to sustain the illusion of strength, Putin’s tactics would better suit America than Obama’s. Putin’s brand of geopolitical chess has allowed Russia to project an image of strength even as Mother Russia implodes economically and demographically. Obama, on the other hand, is just playing marbles, as one observer has noted. His spineless, ideologically vindictive style of “leading from behind” has caused  the U.S., with far greater assets than Russia, to recede from its former greatness with appalling speed.

In suggesting that Putin, or someone like him, would make a better leader, I am not advocating an outbreak of U.S. nationalism or empire-building; rather, I am simply expressing my hope that the U.S. not become even more of a laughing stock in a world that desperately needs it leadership.

  • mava March 10, 2014, 8:21 am

    When you vote, you consent to the regime. When your vote wins, you violently force your neighbors to obey.

    • Rich March 10, 2014, 8:24 pm

      Hi Mava

      While do not know how long you lived behind the iron curtain, do have many old San Francisco White Russian friends displaced by Bolsheviks.

      They took the Zhivago Train out of Moscow eastward to Siberia and walked the rest of the way when the trains were stopped.

      They made it to Harbin, met to retake Moscow, gave up and moved to Shanghai during the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, then Australia and the Philippines in the jungle with taipans or vipers under the floorboards, surviving on coconuts and condensed milk.

      They could not get into the USA at first because of TB.

      They finally got here on the USS Hershey, sponsored by a US Rep, expecting the Golden Gate Bridge they sailed under to be made out of gold.

      For many years they cleaned floors and toilets, moved pianos, started businesses and saved their money to buy homes in Russian River, rental properties in San Francisca and Lake Tahoe.

      Now they vote the liberty candidate every chance they get.

      If there is no liberty candidate, they find/make one, rather than let their lack of votes acquiesce to criminal politics.

      They are anything but cynical about the American Dream, which they made work for them…

      • Rich March 10, 2014, 8:48 pm

        Also have San Francisco Chinese friends with similar stories literally eating dirt during Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” to survive.

        They migrated east avoiding military checkpoints and swam to freedom in Hong Kong or Macao.

        They worked and saved to buy passage on the wait list to America.

        They washed dishes at Nevada casinos and saved. They started businesses and lived in the back.

        One made it big with a high tech company in Silicon Valley.

        He now invests in other startups and securities, one third cash, one third property and one third paper. Used to manage his account.

        Another went back to China to “help her people” with her import business.

        She was thrown in jail for “corruption” until she could buy her way out.

        Most avoided politics for decades, then realized politics took away everything they had in China.

        Now they too vote for freedom minded candidates they back financially…

  • VILE VLAD March 10, 2014, 1:29 am

    and this is why I like you, decrepit near-extinct rich rolling wheeler from tahoe.

    “vs the Choom Gangleader’s affirmative action degrees as an Indonesian Foreign Student with sealed records including a reported bogus full birth certificate, selective service card and multiple social security numbers”

    if I had written this, ever p.c. correct host, would have erased it. but, thanks to your vet guts,
    to call a token spade a (non-ussa born trojan ‘darky’ horse, a constitution-killing) spade,
    few words make the light, of utter scumbucket that now presides, over ‘freest’ nation in world.

    • Rich March 10, 2014, 8:30 pm


      Think your heart is made of gold.

      Took the American Heroes Channel What Commander Are You? test yesterday and came out Vlad the Impaler.


      Maybe that will help fight off divide and conquer politics as usual…

      • VLAD March 11, 2014, 4:35 am

        just because you are on campaign trail (and I think you’ve lost your mind in doing it)
        does not mean I will buy your new political manure. like you better when you were just
        a merciless marauding mercenary daily marker trader, free wheeling in lake tahoe.

        old rich dude, you got better things to do with the last few days you have left of life,
        don’t delude yoursef you can change the world, you ain’t gonna change anything,
        you are riding in ussa’s titanic, ain’t no way to avoid debt iceberg, so enjoy last few days.

  • Rich March 9, 2014, 11:55 pm

    Hola todos

    Enlightened and entertained by all the original thought here provoked by the Morton’s Fork dilemma.

    No one mentioned KGB Putin has a PhD in Natural Resource Markets vs the Choom Gangleader’s affirmative action degrees as an Indonesian Foreign Student with sealed records including a reported bogus full birth certificate, selective service card and multiple social security numbers, one from CT where he never lived, belonging to a deceased resident.

    Neither 0 or P the better answer.

    Both aspire to oligarchs, P’s net worth said to approach $40 B.

    Here some interesting facts:

    Russia 8th largest proven oil reserves in world:

    (US 14th). #1 Venezuela maybe the next US target. XOM, stung by Venezuelan Nationalisation received little from world court, now in joint venture with Russian RNFTF, largest petroleum producer in the world, to develop Arctic reserves. With 60% of EU natural gas coming from Russia via Ukraine, two reasons neither EU or US likely to offend Russia to secure Crimean resources.

    Russia has the world’s fifth largest ForEx reserves (US 16th).

    With 13% and 24% flat individual and corporate taxes, Russia now 3rd largest global current account surplus, while USA still world’s largest deficit debtor since Reagan.

    Thus MSM claims Russia pressured by Ruble and RSX declines specious.

    China and Russia have the Shanghai Mutual Defense Treaty. Since US attacks in MENA SMDT now includes India, Iran, Pakistan and Syria.

    Russia also has hypermach missiles deployed that outperform the Waverider that aborted two times out of three.

    But all of this is a distraction.

    The real news is the seismic totalitarian shock after 0’s latest Executive Order Thursday again violated our Constitution Thursday 6 March 2014 six ways to Sunday. (Details can be seen by clicking our name above.) Our last political blog post set all-time records for views by a factor of 50.

    The 0’s took a sudden unexpected vacay to Key Largo, while Bidens did similar to 90% tax-cut haven USVI.

    The telltale is Meet the Press said nary a word about the B0 sudden exodus, preferring to hype supposed US sanctions, more Police State and tender Jeb Bush as the real 2016 Presidential candidate, after JB missed CPAC where Rand Paul won 31% of the vote:


    The bottom line is this: All Americans who refuse to register to vote, vote or run, while illegals do, are selling our children and country down the river.

    When half the people register and only half the registered vote, that means people like Obama, Reid and Titus win with 15% “majorities” that pervert our Constitution.

    Let’s man up in 2014…

  • mava March 9, 2014, 8:51 am


    I just saw your post. Thank you for all the attention.
    It’s “he”, although, I don’t think it matters. As I am aware that we both are using pseudo names, I can not possibly be offended this way. Vlad is over analyzing. He thinks I have used Russian grammar to construct the name, thus I must be “she”. No. I did not. But, whatever.

    Again, I am humbled by your insistence, but here is a good lesson for you: I have no comment. Those who we think are worthy of something quite frequently are not as we shall find upon a closer inspection.

    I can not answer your question, because I refuse the whole idea of the leader. If I am anything at all, then I am leaderless. I might be wrong on this, but this is who I am, – I have always had a problem with authority.
    In your world, I simply not worth your question.

    With that, I just like to step back and let those who have an opinion speak.

    • VILE VLAD March 9, 2014, 8:38 pm

      I am sorely disappointed to discover you are a guy, Mava.

      As to your commentary on leadership, you are wrong in what you expound.
      for there is only one leader, of all leaders, and that is yourself, to your own self.

      hey, just look at forrest gump. he needed to run, to let out ‘his jenny’ huge angst.
      and some, without knowing why, decided to run with him, since he seemed so directed.

      bottomline, some people need to follow; and others, stand alone. no matter what.
      and yes, of course, there are those that are compelled to lead, whether you like it or not.
      haha. dem dam basterds.

  • ELIV DLAV March 9, 2014, 12:05 am

    generic, of interest—

    the bermuda syndrome strikes again, now in asia, wonder why–


    1 percent of your income, goes to obama’s whorish pockets, for no reason at all–


    mejico telecom at war, this already smells, like ussa gov criminals, ‘need’ to step in, haha
    (who in their right mind would mess with slim, richest of oligarchs, unless it was a setup)–


    looks like my patagonian buddy turner, has hit a hospitalized speed-bump,
    so hope he recovers, I would not want his tmc turner movie classics, turned off–
    (is jane with him, and lonely? for I’d do her, lickety split, and damned pleased)


    and I still tell you, you’ve got to look at this guy’s face, he is oscar-winner for acting–
    (no, me, bitcom? no, I didn’t do it. no no, not me, never heard of it… bitcom? what is dat? ha.


  • Benjamin March 8, 2014, 8:13 am


    I included the following in another post (awaiting moderation, for some reason). Reposting this to make sure you see it, in case post is stuck in moderation…

    “I especially appreciated — and indeed had looked forward to — comments from mava, whom I seem to recall mentioning some time ago that he came from Russia (correct me if I’m wrong, but I am pretty certain). I’ll keep his points in mind, and those two videos bookmarked for future reference. Well, more like to beat over the head of any opponent that says things are great over there!”

    Thanks again!

    • ELIV DLAV March 8, 2014, 11:47 pm

      bengy, you are offending mava, since mava is a russian SHE, and not a he.
      you are a good boy, but so naive, you remind me of benjamin, in ‘the graduate.’

      maybe if you address her as SHE, she might answer you, and become your mrs. robinson.

      • Benjamin March 9, 2014, 12:13 am

        Well, I suppose since it’s ELIV DLAV doing the advising, and not _VILE_ VLAD, I’ll trust that there’s no tricks afoot here. Apologies to Ms./Mrs. Mava!

    • Benjamin March 9, 2014, 12:22 am

      Seems security has considerably heightened around here since the good ol’ days, as I’m once again stuck in moderation. Was I ever this bad ? I’m sure it’s a simple mistake, though. Anyway, my apologies to Ms./Mrs. Mava!

      • Farmer March 9, 2014, 6:57 pm

        Benjamin, it is not anything personal against you. The program used here allows posts to be flagged based on the use of keywords that might indicate trouble. Reread your post and you will know immediately which word sent you to Mod.

