Obama Is No Richard Nixon

[Breaking newsI knew we would be richly entertained by Obamagate, but who could have imagined the slapstick would start so soon? In fact, we now know that the IRS and certain unnamed “White House aides” sat on the scandal for several weeks while they mulled ways to spin it.  In the meantime — and this is where the Liar-in-Chief has really kicked off the show — Obama maintains that he only found out about the IRS witch-hunt against Conservative groups when he read about it in the papers.  And this just in: The IRS-official-in-charge says she will plead the Fifth rather than testify before Congress. Is this spectacle going to be fun, or what! RA]

With new revelations of scandal surfacing almost daily, there are apt comparisons to Watergate, of course. But say this for Richard Nixon: at his worst, the man’s political ambitions never went much beyond stealing an election and settling an old score with the press. The political career of Barack Obama, on the other hand, has been animated by an overweening vision that seeks nothing less than the further enlargement of Big Government so that even the most ardent disciples of the New Deal might someday stand in awe of His achievement. But would they? FDR at least had a Keynesian excuse for ramping up fiscal stimulus and expanding Washington’s reach, since the U.S. had been wallowing in depression for more than a decade.  We’ll concede that Obama was dealt a

bad hand, economically speaking, but his response has made FDR look like a piker. For in fact, the gargantuan deficits he has piled up to push housing and share prices higher have put the U.S. on an inexorable path toward bankruptcy. Moreover, the suspicion grows that this has been his intention all along, since the helpful illusion that Government alone can save us from a repeat of the 1930s will always be strongest when economic misery is at its worst. Although Obama would surely put FDR and Keynes in his pantheon of political heroes, both men would be appalled at what he has wrought in their name.

And now he has become a lame-duck president just five months into his second term. Under his watch, the IRS went on a witch-hunt targeting his political adversaries; the FBI spied on Associated Press reporters; and four Americans were murdered in Benghazi, Libya, because the State Department and White House were negligent, possibly criminally, in failing to protect them. As serious as these matters are, Americans are about to be richly entertained by a full accounting of lies, misdeeds and coverups that could eventually implicate the IRS, the FBI and a president with the unmitigated arrogance to deny that any of it was his fault. This won’t wash with the American people, and we might therefore expect the stench of the Obama presidency to grow even more foul until the day he leaves office.

Scandal Too Juicy to Ignore

Even his most ardent defenders on the far left have turned against him, including a chiding David Letterman and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. We await a hostile declaration from Sean Penn, since that would surely seal Obama’s fate. In the meantime, this hat-trick of scandals is too juicy for even a left-tilting press to contrive to ignore.  They managed to tune out Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright and Obama’s unsavory background as a political rabble rouser and favored son of Chicago’s corrupt political machine.  This time, however, the scandal is just too juicy for his erstwhile defenders to ignore. Assuming the malignant Obamacare goes down with the presidency, the Republic will rally to survive. For now, though, Americans – especially conservatives – can sit back and enjoy the show.

  • Benjamin May 22, 2013, 1:46 am

    “Obama maintains that he only found out about the IRS’s misconduct when he read about it in the papers.”

    With his big ears, he should’ve heard about it a year before it happened. And so he did… when he was talking about it a year before it happened!

    Next thing you know, he’s going to say we can trust him completely because he’s such a bad liar. And speaking of bad lies…

    That informative paper wouldn’t happen to be the AP, would it? That would be rich… “I didn’t know anything until that conniving little AG uh … obtained the story from the Associated Press?”

    Also in the news, a CBS reporter is now saying her computer was being monitored…


    Uh-oh… The plot seems to be thick-eniiing!

  • gary leibowitz May 22, 2013, 1:17 am

    John Jay, sorry that I left out your main talking point concerning bankruptcy in California. I agree it is a big problem. I also agree that it has been building for decades. Why politicians there refused to change the spending habits way before this crisis is beyond my comprehension. In NYC Mayors become obsessive about the budget, ever since Mayor Beame almost defaulted on their obligation in the late 70’s.