  • Benjamin March 8, 2014, 8:04 am

    The week’s topic is near its end, so I thought now would be the appropriate time to ask a different question and see what kind of answers it gets. I’ll present it and provide an answer of my own in minute (others are welcome to provide theirs, though!). But first…

    I especially appreciated — and indeed had looked forward to — comments from mava, whom I seem to recall mentioning some time ago that he came from Russia (correct me if I’m wrong, but I am pretty certain). I’ll keep his points in mind, and those two videos bookmarked for future reference. Well, more like to beat over the head of any opponent that says things are great over there!

    Alright, earlier in the week, having little to say on the matter of Putin vs Obama, I asked myself: If not any of the current crop, then who, among the living, would make a great leader? I couldn’t think of anyone, so I put that question out of mind, only to have it return with an answer when I read this…


    A Jewish military veteran leading neo-nazis. That’s right up there on the bizzaro scale with another article I read, about neo-nazis honoring Russia’s fallen in her historic battles against Hitler! The times, they are a’changin’! Anyhow…

    Great leadership: does the right thing, though it may prove detrimental to self; can handle a crisis; unites and works with others who have quite different views; exercises and commands restraint, but not at the expense of the goal; can back it up in meaningful ways.

    Without “Delta’s” small but significant contributions, how many, from both sides, would’ve been needlessly killed while worse, perhaps not having anything to show for it? And having seen scores of videos from the very thick of things in Kiev, I wondered how it was possible that so few were dead by time it was over. No longer do I wonder. How many Deltas were there among the Maidan masses, I don’t know. But as his story illustrates, a single one can go quite a way! And surely, a few were thinking and leading here…


    40 minutes, time-lapsed: Bloody advance up what seems to be ~1/4 mile of road.

    ~26:30: A focused effort to build a protective barrier of solid junk and smoke/fire. That’s cojones and patriotism!

    ~35:30: Priest at the frontline, not an uncommon site throughout Maidan uprising.

    Anyone know of more such great leaders? Or of better ones, perhaps?

  • mava March 8, 2014, 2:45 am


    As far as you have presented the problem, it wasn’t the problem of Capitalism. It was the internal problem of people building their life with expectations they shouldn’t have had.

    No company should ever be under any expectations to continue to provide anyone with employment, unless that is what the contract says. And is it does say so, then it becomes the work of the government to force the company to satisfy the conditions they have voluntarily signed.

    The people just never care. About anything. They get hired where it is easier to get hired, because [insert a ton of lame excuses here]. They prefer not to learn and not to remember, that there is no free cheese. And this means that there is always a cost to everything.

    Getting hired for a relatively menial conveyer job is always easier than to eke out an existence as an independent skilled professional, and the cost to that ease is that you are disposable more so than the independent skilled professional precisely as much as it was easier to get hired.

  • mava March 8, 2014, 2:35 am

    “The effort needed to release the energy of a sword falling down by cutting the thread, is less than the effort needed to actually swing that sword.” sorry for mangling this up, Mario.

  • mava March 8, 2014, 2:29 am


    Here is my take.

    The need for the government is inescapable, because not all people are conscious. Some of them are animals, although in human form.

    Such people will do violence and fraud against others. Examples: A president who invades other country, a bully who beats a gentler being into submission, a trader who clips the gold coins… etc.

    There is no way to defend against such violence and fraud, (yet invented) other than to establish a clear standard. Such standard must be enforced, and this means violence, and as such means the government.

    An example of properly functioning government would be a standard of weight, which enforces an absolute clarity among those VOLUNTARILY deciding to use it. The government establishes a unit of weight, say a “Kilom”. It has a scientifically provable and testable unambiguous meaning. If I, a trader, voluntarily decide to use such standard in my trade, I thereby agree to be punished if I defraud anyone by advertising “a Kilom of Gold” but deliver something else. I can’t use this standard without agreeing to also be bound by it’s meaning. And so on.

    The main feature of such a government is that :
    1- no one is forced to be answerable to the government.
    Just because you and other voted for something doesn’t have any effect on me, unless I choose to participate voluntarily.
    2- it does not provide anything at all beyond the protection of the violence and fraud of others. It has no right to. It does not provide, for instance, the redistribution, because those whose wealth to be taken, will not sign up to it.
    3- it has no right to dictate even the above to those not participating. It will stand idly and watch as one “unsubscriber” beats another “unsubscriber” to pulp.

    Please, note, how the government involvement is invoked. It is always voluntary.
    It (the government) cannot force anyone to obtain it’s services.

    This is the Free Market Capitalism.

    Now, on what we have, or the Fascism.

    Fascism is defined by these two rules:
    1. – the state can write any law. Anything goes. If the state wants to write a law that it is illegal to give birth, – it can!
    2. – the state interest is always more important than the interest of any member of the state.

    (The democracy is only a method of coming up with a legal draft. It does not by itself guarantee anything. A mechanical distinction.)

    The purpose of Fascist government is to seek advantages by abusing violently either it’s own members or the outsiders.

    If you can go out and VOTE, in a system that disregards those that do not vote, you are functioning inside a fascist system.
    In such system, you can just vote to take something from someone else and give it to you or the others,
    and you are not concerned about the rights of others, (although, most people find it difficult to admit so, and they do lie all the time).
    You could just as well vote to burn the Jews in the ovens. Jews are the minority, so they are going to lose the vote.
    If there is a technical difficulty with the law, then the supreme court can always find the way,
    like it did in the United States with the fascist healthcare.

    Seemingly, the fascist system can work. Seemingly. But here is what happens. To function, the fascism needs to have the violent group of enforcers,
    who are not concerned with being voluntarily invited. Think of this as of a sword above your head, hanging on a thread, which can be cut anytime someone votes.
    It is absolutely immaterial what you may think about the vote. Someone else can always vote for this.

    The effort need to release the energy of a sword falling down is less than the effort needed to cut the thread.
    (This is the so-called “principal-agent” problem.) Therefore, most people immediately realize that it is far more
    beneficial to rape, plunder and pillage than to work. They concentrate their efforts on cutting the thread.
    The fascist state, therefore, will always self-destruct.

    Systems built on violence as their main principle, will all reach this end, not only fascism. Any type of socialism, for instance,
    is necessarily built on an ability to do violence to others. As such, it too, will not escape the self-destruction.
    There is no way to overcome or to control this deficiency of design. In particular, such attempt to control the design flaw was
    used in the United States thru the use of the constitution and the separation of the power, but it too, of course, failed just the same.

    Finally, I would just like to underscore the design flaw again: the legal possibility to violate others rights.
    An example of a system that doesn’t have this particular flaw would be a system where no one can make me do anything or take anything from me without my voluntary consent,
    unless, of course I violently affect someone else.

    • mario cavolo March 9, 2014, 1:44 pm

      Thanks much Mava!

  • DK March 7, 2014, 8:45 am

    Rick, a great escape from the noise around us. I couldn’t help but explore the comments.
    I’d love to have fun with this but Oregon already put most of what I would’ve said down plus a bunch more. What a great post.
    Personally, as much as it takes the fun out of it, I can’t choose between the lesser of 2 evils.
    Mava has written some really interesting notes as well and Ter included some info that I know many people following the story aren’t aware of.
    Vlad, well, I can’t help but agree with a lot of what he says, not all, but it seems to me Putin and BO are puppets.
    Good ol’ Gary. Giving credit to Dubya, huh? Well, I guess that’s technically accurate.
    I gotta ask, Gary, if this is recovery, if the fundamentals ARE really strong and strengthening, if we aren’t being spoon fed garbage constantly, then WHY the need for the continual, constant, government intervention? After more than 5 years, it has become the norm. If we stopped, then what? What are they so afraid of?
    A jobless recovery, hm. Well, at this point, it’s offshore those, automate that, and 3-D print the rest, so, I guess the jury is out on that one.

    I’ll never forget Brad Sherman’s speech to Congress in 2008 about the threat of Martial Law. That was a reality check for anyone who denies the true state of our country, and even the world.
    THEY will get what they want, one way or another, make no mistakes about it.

    • gary leibowitz March 7, 2014, 9:17 pm

      Ricks assessment on debt saturation seems to be why we can not truly experience strong economic growth as in the past. We can however have stronger growth than in the past 5 years. The catch-22 is interest rates. We can’t survive a normal expansion of rates during this economic recovery. The Fed has propped up this economy with the trillions of added asset purchases on their books. The QE taper will continue. My guess is that the 10 year note can’t go much beyond 3 percent. It tried a few times but fell back on muddled economic reports. If we have a strong improving trend in all major segments of the economy, rates will be forced to rise above comfort levels and the pressure on debt will become unmanageable. I believe we are “right now” starting to see the better than anticipated improvements. In my mind it will be the cause of the next “correction”.

      The intervention was needed for obvious reasons. In fact if you look at the Fed’s asset purchases they fell right after the crisis started, and a crash resulted. This situation is not your typical ordinary volcanic explosion. Think super volcanoes, like Yellowstone, exploding. Nothing we have ever experienced before. The mop up after that type of explosion takes a very long time to get back to normalcy. No one, no how, could have put humpty-dumpty back after that last debt implosion. Time will tell if the world governments can manage to pear down their debt and allow their economies to heal. I am very doubtful it can be done. In fact the new bubbles we are experiencing, because of government intervention, is directly focused on the stock market. There was no way to prevent this. That’s the power structure we are dealt with. I still give the whole thing till 2016 to unwind. I also expect a 20 percent haircut this year. Just one mans guess.

  • gary leibowitz March 6, 2014, 6:18 pm

    This president has managed to bring the world market collapse of 5 years ago back from the brink. His bailouts are proving to be net positive for U.S. coffers. Hyperinflation fears not yet materialized. Budget deficit going down. Universal health care. QE program winding down. Wall Street a 2 bagger. The dollar has not collapsed and is still the world currency for trade. Jobs and consumer spending on the rise. Homes prices have steadily increased as mortgage rates stay low.

    Current condition: I said all along watch out for an economy that will surprise on the upside. The “good news” on the economy will most likely cause the stock markets some problems. Recent productivity and cost report shows both doing well, but both underperforming. The slack on productivity and costs will cause more pressure on earnings going forward. While wage component is not at play, the revenue growth expected will not offset rising costs and lower productivity. This should show up by next quarters report. For now the market is running on all cylinders.

    Please no more arguments about the lack of wage growth, huge world deficits, and the policy to encourage more borrowing and less saving. I totally agree. I do not however consider that a reason to take up arms with a bunker mentality. We will hit another very bad patch with the stock market falling to perhaps the lows from the last crash. I just don’t see that as a reason to expect anything else but a washout followed by renewed long period of rise. I also don’t see the lows happening anytime soon. A bear market on the 5th anniversary seems logical. The final drop however has in the past taken at least 7 to 8 years from the start of each bull run.


    This just in concerning Obamacare: The IRS estimates that the cheapest family plan in 2016 will cost $20,000. Click here for the full story. RA

    • Oregon March 6, 2014, 8:43 pm

      It was during W that bailouts started. Give credit where due.

      The spreading of mis or disinformation is why some think you are a shill and schmuck.

      • gary leibowitz March 6, 2014, 9:03 pm

        The lame duck president at the end of his tenure was allowed to base his decision on public need above politics. I agree he was the one that started the ball rolling. It just goes to show that in times of crisis the presidential affiliation to party would be blurred. How well did these bailouts work? I would say that the federal government made out like a bandit, as did some private institutions. The huge federal deficit that swelled over the last 5 years is not something that can be easily swept away. We would need a decade of stringent austerity to pull this off. The will is not there.

    • gary leibowitz March 6, 2014, 8:53 pm

      Obamacare can be paid for by the recent record breaking household wealth of over 80 trillion. Housing and stock market is to be blamed for this rise.

      I will however agree that households will pull back on spending because of this. The households I am talking about are the middle-class individuals that are above the threshold of subsidies. Will it be offset by the extra spending from the subsidized group? Probably not. You do realize that the people most affected by the increased costs of insurance are the same ones that have reaped the most benefit from the recovery these last 5 years. I have said all along that it is a socialist program where the well off are subsidizing everyone else. Personally I can’t see this program work at such a tenuous time.

      • mario March 7, 2014, 2:10 am

        Rwd, I’m with Gary on this, he’s right. The b#stards in charge have made the top 5% $80 trillion richer, richer than ever. At least they can support the people they screwed. Boohoo to the extra money they need to fork out, no potty toward rich people from me. As a rule, they don’t do enough for the society around them which enabled them to get rich. It’s the worst side of free market capitalism.

        Cheers, Mario

      • Redwilldanaher March 7, 2014, 2:56 am

        Right Mario except it is not the society that has enabled them, it is the very same government that you and Gary clamor for more more more from. I think you have mistaken free market capitalism with fascism. They won’t ever pay and will make sure regular people bare the brunt in their place.

      • mava March 7, 2014, 10:22 am

        Just wanted to reply to Mario, because I was in disbelief regarding the things Mario just said. But, Redwilldanaher had already done it.

        Free Market Capitalism? When a dictator violently makes me buy his product? Nope, it’s called “fascism”.

        As for the free market capitalism, Mario, it doesn’t have that bad part about it. Because in FMC, no one is able to use the government violence to make money. Such is precisely the feature of the socialist spectrum of regimes, including the fascism, because, they all exhibit this inbreed sense of redistribution, forced redistribution (to restore justice, they say).

        To achieve anything “forced”, one must bring into existence government violent power, and once existent, it becomes trivial for a rich person to figure out how to subvert it in his own favor, there will always be a disconnect between a principal and an agent, so, buy it, offer an overpowered agent to accept the money he can force someone to make! This is why the stupid people on the bottom who desire forced justice, always end up building the very system that rapes them first.

      • mario March 7, 2014, 5:09 pm

        Red, mava,

        Thanks, you’re both trying to make a point here that I’m not understanding, yet I can tell it’s an important distinction. Please clarify further if you don’t mind, I would really appreciate it.

        I accept that govt is “involved” in our lives and we generally can’t get away from that, but I ideally don’t want the govt to be doing any more than what might be called reasonable and sensible. We sure as hell don’t have that.

        Are you trying to say that true free market capitalism is unencumbered by govt influence, while fascism is when David people get richer because of govt manipulate and involvement that is obviously self serving? I don’t mind admitting an area of which I am naive and not well read on.

        Cheers, Mario

      • Jason S March 8, 2014, 1:58 am

        Red, Mava, Mario, I would add that there are still some pretty inherent problems with free market capitalism. Look at the robber barron days where the wealthiest (Vanderbilts, Carneghis, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc.) got to the point where “winning” against the competition is all that mattered to them. They would enact business strategies that threw tens of thousands of average people out of work just to make a point or ruin their competition. They of course were insulated and never looked far enough down-stream to see or care how their actions impacted the masses.

        Not that Govt. regulation of capitalism has provided any better result. I just get a little miffed at people thinking that truly free market capitalism is unblemished and wonderful for all.

      • Redwilldanaher March 8, 2014, 4:50 am

        I don’t recall arguing that fmc is wonderful for all. What has the government touched and made better?

      • Jason S March 8, 2014, 5:57 pm

        Red, my comment on fmc was more directed to Mava but I addressed it to all of you since the discussion thread was between you, Mava, Mario and Gary. Ileft Gary out since he doesnt see any benefit to free market anything.

        As for what has the govt touched and made better? If the giant socialist Sinclair is to be believed, meat packing.

    • redwilldanaher March 6, 2014, 11:52 pm

      Gary, give your tongue a break. The elites won’t run out of boots, you will always have your fill. Many more boots will be there for you to lick. Take a breather and savor the flavor.

    • mario March 7, 2014, 5:21 pm

      Gary I’m completely failing to understand how your crediting “this president” with anything that has been happening. There are at least a few dozen “seats of power, influence, interests and money” pulling the strings of what the U.S. and global economy is experiencing, the office of the presidency being just one of them.

      Cheers, Mario

      • gary leibowitz March 7, 2014, 8:56 pm

        The difference is not in the handling of corporations or the power structure. It is the core differences between parties, such as social programs, as a way to give back some fairness to the huge inequalities. The Dems love to complain about such inequalities while they allow the same power structure to exist, and at the same time increase the debt further by trying to placate the masses with such programs. The Repubs don’t feel as compelled to add on debt and focus exclusively to the power structure.

        One party is bipolar, while the other is myopic. (A generalized rule, not always followed)

      • mario cavolo March 9, 2014, 1:42 pm

        Sounds about right with respect to this issue. The govt leaders have clearly NOT run the country in a way that creates a reasonably level playing field. They have surely and obviously and unfortunately favored themselves and all the big boyz money that sways them. I’m all for figuring out a way to bring some balance back to the unfairness/inequality problem yet I have zero confidence they are capable of coming up with sensible, fair ways of doing so.

        On the other hand, Rick well points out that even if we taxed 100% of the wealth of the top 20 wealthy, it it wouldn’t even put a dent in the debt levels that now exist. What a mess.

        Cheers, Mario

    • ELIV DLAV March 7, 2014, 10:06 pm

      here is something more to add to daily news on your ‘great’
      (or, as I call it, FORCED ‘drop-dead-soon-care’ plan)–



    • Farmer March 7, 2014, 11:23 pm

      Jesus! That is utterly insane if true. Who has an extra 20k to throw around without retail and consumption being gutted to a small shell of internet mail order and food stores.

  • VILE VLAD March 6, 2014, 1:37 am

    you all miss the point. and that includes host. for it goes much further thn the current debate.

    everything is totally manipulated, worldwide, and for an insistent purpose. everything.
    and all those that are in in pseudo-supposed power, and I mean all, are in on the game.
    putin is not against obama. both are fronts. putin a strong front, obama a weak one.

    you all think presented themes run in groups. they don’t. never have and never will.
    presented themes are just that, presentations, theater, to befuddle masses, mouth agape.
    because all those in power, only care, for one thing, as is normal, and no matter their tales.
    you can say right, or left, or heavy right, or heavy left, does not matter, ‘leaders’ only care
    for their own individual selves. and that’s how they got there. I mean, think–why would
    anyone, choose to be a politician? only one motive. power. as much power as possible.
    only power matters, to politicians. and if it made sense to become more powerful,
    playing along with ‘rivals’, in order to pretend, fool the fool the people, of both sides,
    would that not be, the more brilliant, of all ploys, and most pleasurable, to wake up
    each day, and know, to the gill of your balls, that you are fooling most of the human race,
    since they are so stupid brainwashed that they cant see, what you are clearly doing to them.

    I mean this has to be the most powerful aphrodisiac of all. fooling everyone all the time.
    because yes, lincoln lied. you CAN fool everyone all the time. and it’s done every day.

    I think putin is in bed with obumba. and much further. I think ‘whistleblower’ snowden,
    ex-cia boy, is a scam, to take heat off obumba’s many anti-constitution crimes in 2013,
    plus, add to the hysteric paranoic theme, in PURPOSE disseminated big brother theme,
    that, big bro can scope your arse if they wanted to, at anytime, by storing nth degree data.

    bullshtt. I don’t buy it. there are not enough data servers in the universe to do that.
    so go back to alinsky’s rule number #1. and read it real close, for it’s his number ONE.

    Power is not only what you have BUT WHAT THE ENEMY THINKS YOU HAVE.

    I was watching again 1998 film ‘enemy of the state’ 2 weeks ago, and it struck me.
    since there is no way, ussa gov could have dedicated 1 satellite, to track just 1 man.

    and for that, and much more, I am convinced, that ussa gov. tries to present a fright front,
    via moles like snowden, via help of chum putin, to make you fear, they own you 100% already.

    however, I totally doubt it. I doubt nsa has as much power, as they pretend to NOT say.

    anyway, that’s my say for today. and as someone I respect said, ‘goodnight, and good luck.’

    myself, I think it is much better to re-watch, ‘grapes of wrath’, or ‘1900’, as I am doing now,
    not because I am a commie, but because I am always, for the individualistic underdog.

    • Farmer March 6, 2014, 10:00 pm

      You are correct Vlad. Snowden was a plant to make others fear the power was greater than it really is. He is not a hero nor is he an enemy of the state. He is a cooperator in a massive charade being played on the public and its collective fears.