    • John Jay May 22, 2013, 2:47 am

      OK Gary, no hard feelings on this end.
      I just discovered the CME Group is launching a new 1,000 oz. silver contract next month.
      It should be popular, I won’t trade a 5,000 oz contract, but 1,000 oz. will be nice if it gets decent volume.
      “Physically delivered” too!
      We’ll see next month!

  • John Jay May 22, 2013, 1:13 am

    10 billion a year is what they cost California.
    Link: http://tinyurl.com/mvobc

    As far as what they produce, they get paid a wage for that Gary, they are not slaves.
    I work for a wage too, and I don’t get free medical care, food stamps, section 8 housing, and the right to drive a car with no license, insurance or registration.
    Any cost savings from illegal labor in construction, agriculture, etc. goes right in the pockets of the boss, he does not pass it on to you and I.
    I saw illegals take over the construction jobs out here in the 1970’s, and no savings were passed on to anyone.
    If all the illegals were deported tomorrow you would see a tremendous drop in house prices and rents.
    Hospitals could open emergency rooms again, schools could consolidate and reduce staff, the jails would empty, and we could have a big tax cut.
    All that would free up money for some actual economic activity.
    Illegal aliens are about 30% of the US prison population.
    Link: http://tinyurl.com/lcjtros

    However, if you think they are a boon to our economy, good for you!
    The US Government agrees with you, and the illegals have had the upper hand for decades.
    So all is well for you, I don’t why you get so upset because I am not celebrating the destruction of the State of California.
    Just google “Obama meets with immigrant rights groups” and you will feel much better about things!

    • mario cavolo May 22, 2013, 4:30 am

      Sweeps JJ…Sweeps…

  • John Jay May 21, 2013, 8:38 pm

    “Then old argument about blaming the weakest group unable to defend themselves is an old one. it always happens when the economy turns south. the more south the more violent reaction to illegals.”

    The illegal aliens have had the full weight of the Federal Government behind them for decades.
    The weakest group unable to defend themselves from the invasion would be you and me!
    And to compare enforcement of our Immigration laws to lynching Black people is just silly.
    After they have bled California dry they will head to another liberal state with outstanding welfare benefits.
    New York comes to mind.
    Good luck back there in NYC.

    And Obama is just continuing the policies that have destroyed this country in the past 50 years.
    It has been an ongoing process, not an event.

    I say again, we no longer need tens of millions of poverty stricken immigrants to work in Ford and Carnegie’s factories, or to settle farmland in Oklahoma and Kansas.
    There are no openings for those positions!
    And just because Silicon Valley thinks they should pay Neils Bohr and Nickola Tesla $10 an hour to make their corporation more untaxed billions, does not make endless H1B visas a good idea.
    To sum up, we do not need any more people to run our country!
    We have not for decades.

    • gary leibowitz May 22, 2013, 12:18 am

      Is the central issue for the health of this economy the federal money issued to illegals or the corporate profits? Have you wondered why there was not a push to get rid of illegals except on the federal level where it will just be talking points? I don’t understand the obsession. Once again I hear a black and white problem and solution. Do you really think costs of everything will not be higher if illegals were thrown out? I guess it’s the same argument for goods from overseas. The most egregious company against the American Way coincidentally happens to be the largest, yet I don’t see people protesting and stop purchasing goods from Wal-Mart.

      I bring up the black lynching simply because there could be no connection made between cause and affect. Just because you can recite data that shows government expenditures for illegals doesn’t mean they are not very productive. In fact the studies I have seen show they contribute more back in to the economy. There are many ways to debate immigration, but when it comes to economics, there isn’t much of a debate at all.

      “Nearly all economists, of all political persuasions, agree that immigrants — those here legally or not — benefit the overall economy.”