      • mario March 7, 2014, 2:05 am

        Snowden was a plant? I mean, really? It wasn’t his personal decision to take the course of action he took? He was setup to do that? You KNOW this or you’re just ranting on about how all such things are not real, are setups? I’m not being cute, we certainly know some things in this world by p eople both highand low, are organized setups, ruses, intentional misdirection, disinformation, etc.

        Cheers, Mario

      • Jason S March 7, 2014, 6:32 pm

        Come on Mario, pretty soon you will be claiming that the Grassy Knoll didn’t hold a shooter, that Oswald acted alone and will deny that he was a CIA set up as well. (In light of people thinking Troll seriously thought Putin would hang our bankers, this post was tongue and cheek.)

      • ELIV DLAV March 7, 2014, 9:58 pm

        here is something to shock your naive chinese-tinkertoy self even further, mario.

        for not only snowden, but good-ol-top-supposed ‘truth-teller’ radical himself,
        julian assange of wikileaks, I consider to also be cia-agent wag-the dog, in the ‘1984’ mold.
        all you have to do is check both their backgrounds, with a clear eye, and it’s all there.

        and on the other hand, just look at what they both have ‘revealed.’ NOTHING.
        neither one has EVER revealed anything new, that wasn’t already WELL known.

        enough said. both cia-wag the dogs. along with bitcon. haha. just look at this
        Japanese dude’s face, when told he was creator of bitcon,
        ‘huh? who, me, bitcom? didn’t do it…’


      • Farmer March 7, 2014, 11:27 pm

        Of course I don’t know Mario. It is speculation. I have had my doubts since the story first broke though. Do you know otherwise? I doubt it. We are all in the dark on this one.

      • Farmer March 7, 2014, 11:36 pm

        By the way….how is that “China is booming” thesis working out for you. Looks to me like they are finally hitting a few speed bumps. Pretty predictable actually. Coal companies there getting kicked to the curb…..record inventories of iron ores on the docks…..falling electrical consumption in industry….and then Copper got wickedly brutalized today as I am sure you noticed. So while all eyes are on Russia, in the background it is the health of China that should be sending us all shopping for bags of adult Depends.

      • mario cavolo March 9, 2014, 1:37 pm

        Hi Farmer, like I said, I was being cute, I was wondering if you had known about some particular news that you hadn’t mentioned on the board. Setups certainly do happen.

        On China, well, its the grandest story on the planet fortunately, as that helps the flailing western developed countries. My view is very clear; I’m not suggesting that China is in a boom period, I am suggesting that their domestic economy in terms of private sector growth and the amount of cash assets the middle class have are both far stronger than is 1. officially reported and known and 2. far stronger than any mainstream media news leads the public to believe. To that end, China as I ‘ve said many times is pretty much the last place on planet earth anyone should be worrying about in terms of its economics. While they also have huge debt levels in some areas, they have far lower debt levels in the mortgage market, no counterparty risk in their financial system and plenty of cash on hand. So they’re in better shape than most.

        Cheers, Mario

      • VILE VLAD March 9, 2014, 8:17 pm

        reason for snowden to have come about was not generic cia disruption, farmer.
        it was specific disruption, one year ago, when MANY citations of ANTI-constitutionality,
        were pointing heavily at obumba, as the ultimate ussa constitutional-rapist, and for which
        MANY were rising in swell, CLAMORING, for impeachment proceedings to start.

        but then, boom. tricky snowjob (sorry, snowden), took up all the self-righteous ‘spy’
        airtime, for months on end, with ‘cavalry’ obumba, leading charge, of the ‘traitor spy.’
        cia at work, as always, cleaning ‘crapper in chief’ mess, until it’s all 15-minute forgotten.

        reminded me somewhat, of the oklahoma city bombing–a TOTAL inside job.
        because back then, slippery willy was up for re-election, and poll#’s were terrible.
        however, after a bunch of atf’s were blown away, willy became a hero, and was re-elected.

        and of course, a whole lot of new anti-citizen privacy laws were implemented, due to it.
        just like in 911’s aftermath, where the ‘screw-you-sucker-patriot-law’ was enacted.
        ha. they all play for the same godam team. ever wonder why nation of 300+mil,
        only still has 2 viable parties. duh. because even 3 create a triumverate, harder to control.

        because, in the ussa, and clearer than in any other current nation, the enemy is,
        and always will be, it’s own ‘free’ people. and this reminds me of a movie I saw,
        few years back, by one of my favorite ussa cartoonist-writer-film directors, r. linklater.
        ‘fast food nation’ (2006), in which a bunch of naive ussa ‘wannabe ‘subversive’ kids
        try to ‘free the cows,’ crammed waiting to be slaughtered. excellent metaphor for ussa.
        and the cute girl goes, after opening cow pen, ‘run, run!’ why don’t you dumb cows run!’
        enough said.
        (other great quote from film, ‘there’s a little shit in your meat. so what?’ (paraphrasing)
        (two other philosophical cartoon greats by linklater, not to be missed, IMO, are the
        not-so-far-way big-bro futuristic ‘a scanner darkly,’ and all philosophical ‘waking life.’

        and on that vein, I have an idea for a weekly blog, to offer rikki tikki, from ELIV DLAV.
        a solely philosophical exponential, of why, the supposed super evil 1%er ubers,
        are exactly like all other underdog humans, but sans self-righteous ‘moral’ indoctriations.
        so, in a way, it’s a study of morality, it’s significance, importance, if at all, and just not
        another, human pretentious handicap, to not see breathing truth clearly, if at all.

  • John Jay March 5, 2014, 7:08 pm

    Mario and Jason S,

    From zerohedge on California/Mexico:

    youngman: When California votes to go back to Mexico..what will we do???

    Quinvarius: Make sure Mexico doesn’t weasel out of the deal?

    Now that’s comedy!

  • Chris B. March 5, 2014, 5:36 pm
  • Kevin B March 5, 2014, 2:15 pm

    So in trying to connect the dots this morning, it looks like Putin wins. The payoff to settle this has been made and the heat turned up by Putin. Despite the rhetoric by Kerry and other mouthpieces, the reality is that Kerry came with a billion and now the EU is coming with a “grant”. This war is purely economic. The payoff has been made to Putin to stop and the gas price just went up. Checkmate.

    • ELIV DLAV March 7, 2014, 9:45 pm

      I disagree. putin’s (west approved) military move, was about power, and not money.
      because the rubble and the ruskie stockmarket got jack-hammered, after the move.

      just look at what is happening now. more show. ukranian oligarchs taking over.


      now, let’s see. whom do oligarch’s have more loyalty to, other oligarchs, or their nation?

      if you say their nation, you are an extremely naive brainwashed amerikanus extinctus.
      nations are passé. what the true powers are, are oligarch individuals and corporations.

      and you are just a scum worm citizen, to be used as they see fit, for their power purposes.

      so I am sure all of ukraine will entirely be back under the russian fold, in not a long time.
      starting with crimea; then, all of ukraine, but most especially, coveted port of odessa.

  • Oregon March 5, 2014, 8:10 am

    Putin vs. Obama

    Wouldn’t really choose either, they are both posers…

    Putin poses as the ‘World’s Most Interesting Man’ mixed with some KGB, mafia thug/badass.

    Obama poses as MLK meets Bob Marley meets Gandhi.

    Both are criminals.

    I would rather get drunk with Putin, but I would never turn my back on him. I wouldn’t turn my back on a drunk Obama either, but for totally different reasons.

    Putin is smart. Obama is a lawyer.

    I guess there is only one way to decide this for me. Hand to Hand Combat!

    Break out the earplugs cause 44 is gonna be screaming like a bitch when Vlad starts Judo throwing his pansy-ass around the room.

    Sad as it is, I will take the bare chest photos of the winner over any more Hope and Change, bullshit transparency propaganda.

    • Jason S March 5, 2014, 7:07 pm

      I vote this as the best post of the thread! Winner winner, chicken dinner.

    • Farmer March 6, 2014, 9:55 pm

      The difference between the leadership in the West and that in Russia is that the President of the USA is merely the conduit to convey the message of others whereas Putin is the message itself. He is beholden to no other forces and suffers no competition in the back rooms. And that is what give him flexibility. He is essentially a dictator and a one man show.

  • Troll March 5, 2014, 3:44 am

    Have I got this right?

    First you ask if we would take Putin over Obama.

    But given the response of many here (you included, at one time or another), most believe bankers run the country.

    So which is it?

    Is Obama running the country or, “da boyz?”

    So, why ask the question when no one on this site even believes an American president has the right to make any real decisions in the US?

    It would have been better put if you’d asked us if we would take Putin over a gang of unruly bankers who think it is their God-given right to rape and pillage American citizens and their economy.

    In which case, I’d take Putin (despite his dumb-assed stance on homosexuality), only because he would hang said bankers in a square in Moscow.

    But you didn’t ask that.

    You are quite willing to blame bankers for all that is wrong, yet somehow point a finger at Obama, when he’s been left to clean up the messes of those presidents who “ruled” before him.

    I don’t get it.

    I really don’t.


    Why complicate an easy question? I said have fun with it, but your response is anything but. RA

    • Oregon March 5, 2014, 6:35 am

      Troll: “I don’t get it.”
      No, you don’t.

      Maybe take a look at Obama’s largest campaign donors… Maybe Obama and the bankers are working together… Let your mind run wild with that thought, shouldn’t take but a second.

      We are well past Obama cleaning up any past ruler’s mess; Obama is better at executing W’s agenda than W ever was.

      • DK March 7, 2014, 9:51 am

        Amen to that.

        Troll, I implore you to read “The Creature from Jekyll Island.”
        Also, for perspective, check out “When Genius Failed.”

    • mario March 5, 2014, 1:28 pm

      I wish to add the idea that it’s not the “president” but the “office of the presidency”. That seat surely is the top seat of the country but of course it is greatly influenced by the forces all around it, good or bad…

      We could discuss two such political figures such as Obama and Putin by personality, ideology, who they’re influenced by, bought by, aligned with, etc. We could attempt to judge them based on their leadership, their savvy, their skills, their knowledge, the advisors they are surrounded by, and what they apparently care about and stand for based on the choices they have made.

      I, however, will pass on doing so…

      Cheers, Mario

      Cheers, Mario

    • mava March 5, 2014, 6:25 pm

      What makes you think Putin would hang bankers?

      He is running even higher inflation in Russia than the US does. Meaning, he is stealing money from the people at a higher rate, meaning he is in love with the main purpose of central banking even more than the US is.

      Putin did not declare gold support for the Ruble.
      Putin does not promote the Austrian economic education is Russia, because then its citizens might understand the central banking.

      Russia is run by the super-rich. Everything is allowed to them. They are punished only in one case – when they steal without cutting it up with Putin.

      US hadn’t even seen the degree to which super rich can own the country. In US, they need to purchase the land in most cases from us, the dirt. In Russia, they “buy” whole entire regions up, in special deals, where you and I would not be even allowed to attend.

      Right now, one of the rich Russians is building another hydro electric plant in Boguchany. To do that, they need to make people leave the area of a future lake. What they do is they send criminal troops (literally, teams of criminals directly from prison, slave labor), camp them near the villages, and have them steal, arson, rape the local property owners. If an owner as much as leaves to buy the milk in a local store, the gangs set their house on fire.
      By Russian law, you can only get Eminent Domain compensation if you have your house. The compensations, little as they are, have all already been “appropriated” by the family members and friends of managing local authorities. They have already got the newly built flats in Boguchany, that were supposed to house the E.D.-ed villagers. Thus, when their house goes up in flames, there is no compensation. This is your Oil Company Monopoly story writ large.

      The “Property Owner”, super rich that builds the plant, also hires workers. He advertises that there is money to make. You pay for a flight to arrive and you are told to start working, – the contract will be ready in just a few days. When the contract is finally presented, the pay is on order of magnitude less than what you have been promised. Now you have no money to fly yourself out, and you can’t just ride or walk away (I lived there – it’s Taiga for thousands of miles). So you work like a slave, for such a little pay that it is barely enough to replace the work shoes.
      Does Putin know nothing about that? Ha-ha. Russians have always believed that the Tsar is essentially good, but “does not know” about what is going on. Do you?

      I don’t think there is really any evidence to think that Putin would hang the bankers.

      • mava March 5, 2014, 6:34 pm

        Here is what you get in exchange for your Village house and land, farm animals and garden, freedom and river – a miserable shit flat apartment one bedroom hole – only if you are strong enough to defend your house from the gangs trying to get it ablaze.


        Here are some views on those villages, the plant, etc.
        Unfortunately, it is only in Russian…

      • mava March 5, 2014, 6:39 pm

        The woman with a rifle at 19:46 in the second video is holding up pretty long, – she is known to shoot any arsonist dead, so they just observe and wait. She is defending her property – a tiny village convenience store.

      • VILE VLAD March 6, 2014, 2:04 am

        you have written many great things on this blog. this might be your greatest.

        “…they need to make people leave the area of a future lake. What they do is they send criminal troops (literally, teams of criminals directly from prison, slave labor), camp them near the villages, and have them steal, arson, rape the local property owners. If an owner as much as leaves to buy the milk in a local store, the gangs set their house on fire.”

        IMO, you are the biggest dose of reality on this site, that still thinks, they speak truth.

      • mava March 6, 2014, 5:44 pm

        And finally, the scam that is the RT Channel, starts to fall apart. For years we were amazed by the breathtaking clarity of economic and political commentary at the RT Channel. Could it be that the Russia had really changed? Judging by the RT, Russia was way, way ahead the stale green “zastoy” of the US television standard.

        I warned against that, cause I thought I know them better than that. I thought that there was way too much dissonance between what I hear from friends and relatives, and what Russia seem to look like on the screen of RT. Accidentally, the truth comes out now: One of the brilliant (female!) reporters over at RT quits and spills the beans.


      • Troll March 7, 2014, 3:38 am

        Perhaps Russia’s inflation is higher. I really don’t know. But here is a source for you . . .

        It’s wikipedia (what can I say?)


        It seems to me Russia is quite a long ways down that list (according to wikipedia, which I realize does not carry the same kind of weight around here as Zerohedge).

        My comment about “hanging bankers” was facetious.


  • ter March 4, 2014, 10:42 pm

    Chechnya, Yes. Dagestan, ? Georgia, NO. Georgia attacked South Ossetia, an independent state with ties to and a border with Russia. The Russians drove out their forces in a few days. That was a reaction to an invasion. There’s no war in Ukraine other than against civil authority and Ukraine’s constitution. So far, no shots fired in Crimea, which I think the Russians seized correctly and necessarily. As for Andrew Jackson, he drove the Seven Civilized Tribes of indians from their lands east of the Appalachians in wintertime, to benefit land speculators. Ever read of The Trail of Tears? Another very imperfect great man.

    • mava March 5, 2014, 1:00 am

      How are Russians served by invading Georgia? How invading Georgia is a patriotic act for Russians? If anything, this must mean that Putin is a patriot of Ossetia then.

      It wasn’t a Russian problem. Georgia may have to answer for their invasion on their own. This does not clears what Russia under Putin had done, at all.

      US had invaded numerous countries in the past and today. How would you feel seeing Russian troops “reacting to an invasion”, waging war against nothing other than US civil authority and US constitution? Pulling out in just a few days? Would that be alright?

      In none of the wars, Russia was invaded. Every time, Putin drove Russia to invade others while posing to be a world’s policeman.

      Countries are not persons. If a country gets invaded, it is their own problem. You can help by either going individually to their defense, funding their defense individually, or accepting the refugees individually. But you can not violently force other people around you to defend some other country in trouble.

  • VILE VLAD March 4, 2014, 10:32 pm

    As to the absurd current weekly theme of putin vs. the indonesian [menial job] in chief,
    why even bother answering it, putin would not hire obumba, to even be his valet.
    however, I’ll admit, blog has elicited from site’s regs, some of its most interesting comments.

  • mava March 4, 2014, 9:56 pm

    Wars that didn’t need to be:
    Chechnya, Dagestan, Georgia, Ukraine …so far.
    Enough for 1 dictator?

    Was Russia ever attacked? – no
    Did Russia need those wars? – no

    Weapons: Chechens acknowledged that they buy weapons from Russia, exactly during the war. Is this what a patriot does?

    And then, what do you consider a patriot? Someone who builds an Empire? Tell this to mothers of Russian soldiers killed in Chechnya. Was this good for them?

    What about Putin killing the crew of the submarine by refusing qualified assistance from the west? Do you think their mothers consider him a patriot?

    I tell you what I consider a patriot. Someone like Andrew Jackson, who killed the Central Bank in order to insure that his people are not robbed. In that act, he was a patriot, because he did it for the people, and against his own interest (he is being denigrated by his likeness being printed on the central bank notes).

    Putin, Stalin, Hitler, are not patriots. They are getting the people killed for their own dictatorial self benefit.

    • Redwilldanaher March 8, 2014, 4:42 am

      Great work as always by Mava.

  • ter March 4, 2014, 8:04 pm

    Mava, please inform my ignorance by listing Putin’s “many wars” and the enemies to which he sends the best weapons. It’s generally understood great men are rarely good men. Are you asserting Putin acts to further The New World Order? If not, he acts in Russia’s interest, making him a nationalist and a patriot. Obama, on the other hand, made/makes war on Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen, and, unreported, in a number of African nations. There’s merit in your condemnation of F.D. Roosevelt and Lincoln. Until Putin attacks Poland, starting the world war so many in power here lust for, you haven’t made a case for him to be in their company

  • mava March 4, 2014, 5:52 pm

    Obviously, it can be easily noted, though, that Putin is actually capable of memorizing his speech, while Barak Obama can not. That much is true, they obviously have very different IQs.

    However, it is not any better for the people to have a smarter villain, a more capable enemy.

    And besides, the real reason that US presidents can no longer speak without a teleprompter is because they are no longer the decision makers. The real decision makers are invisible. And the formal presidents are just circus monkeys that are told how to act. Their role is to support the popular public myth of representative government.

    To signify this, they are told to always use teleprompter.
    In simpler circles, you’d tell them to use an obvious make up and, huge round nose and funny shoes. The crowd, who only understands on that level, then knows it’s a clown, not for real.

    Same here. If you are thinking, then you ask yourself how is it possible to be the best in such a big country when you have no comprehension, and obvious memory and composition difficulties. The only answer is that this is a clown, not for real.

    In the east, there is no representative government myth, and the powerful leader is always respected. So, even if they play the same game there (real leader is invisible), then they would still need to create the illusion of power by the actor playing the president.

  • mava March 4, 2014, 5:40 pm

    I’d like to reflect on opinion of some, that Putin is a patriot.

    A patriot of what? He kills Russians in His endless wars, where he sends the best weapons to the supposed enemy. He builds luxurious palaces to himself and to amaze the Aborigines coming over for the Olympics. Does Russia need this 51 bln show crap? He removed the death penalty, so that now, every morning, one can read the reports of scores cut down by knives during the night before. He waters down Russian currency to send money to whoever would accept it, such as Ukraine. Do Russians care for Ukraine (nope, let it burn)? He had created a class of super rich, all the while the regular people cannot make even a smallest move, because they live under a different set of laws.

    You’ve got to be kidding me. Putin absolutely hates Russia. He is just as much of a Patriot to Russia as Hitler was a patriot of Germany, or Roosevelt and Lincoln patriots of USA.

    • Chris B. March 4, 2014, 9:35 pm

      Putin = Obomber

      There… fixed that fer ya 😉

  • ter March 4, 2014, 5:32 pm

    Good points except that Putin and Obama’s manipulators are opponents, not teammates, involved in a contest which could end the world.