      Full article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/17/magazine/do-illegal-immigrants-actually-hurt-the-us-economy.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

      So if you want to ignore these reports and economists go ahead. You see things one way and are convinced states with these big problems would benefit from them all disappearing. The studies I see show the exact opposite. How about the loopholes from such companies as AAPL and GE that don’t pay hundreds of billions or more of revenue yearly. How about farm subsidies. Surely you can come up with some other group that have a much higher cost than illegals.

      Cato Report concludes:
      “Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 64 percent of the population in 2010 and received 69 percent of the entitlement benefits. In contrast, Hispanics made up 16 percent of the population but received 12 percent of the benefits, less than their proportionate share — likely because they are a younger population and also because immigrants, including many legal immigrants, are ineligible for various benefits.”

      Never mind. These are just liberal slanted reviews. I am sure Rush will have the correct answers.

      Can you give me any report specific to California that states they are losing more money than receiving benefits because of the illegal issue? You will find it isn’t as black and white as you suspected, but I am just as sure you will dismiss them.

    • mario cavolo May 22, 2013, 4:27 am

      GEEZ GARY. Economic studies show that IMMIGRANTS , illegal or not, benefit the country?

      It’s not the immigrants man, it’s the low wages, it doesn’t matter about the person, the color of their skin, what country theyy came from, etc. You are distorting and blending the topics big time.

      Let the market economics adjust to their own reality. So be it if we kick out slave labor illegals as we should and the cost of fruit goes up $.50 while the govt also stops spending billions on benefits for illegals.

      the result would as you remind us be rising low end wages, thank God! The lower middle class of the counter have been raped and pushed by the rich powermonging, self-serving elites, worse than ever throughout history to the tune of trillions, let them start putting up their fair share to fix the systemic societal problems their exploits have created! Like I said, some things are SO obvious.

      Cheers, Mario

  • BKL May 21, 2013, 3:23 pm

    Nixon was perhaps the most competent president in our lifetimes, along with Clinton. Would that Obama could better emulate Nixon!

    Did you know that Nixon and Ted Kennedy came within a phone call of single-payer universal national health insurance?

  • John Jay May 21, 2013, 3:21 pm

    This country was at the peak of its power and wealth before Open Borders and Free Trade.
    Politicians at all levels have been shucking and jiving for 50 years as this country has been systematically looted of its wealth, and we of our Civil Rights.
    We have not had a positive Trade Balance since 1975 as a direct result of Free Trade.

    Our economy had no great labor shortage, nor any need for tens of millions of impoverished people to function.
    The illegal aliens have only served to enrich the wealthy at the cost of jobs and living wages for the average American. Eisenhower proved the illegal labor flow could be stopped cold anytime the government showed they were serious about it.

    Labor costs are only 6% of fresh produce prices.
    Link: http://www.cis.org/no_farm_labor_shortages.html
    Big agriculture, just like big business is always crying wolf about a labor shortage.
    To get wage depressing H1B and illegal labor.
    There has never been a labor shortage here.
    I did not say illegal immigration is the cause of our debt problem, I said it is leading to bankruptcy, especially in California.
    Los Angeles roads are falling apart, with a budget of about $160 million, while the budget for illegal alien healthcare is $500 million.
    What’s wrong with this picture?
    And I doubt that no Republicans want illegals deported as you contend.
    At least 53% of Americans want all of them deported.
    Link: http://tinyurl.com/avjykdt
    All of the job categories you describe would be filled by Americans if illegal workers had not depressed wages and benefits over the course of time.

    I think you should take a road trip out here to California and judge for yourself.
    I can create an itinerary for you that I am sure would change your point of view on the benefits of illegal immigration.

    • gary leibowitz May 21, 2013, 8:07 pm

      Then old argument about blaming the weakest group unable to defend themselves is an old one. it always happens when the economy turns south. the more south the more violent reaction to illegals.

      I still can’t get over the lynching of Blacks in the industrial north, NYC, during the Civil War. Can anyone explain to me why they were blamed for forced enlistment if you didn’t have the money to pay your way out? I am sure there were many people that eloquently justified their actions.