  • Farmer March 4, 2014, 3:06 pm

    What is amusing to me is that there is little doubt in my mind that this foray of Putin’s into Crimea was organized between the boys at the top. There is no real conflict at all as this stage managed affair is just a reason to drive up resource prices, energy, food and the like and bring about the inflation that has been so desired but so absent in the world. Look at the soft approach that was taken by Russia. They sent their boys to stand around Ukrainian bases fairly passively and without the usual uniform adornments. There was no really big talk and threats, no gunfire, no bombings and just a little sabre rattling behind the scenes. Does that really sound like a war to anyone else? To me it is the pretext to drive markets in a few fundamental ways. First, to cool off US equities a little and secondly to restart a commodities driven inflation trend. Third it creates a demand for Treasuries and other debt that results in pressures that pushes down rates. The Ukraine is uniquely positioned to leverage food costs, gas delivery to Europe, the oil trades and fertilizers. We should be watching all those trades get pumped up in the year ahead as the resource super-cycle which appeared to have been early-terminated begins to reassert itself again. Gold will benefit but only as a byproduct of food and energy increases that begin to impact on headline inflation readings. Seriously….if you were looking for a pivot point to leverage global inflation higher, keep the Fed rate low and perhaps break the deflation trend there is hardly a better place to begin that the Ukraine. The downside of course is that the effect just sucks up disposable income and does not result in wage increases thus propelling an even deeper trend to deflation. But this has been tried before. Perhaps some think it will work again.

    • Farmer March 4, 2014, 3:42 pm

      Oh yeah….so which one of these two guys do I prefer? Gee, that’s hard to answer since they are both on the same team!

    • Chris B. March 4, 2014, 5:00 pm

      I think you are sniffing in the right direction Farmer. This whole Putin/Obomber narrative is a red herring. Both “leaders” are merely doing their respective Master’s bidding – Obomber especially so. It is the monied class that calls the shots, and it is the monied class that stands to be the only true “winner” in this little dust-up. The Global bankers want Ukraines infrastructure to exploit, and hence the CIA meddling in Ukraine, and the subsequent “bailout” offer by the IMF – with certain restrictions (read: privatization of assets”). The monied class in Russia want to keep the taps turned on, and the currency stable, hence Vlads swift and decisive response to the CIA coup next door. As always, it will be the peasants that get less than nothing out of this. Banksters will get Ukraine’s assets in exchange for Russia getting a stable and “friendly” neighbor. Shouldn’t take more than a few months to sort it all out. In the mean time, the staged show will go on.


      • Farmer March 4, 2014, 9:51 pm

        Thanks Chris. No coincidence that Russia test fired a nuclear ballistic missile on the same night the budget got released. That’s quite a cover for a presidential speech! Like I often say….watch what is happening in the background. The stuff on page one of the news is just designed to distract us.

    • Gene Bellamy March 4, 2014, 6:34 pm

      I don’t disagree with your list of possible results from this “crisis” but I do not think this is orchestrated by “the boys at the top”. I think this incident is symbolic of the US empire losing its grip. The dollar is losing its status as the world’s reserve currency and the empire it supports is losing sway. Putin knows this. I think this is simply a case of one regime change too many and Putin has reacted as one would expect.

      • Chris B. March 4, 2014, 9:30 pm

        Nothing geopolitically happens without “the boys at the top” agreeing to/directing the action. The U.S. financed and directed this whole coup, and one might ask with who’s permission and with who’s money? (U.S. is broke) And you can be sure “the boys at the top” in Russia are making their voices heard in the Kremlin. All will be negotiated behind the scenes and everything on “the News” is theater.


    • mario March 5, 2014, 1:18 pm

      Nice rant Farmer…Cheers, Mario

  • ter March 4, 2014, 6:26 am

    Excellent essay, many incisive comments. Expanding on Red’s brief, BO is the dark-complected Lincoln, a nobody from Illinois. BO served the Daley Machine, dishonest Abe lawyered for the railroads (NOT The Great Northern). Northern industrialists wanted a henchman who’d support the highest tariffs ever imposed, and prevent sovereign states from withdrawing from the union–no matter the price in lives. If you can’t imagine what the Dems expected of Obama you’ve been inattentive. Putin is a patriot, and he’s smart. He can speak extemporaneously without a teleprompter. The recapture of the Crimea is just the beginning. As noted, Europe won’t act beyond blubbering. Germany especially depends on Russian natural gas, more so than ever since Merkel shut down their nuclear reactors after Fukushima. I might add the boys with the guns in Kiev, called the Right Sector, are not solely Russophobes, but anti-semites. How’s that for a kick in the neocons’ teeth? or doesn’t it matter to them, so long as another government refusing subservience to The Empire of Evil Acts (despite the holiest intentions, be assured) is destabilized.

  • John Jay March 4, 2014, 5:30 am

    My money is on Putin.
    If he can reverse the Russian drug and alcohol problem, he can’t miss, and Russia/East Europe will be all that is left of Western Civilization.

    Why do I think that?
    Because Russia/East Europe haven’t bought into the “Diversity/Third World Worship” that is going to bring down the US and the old Western European nations.
    It is a demographic doomsday machine that, in my opinion, can not, and will not be reversed.

    Rick, your jest about Mexicans in California rioting to merge with Mexico is much truer than you can imagine.
    Only they don’t need to riot to make it happen.
    That merger is close to completion.
    I have lived in Southern California since 1976, and I will hazard a guess that the actual border with Mexico is now right around Solvang/Santa Barbara.
    I kid you not.

    So all Putin has to do is avoid WWIII, and the old time US/Western Europe nations will have lost their national identity, and will be, in effect, inconsequential refugee camps.
    California is already there, the UK is already there, Scandinavia is well on its way there.
    The trend is too strong to be reversed.
    The Russians and the Chinese are too street smart to commit suicide along with the West.
    All they have to do is bob and weave until the West is unable to answer the bell.

    How long will it take for the final round?
    My guess, 15 more years, unless the “Doctor Strangelove” scenario comes to pass.
    I just want to live out my days in peace and comfort, and hope to keep moving out of harms way as the US “goes Detroit!”

    • mario March 5, 2014, 1:17 pm

      JJ, I miss my Newport beach days in the late 90s before I moved abroad.. I was living on the PCH right in the middle between the Huntington and balboa piers. Now it’s Hola in Solvang, eh?

      Cheers, Mario

      • John Jay March 5, 2014, 4:01 pm


        Newport Beach is still Newport Beach, Coronado is still Coronado, etc.
        But it is all closing in, more and more.
        I notice it in the quality of the people at the gyms and shopping malls in what were once first class towns.
        Tattooed thugs and ghetto bitches of every race.

        They even have gang problems in Santa Barbara, so I have read.
        And the sleepy little farming towns in the Central Valley have turned into dangerous ghettos, guys who grew up in them and planned to retire there were shocked to see what has happened to them.

        I am tired of collecting links to articles in evidence of this trend, it is only going to continue to worsen, so I can accept that fact.
        I know when it is time to leave and move away, and never look back.
        Because it is not an accident, it is Government policy that has created this situation.
        Make more money and run away is the only option as far as I am concerned.
        Over and out to you in China, amigo!

      • Jason S March 5, 2014, 5:52 pm

        I live in HB and you wouldn’t recognize it any more. They have completely “urbanized” the Main St. area with new shops and studio apartments above them plus expanded that to a couple of streets north. All the charm is gone. But I guess you have to put the 200,000+ people somewhere.

      • Jason S March 5, 2014, 5:56 pm

        Oh, and I head up through Solvang all the time (I have work up there and my parents live in Arroyo Grande) and it is still a touristy community and isn’t Mexified yet. But Santa Maria is as JJ puts it the new Tijuana.

  • Don March 4, 2014, 4:16 am

    Does anyone think for a moment that President XI and Putin are not close? Do you think for a minute XI will let Russia be roiled over by EU and English speaking countries. They have the gold, military, hardware, production capacity etc. and they can’t stand these saucer eyes from the west. Perhaps a severe spanking is in order for Japan for their unforgiven behavior in Nanjing ’30’s & 40’s conduct and time to bring Taiwan back into the fold while the world is focused on the west and their threats etc. to Mother Russia. Connect the dots, touch your metal and pray that alligator mouth doesn’t let it overload his hummingbird butt. This is a big boys game and not for amateurs. Not the theater to be hiding behind mommy’s dress. If bo bo de mouth mouth thinks he is so hot he can lead the Calvary right into RU. Get a copy of Napoleon and Adolph’s play book.
    The final spark was the new amateur in Kiev cancelling payment of 400M to RU for gas royalties and stating RU will be expelled from their warm water port in Crimea of which the lease runs until 2048 with another lease extension option.
    Looks like my vote is obvious. Best to all in ye ole touting room.

    • ELIV DLAV March 7, 2014, 11:47 pm

      donnie darko, I concur, and most especially, on china’s I CAN’T WAIT, to cream
      puny jappy island, that has run circles and detriment around them, for centuries.
      when china fully is empowered, 2 decades from now, 1st to be blown off, is japan.

  • Jason S March 4, 2014, 1:59 am

    Here is Time’s take on Putin’s press into Ukraine. Very myopic and West-centric, not yet understanding that yes, the West was the pretty and popular one at school 30 years ago, but times change.


  • Benjamin March 3, 2014, 10:13 pm

    The only thing Obama’s doing that he shouldn’t be doing is shooting his red-lining vag… mouth off. We’re under no obligation to defend Ukraine’s border. That isn’t what the Budapest Memorandum says. So until Congress or NATO decides anything, the U.S. can do nothing. And frankly…

    I hope no one does anything for Ukraine, except Ukraine. I know Putin has his eyes further west, as he has already said that the new government is illegitimate and a threat to Russian peace and security. So if he wants to walk into guerilla warfare, let him. And I hope they clip those “balls of steel” of his and throw them right over the fence and back into Russia’s yard. Then, I hope they realize that they don’t need the US/NATO/EU, and become the eastern European version of Switzerland.

    Hey, I can hope if I want to, right? Rick said have fun with this, so I am. Better that than choosing between “hard power” and “soft power”, anyway! And speaking of those two…


    There’s more to that narrative, but you get the idea.

  • Jason S March 3, 2014, 7:35 pm

    I think Putin projects confidence to the Russian people and embodies the strength and determination that Russian people respect. So for them, he is by far a better leader than Obama is for us. That is unless America has become the embodiment of bloviation, tantrums and unilateralism.

    Also, dont forget the strategic importance of the Ukraine to Russia’s security. It is an important access point for the Black Sea and a western buffer with Europe. Not to mention its economic benefits. Russia wants stronge ties there, not weaker ones.