      Obama is the First President in our History to be treated like a Vaudeville Act. NYC newspapers had him depicted as a monkey. Can you guess which paper that was? The first campaign encouraged a deep south mentality that didn’t get corrected by the so called liberal press. They encouraged the illegal, radical Muslim, antichrist caricature. This against a backdrop of McCain’s VP pick, and unintelligible policy choices. Obama did not win the election. McCain lost it by doing everything possible to sabotage it.

      You argue over the destructive 5 years of Obama yet here we are “still” trying to figure out when the destructive policies will plunge us into a deep depression. You bash him yet in the same breath have determined that the housing debacle is the straw that broke the economic back. The last straw occurred “before” he came to office. So which is it? A culmination of decades of failed policy that lead up to this debt implosion or a one man wrecking crew that is the sole cause. Maybe neither? Well then that leads to only one conclusion. He should have disbanded the centuries old financial structure, allowed a deep depression from which we will recover on a more firm “freer and fairer” system where corporations and powerful individuals no longer dictate policy. I guess I am fencing with windmills again.

      I deal in logic, not some fantasy where Captain America regains his prominence and saves us from our own greed and self-destructive ways.

      I wonder just where we would be today had you been allowed your ultimate Presidential choice 5 years ago? It is always easier to place blame, demonize, than to come up with a realistic solution given the world we live in today. Imagine I have to listen to 5 years of excuses and beliefs that the world is on LSD rather than accept that the policies put in place have given us a long grace period. You can’t ignore or dismiss the last 5 years so easily. You can and do assume it has just created an even bigger bubble that will pop any day now. Good argument but the days are getting longer and longer. If it lasts another 2 or 3 years what then? I am sure no matter when the next depression happens you will find that convenient scapegoat. Me, I blame the policies from early 80’s on when cash was replaced by credit, when multiple mega merger corporations went out of control yet we bailed them out repeatedly, when outsourcing was accepted, when the tax burden shifted dramatically from corporations to individuals. When the Fed was bought and paid for by the powerful. this didn’t happen overnight.

      So here we are 5 years later yet everyone here has concluded we were doomed from the start. That would mean Obama had nothing to do with the assumed ultimate demise of this nation. It is so much more comforting to tag someone for this mess. Lets keep pinning the tail on the monkey. Any bets that all 3 impeachable offenses according to you gets only sound bites during the Republican campaign to throw out Obamacare and gain Republican seats. Lets not forget to tag Hillary as a major culprit since she is obviously the front runner in next presidential election.

    • mario cavolo May 22, 2013, 4:13 am

      Hi guys, some things are just SO obvious. Of course an illegal should be deported if they are caught. Last month, the police did a standard crackdown raid on a bar, checking foreigners for their proper visa. Would I think they wouldn’t make me leave the country if my visa was expired? Of course they would and I wouldn’t think they were wrong for doing it. I would also have to pay the penalty fee of $85 per day overstayed up to a max of $850.

      Meanwhile we have the system in the U.S. actually providing billions in govt benefits to illegals?….layer upon layer insanity laced with incompetence and stupidity.

      America started as the land of the free, my Italian ancestors in hope, arrived on her shores. I’m great with that, right up to and including the part where they stood in line at Ellis Island and went through immigration.

      Sweeps it is JJ…

      Cheers, Mario

  • Andrew Gutterman May 21, 2013, 2:09 pm


    The so called gold standard had nothing to do with any of this. Had Nixon not stopped the flow of gold overseas then within a few short years we would no longer have had any gold at all. So how can this decision have any possible meaning, except to further the mythology about gold?

    I would say that trend got started with Reagan. If you look back to the Reagan years that’s when the Republican party got on its bandwagon (I was a Republican back then) and started the new policy of cutting taxes and and creating BIG government at the same time. Taxes were mostly cut on the wealthy although we all shared in it. Just that the wealthy got the lion’s share of the benefits. That’s when the divergence between rich and poor escaped out of the usual ups and downs on the charts.