  • Rantly McTirade March 3, 2014, 5:17 pm

    And the Obozo, being a supreme multiculturalist, would ‘be cool’ with the formation of wetbackistan
    cited as example. As should the rest of America, if: 1)we
    drop all expenditures as well as tax revenue and2) we allow emigration back to the US but only if a) the person or blood family has generated at least $75,000 in pretax income or has at least $100,000 of net worth and b) has
    English as the first language.

  • Gene Bellamy March 3, 2014, 4:45 pm

    It seems the west thinks that Russia with the Ukraine is a threat to the US empire but without it Russia is just another stand alone nation state. The question is what leverage does the west have here? Threaten Russia with G8 banishment? Not much of a threat in my view. The US empire is in decline while Russia in many ways is more of a free market capitalist economic powerhouse on the rise. This may be a sideways answer to the question of Obama v Putin but in my view Putin is better for a nation on the rise but Obama is likely better for a nation in decline as he may be less likely to go to war than the neocons running the opposition party.

  • mava March 3, 2014, 10:02 am

    Both are violent dictators. Which would I choose? Isn’t it the same old “choosing the lesser evil”?

    Yet, I don’t credit our dictator with our country being a tiny bit more free. The reason Russia is lacking freedom is not because of Putin particularly, but because Russians are craving dictatorship. This is not the same as to say they do not want freedom. It’s just that in their mind, violence does not beget violence. Americans are almost the same, yet, they believe in non violence just a tiny bit more. Both people believe that the freedom should be achieved by violently insisting on others doing or not doing something.

    Putin is likely wants to take Crimean peninsula. Is it was won for Russia from the Golden Orde by Russian Imperial Army. It was never properly Ukranian.

    Disgusting individuals, both of them.

  • AO March 3, 2014, 9:18 am

    Curious to hear VLAD’s take on this

  • AO March 3, 2014, 9:16 am

    [long time lurker, rarely post. But here’s my $0.02]

    Putin is no angel. But he is a patriot.
    Putin came to power in a nation suffering from “Weimar syndrome”, having lived through a near complete societal collapse 1991-1998. His mission has been to: (a) halt the collapse; (b) bring the oligarchs down to earth to let them know while they could keep largely keep what they stole in the aftermath of the collapse, they would not be calling the shots going forward; (c) restore a modicum of pride and self-belief to a people who one could argue have an irreparably damaged psyche as a result of the above mentioned societal collapse following 75 years of communist denigration of innate human pride (Sochi and the 2018 World Cup to come we’re exactly procured for that purpose); (d) prevent at all costs the ultra fascists from taking over the country.
    Whatever his faults, he has more or less accomplished a,b and c. D was always the most difficult as it is perhaps what the natural course of event would bring about in a once powerful nation suffering from Weimar syndrome.

    It is my fear if the duplicitous Western Powers misplay their hand and get the better of Putin, the ultra fascists in Russia will get their chance.
    There is a lot of hurt in Russian people today about their govt having left millions of their brethren to their doom faith after they were badly abused and outright humiliated and even kicked out of their homes in many former soviet republics. Today, Russia is still weak but strong enough with Putin in power ( with all his faults) not to allow any more of the same in Crimea, Donbass etc.
    At least, that’s what I am hearing from there.

    Those idiots in the west crying for “democracy” don’t realize 99% of Russians could care less. But they are quite cognizant that their country is resented in the west because it’s the largest in the world. When I heard this from a Russian friend when I was in Moscow for business last November, I thought here they go again with their inferiority complex. But then the other day I heard that neocon Charles Krauthammer claim that since Peter the great Russia expanded at a rate of a Belgium a year as he was calling for a strong hand dealing with Putin.

    Considering the hand he was dealt, I would give Putin a solid B+. I hope he and whoever comes after him does manage to keep the place stable enough for neofascist sentiments to slowly wither away.
    The same ultra-nationalist elements in Ukraine have taken over in Kiev with the full support of West. Obama has no clue what to do next.
    The link above shows why this one is no contest. Putin wins, hands down IMO.

  • paul March 3, 2014, 7:00 am

    Quote Rick:

    “I am simply expressing my hope that the U.S. not become even more of a laughing stock in a world that desperately needs it leadership.”

    For the US to cease becoming a laughing stock we would have to get spending under control. Snowballs chance in hell of that happening and too little too late. That said I prefer men that hunt and fish over B ball and bicycles. Putin wins the alpha male award.

    • gary leibowitz March 4, 2014, 7:40 pm

      How did Russia’s spending go? Answer: Broke

      Now that they gave up on world dominance and military proliferation they can only pray that OIL stays above 110 dollars. If it goes lower they are D-E-A-D. Does anyone here know how dependent they are on oil prices?

      I am amazed how history get distorted or reported like FOX NEWS. The fake consumer confidence numbers are another PUTIN tactic. You should be happy we emulate their propaganda. Pretend everything is going well and you will feel better for it. How else can we explain 5 years of record profits.

      How many more conspiracy theories can one post? 5 years is a long time. You must be recycling old news by now.

      *My posts, of all others, gets smacked down or deleted. How strange. You would think I was a rabid mean spirited foul poster. Perhaps most here see it that way.*

      Good luck containing your temper as the market marches higher. What say a person that is exuberant when death and destruction takes hold? In that context I hope you all stay miserable the rest of your life.

      • Chuck March 6, 2014, 12:12 am

        top ten oil producing countries……Ruskies hope to change from petro dollar to another currency ……

        1 Russia 10,900,000 13.28% 2013 est.[7][8]
        2 Saudi Arabia 9,900,000 12.65% 2013 est.[7][9]
        3 United States 8,453,000 9.97% 2013 est.
        4 Iran 4,231,000 4.77% 2013 est.
        5 China 4,073,000 4.56% 2013 est.
        6 Canada 3,592,000 3.90% 2013 est.
        7 Iraq 3,400,000 3.75% 2013 est.
        8 United Arab Emirates 3,087,000 3.32% 2013 est.
        9 Venezuela 3,023,000 4.74% 2013 est.
        10 Mexico 2,934,000 3.56% 2013 est.


        My gut feeling is that payment for oil in dollars is what the world wants and needs, notwithstanding the world’s complaints about seignorage and everyone’s having to hold dollar-denominated reserves. If energy consumers had to pay for oil with hard money, especially gold, it would price energy beyond their reach. Financiers and paper-shufflers will also naturally prefer dollars, since it is the only currency deep enough, and liquid enough, to facilitate their quadrillion-dollar shell game. RA

      • DK March 7, 2014, 9:46 am

        Interesting, especially considering the significant lack of coverage on Sergei Glazyev claiming Russia will promote dumping the dollar if the US imposes sanctions.

        On the other hand…

      • ELIV DLAV March 8, 2014, 11:35 pm

        chuck and rick, listen. I know nothing about oil.
        however, I do know about percentages,
        if chuck’s above % are accurate.

        and, if nearby mejico has aprox. equivalent 40% of all ussa oil,
        you can bet your ussa bottom dollar, that the good ol’ vermin ussa,
        will soon be ah raping mejico, not-withstand their megadrug killing gangs.

        and I am surprised they have not started yet.

  • le scott March 3, 2014, 5:58 am

    OhBummer may have brought this nation down to uncharted depths, however, as despicable as the spying and unfreedom of speech has become, it is still far and above the totalitarian rule of Russia.

    I can’t begin to imagine moving to Russia and being allowed to sing or compose protest songs against the governing powers–let alone having a novel castigating America law and ordering being considered for publication.

    I am not considering a move to Russia anytime soon.


    • ELIV DLAV March 7, 2014, 11:59 pm

      le scott, are you a member of ‘pussy riot’ ?

      cute young rock girl ruskie band, that got jailed for protesting…

      I see your point, but your point has already passed point, counterpoint, IMO.

      what’s my choice, from two offered hells? I’d rather have the more honest hell, russia.

      for I loathe and detest the current ussa beyond any measure I can describe.

  • Greg March 3, 2014, 4:22 am

    I’d go along with your analogy if you substituted Texas for California. Texas’ economy…pretty good, California…not so much 😉

  • Sigmund Fraud March 3, 2014, 3:38 am

    Macho man trumps Girlie Guy:


    • Chris B. March 3, 2014, 3:02 pm

      Great way to start my week – thanks!


    • VILE VLAD March 3, 2014, 7:19 pm

      appears to have great deal of BLATANT TRUTH in it.

      for I have read several articles, that obumba was…


      Vlad: Your recent posts here, which have been interesting and even enlightening, show that you are perfectly aware of my boundary lines for civil discourse. If you observe them, I can assure you that not a single word you leave in this forum will be deleted. Meanwhile, let’s let the well-worn debate about whether Obama is a homosexual play out elsewhere on the web — at Alex Jones’ site, perhaps, or Jeff Rense’s. As for your wish that Hillary ‘croak from some bulldyke cancer,’ that is similarly beyond the pale for this forum. Say one thing about lesbians, there has probably never been a one of them that carelessly tossed a chewing gum wrapper or a styrofoam cup on the ground. They are good stewards of the Earth.

      Meanwhile, the topic of the week — Would You Choose Putin Over Obama? — is right up your alley. How about giving it your best shot? RA

      • VILE VLAD March 3, 2014, 10:25 pm

        …to me, you are a clown.


        Great way to ingratiate yourself, Vlad. Stick to the topic or you’ll be wasting your time. RA

      • ELIV DLAV March 8, 2014, 12:25 am


        from your past, I found this last week, coincidentally, cleaning my long prechter file.

        btw, I did not know you even existed, until 2010, from your pill popping sleuth case.
        hey, I said, a stockmarket private eye, let me look this turkey up–rest is rickspicks history.

        but here is rikki tikki,
        quizzing historical market genius prostate-troubled prechter, in january 2009–


        Kitco – Commentaries – Rick Ackerman

        Prechter Sizes Up Gold in Deflation
        By Rick Ackerman
        Jan 6 2009 12:10PM

        With the global economy caught in a deflationary vise, I queried Bob Prechter recently about gold’s prospects. He is the right guy to ask for two reasons. First, his 2002 book At the Crest of the Tidal Wave established him as the foremost expert in the world on the subject of deflation. And second, as someone who has been relative tepid toward gold, perhaps he can explain why bullion quotes have not been hitting new highs even though fiscal and monetary policy in the U.S. and elsewhere have turned recklessly expansive.

        Below is my letter to him, followed by his response: “I am writing to ask your opinion about a key question that divides inflationists and deflationists. To wit: If we are indeed headed into a deflationary depression, why has gold quadrupled off its lows, and why does it look like it’s consolidating for a push above $1000? I am a deflationist myself – a hard-core one, in part because of your pellucid writing on the topic in At the Crest. Other books that influenced me were C.V. Meyers’ The Coming Deflation (1977) and Davidson & Rees-Mogg’s The Great Reckoning (early1990s). I have written myself on the topic (and inevitability) of deflation in Barron’s, as well as in the column I freelanced for several years to the San Francisco Examiner in the late 1990s. I continue to write regularly about the tightening deflationary noose in my daily newsletter, Rick’s Picks, and I see the economy as headed into a morass even deeper than the one the nation experienced in the 1930s.
        ‘Puny’ $8.5 Trillion
        “I have been arguing that the so-far $8.5 trillion bailout is a puny number compared to the deflationary implosion of a credit edifice with a notional value in the hundreds of trillions of dollars. I also bring money velocity into the argument, since, as long as velocity is falling (for reasons related to mass psychology), the supposedly high-powered monetary base is just “dead” money that will go unmultiplied. “In dismissing the arguments of inflationists, I like to say, ‘Wake me when I can sell my home for a quadrillion dollars.’ I toss out their useless money supply metrics and focus on deflation’s most pernicious symptom: an increase in the real burden of debt; for, as long as debt is becoming more burdensome, we are experiencing a deflation that everyone can recognize. Also, although I see a hyperinflation somewhere down the road via the mechanism of the Treasurys market, I don’t think it will come soon enough to bail out debtors. Piecemeal bailouts will not trigger hyperinflation, in my estimation; rather, it will require a deliberate decision by the government to hyperinflate by assuming, and then discharging, all debts, public and private.
        Gold Will Outperform
        “But what about gold? I ask because you are famously bearish on the stuff, and because you have written so cogently about deflation. Many of my subscribers are gold bugs, and I told them that I would query you about the seeming anomaly of $900 gold in the midst of a deflationary collapse. I have also told them that even if Gold prices are about to plunge, Gold is likely to outperform all other classes of investables.”

        Here is Bob’s reply:
        “Your own arguments are excellent. A few other remarks: “I should not be famously bearish on gold. I have said that gold will do better than most commodities but not as well as cash. I also have said, own some gold anyway. The bear part comes in because I have left open the possibility that it can still get to $200/oz. No one else thinks it’s possible. But we have also said all along that once its fifth wave ended oil would fall back to $10. Isn’t it interesting that no one argues for oil, platinum, silver, etc? It’s because gold is the only thing that didn’t crash. But to repeat, this is exactly how I have expected gold to behave on a relative basis. It’s not making anyone rich. “You don’t have to answer why gold quadrupled off its lows. That happened in the wave 5 commodity boom during the wave b credit inflation. A better question is why gold did so poorly relative to most other commodities, which went up way more (14 times in oil for instance). Another question is why silver lagged its 1980 so badly. The inflationists can’t answer these questions except to keep insisting that $200 silver is coming. “Another question is how come gold is unchanged after 29 years of inflation?”[Signed, Bob]

  • Bed Rock March 3, 2014, 3:04 am

    I would take Putin over Obama . He would work things out and keep our country moving. Obama is slick but not too smart.

    • Bed Rock March 4, 2014, 2:54 pm

      I’ve changed my mind in response to Putin backing down. I now would take John Wayne over either of them. : )

      • Jason S March 4, 2014, 6:59 pm

        Bed Rock, it doesn’t sound to me like Putin backed down. He is just cooling his jets for a little bit. It reminds me of Hitler taking the Saar region back in 1935 (all legal under the treaty of Versailles but Hitler stated he had no further desire to gain land ceded to France), then marching into Austria in 1938 and Czechoslovakia in 1939 and telling Chamberlain that he was done seizing territory.

  • Rob P March 3, 2014, 2:38 am

    If only California were to secede. They’re being taken over slowly anyway – a giant nanny state that is sucking its producing citizens dry. If CA offers the remaining US a free-passage corridor to the ocean, I’ll give it away.

    In our country, Lincoln already tried to stop what Ukraine is discussing right now, due to his ego not being able to handle being president of only half a country. In this case, Obama’s weakness would be a strength if he could avoid war. In a war of three or more parties like Ukraine could become, I safely trust Obama to lose unconditionally. Unfortunately he is just a puppet, so Rick’s question is really, “what would the puppet Obama be told to do in order for his masters to save Los Angeles/other?”

    I also can’t agree that the tax revenues of California trump all else. If CA seceded, it would have to devalue a la Japan in order to sell its products. At the end of the day, balance of trade depends on, well, trade.

    From the perspective of a leader, they all think like Lincoln: keep together the north/south, CA/USA, or E/W Ukraine and the winner has quite a fiefdom and a range of spoils. Whether that’s the US/EU or Russia in the case of Ukraine remains to be seen. Most people don’t see a happy ending for the people of a country itself caught in a tug of war. But who cares about the people? Just as Lincoln figured, citizens and slaves (now working class) are people to be used, speechified over (think Gettysburg) while their homelands are torn apart by munitions and the spoils are divided.

    As far as Putin, he’s a cold man from a cold land but he did destroy some greedy oligarchs (whom the WSJ supported well past anything reasonable – see: Khodorovsky) and return Russian money home, even if he enriched himself in the process. At least on that account, there can be no debate that Putin is #1 in his country and is no puppet. Crimea now belongs to Russia, just as in the past before 1954.

    I used to wave my stars and stripes and believe in American supremacy, but no longer. We’ve been gutted from the inside even if our military is still at the top for now. Sometimes leadership means picking your battles and knowing when to get out of the way. “Red lines” are a joke.

    • mario cavolo March 3, 2014, 4:27 am

      Amazing Rob,

      You thoroughly scold and deride Lincoln and in the same breath you glance over your own words ” even if he enriched himself in the process. ” as if Putin is somehow “better” than a Lincoln or a Washington or a Reagan or an Obama…? That’s quite a negative slant you have there against the Gettysburg address, rather unique I’d say. If you’re trying to say that greedy self-serving politicians are greedy self-serving politicians through history including the time of Lincoln, that’s cool but Putin is somehow not one of them? I’ve not deeply studied either of them, so I don’t have a well-ground opinion either way…had no idea thought that Lincoln was such a scum bucket as you suggest…

      Cheers, Mario

      • Mike March 3, 2014, 7:11 pm

        Even with my despise of government in general and politicians in particular, I would pick Obama over Lincoln if I had to chose. I say this in spite of my own history of seeing every president as worse that the preceding one.

        In answer to Rick’s question, if forced to vote for the lesser of two evils, something I no longer partake in, Putin.

      • Rob P March 3, 2014, 7:27 pm

        Mario, you read my tone correctly in every way. Yes, I am of the opinion that the vast majority of politicians who get to the top are greedy self-serving scumbags who got there because they are willing to do things that people of high class and character would never consider. Putin is most definitely in that class. Once you get up in that rarefied air of sleazy leaders, you’re left to determine how many spots of goodness are left on a blackened soul. Kind of like Darth Vader – on the one hand you can destroy a whole planet, but maybe there is good in you and you can bring balance to the planet by opposing other evils. It is no fun choosing the lesser of two evils. In either case, you’re choosing evil.

      • Redwilldanaher March 4, 2014, 5:17 am

        Mario, with all due respect I would point you to Mencken’s take on the Gettysburg address and to Dickens for a succinct description of the “civil war”. Land of the free? How free are you if you’re not allowed to leave? Lincoln was a murdering tyrannical puppet, which is exactly what was installed 5 years ago.

      • Redwilldanaher March 4, 2014, 5:32 am


        “The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states.”

        —Charles Dickens, 1862, British author.

        “The contest is really for empire on the side of the North, and for independence on that of the South, and in this respect we recognize an exact analogy between the North and the Government of George III, and the South and the Thirteen Revolted Provinces. “

        —London Times, November 7, 1861.

        “Every man should endeavor to understand the meaning of subjugation before it is too late…It means the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy; that our youth will be trained by Northern schoolteachers; will learn from Northern school books their version of the war; will be impressed by the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, and our maimed veterans as fit objects of derision…It is said slavery is all we are fighting for, and if we give it up, we give up all. Even if this were true, which we deny, slavery is not all our enemies are fighting for. It is merely the pretense to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government, and to deprive us of our rights and liberties.” – Cleburne

      • gary leibowitz March 4, 2014, 6:02 pm

        Has everyone lost their mind? Obama the liberal left-wing “despot”? Hmmm. Has a ring of falsehood to it. As for quoting England, you have got to be kidding me. I do believe they STARTED the slave trade. I do believe they lost their civil war and was a bit biased. No?

        To even compare this president to Putin is insulting. Why not the Bush-Cheney doctrine. Now there is where the comparison shines. Shameful argument.

        How many of you here actually think Putin would make a great President here? Please lets not rush to answer all at once. I suppose he could easily declare military action on unions or any other state or local factions that is for the good of the motherland. Why lets have elections here like they are done there. This is an article worth discussing? You are desperate people to think this is worthy of a debate.

        Shame on all of you!

      • ELIV DLAV March 8, 2014, 12:44 am

        gary says—
        ‘Has everyone lost their mind? Obama the liberal left-wing “despot”? Hmmm. Has a ring of falsehood to it.’

        gary, in my book, you have just reached a new plateau.
        and that plateau is, you are not even worth insulting.


        But not worth ignoring, it would seem. RA

  • Steve March 3, 2014, 2:22 am

    Ummm, Rick … Ukraine is a sovereign nation – a country – not a state in the Russian Federation.

    • Rick Ackerman March 3, 2014, 3:43 am

      True enough, Steve. In my admiration for Putin, it would appear I’d begun to think like him. Anyway, I’ve expunged from my commentary the references to secession, which, for the reason you’ve pointed out, can no longer apply to any of the old Russian republics (but Putin’s not going to like it when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania kiss off Moscow, which they may).