    We had a shot at a reduction of BIG government during the later Clinton years, but then we voted in another “Expand the government while reducing government revenue” Republican. (I’m guilty, I voted for him too)

    By the 2008 elections it was too late to do anything about it, unless we got a REAL leader. We passed the point of no return with the 2003 tax cut that was supposed to end in 2010.

    Now we just wait for the implosion and it doesn’t much matter who gets elected. What does matter is who is in charge when the S**T hits the fan.

    At present I’m not convinced anyone will run who can handle it. Hopefully I will be surprised.

    The truth is I’m not convinced any of this really matters as what is really happening is the vast change in demographics combined with the record debt load.


    • Erin May 21, 2013, 3:01 pm

      So you believe, contrary to all the economic charts, all the record debt levels, all the destruction of our buying power, all the dollar devaluation, that being taken off the gold standard had nothing to do with all the reckless, uncontrolled, unending spending that the politicians have done from that point on? Is that really what you are saying?

  • VegasBob May 21, 2013, 10:35 am

    I spoke to a long-time friend Monday night. He’s a liberal Democrat, 70+ years old – never voted for a Republican in his life.

    I suggested to him that Richard Milhous Obama might very well be impeached.

    My friend replied: “I wouldn’t object to Obama’s impeachment. He’s earned it.”

  • gary leibowitz May 21, 2013, 3:35 am

    IRS – what ever happened to the targeting of Left wing organizations like Green Peace and NAACP? Not a thing, yet we “knew” the ideology of the day must have influenced these decisions. This will die like all the other scandals simply because no matter how hard they look they will not find Obama’s palm print on it. It is more about Obama Care and trying to tie in the person that will be handling it.

    The press – Less than 2 years ago the Republicans were scolding Obama for allowing classified information to be leaked without doing anything about it. now they cry for the press? really? I can remember Bush and his staff reaming out the press core for being “Un-American” when questioning their motives. The free press in Bush’s era found out a bit late that the WMD was a Mercedes buried in Iraq. How about the Patriot Act? Water boarding?

    Benghazi – No smoking gun there. Why they relied on Syria for policing is a mystery. The fact that they had dozens of sites to protect against 9/11 attacks is sort of missed. They should have known and swooped down and kill the bad guy. that’s how it is done in comic books. The facts speak for themselves. Shameless to delay the true attackers till after election, no doubt. All politicians would have done the same. it still is shameless but unfortunately expected of politicians.

    I will guarantee the only thing that comes out of this is talking points during re-election in 2016. Smear Hillary early and often, declare the Republicans are on the side of tax payers, and ignore their dismal use of military actions during the Bush years and blame everything on an ineffective Democratic president. Osama who? Preventing dozens of terrorist attempts is forgotten. Bush sitting in a kindergarten class for 20 minutes not wanting to disturb the lesson even after he was told America was under attack.

    Yes I can see why an illegal immigrant half-breed Muslim was treated by the esteemed house with shouts of “You’re a liar” at his first Meet the Nation address. Why the republican party allowed every smear to go without declaring it as preposterous. Why idiot McCain chose to go down the path of fear and hatred for this black man instead of real debates.

    That being said it doesn’t excuse this administration for losing control. It is sad that instead of working on a solution both sides protect their turf.

    Legacy? Came in at a worse time than FDR did. Dealt with the worse debt debacle in our short history. 5 years into this problem and we are not only standing but improving. You can excuse it with any magic or smoke trick you want but the FACT is that TODAY we have seen a recovery. Jobs, unemployment, housing, bailout repayments, etc. We are now expecting a much larger surplus from current tax receipts than we ever expected. we are reducing government spending. Current political will is to cut spending at all costs. Will that continue?

    While corporations and private individuals have become more fiscally responsible this government is still racking up the debt. That will bite us in the end and retribution will most likely be paid. Anyone here have a real solution starting 5 years ago? Anyone really have a formula that would not put us into a deep depression? Nope. Everyone here is content that it should have happened already. Pardon me if I don’t see it that way.

    • Redwilldanaher May 21, 2013, 1:12 pm

      Gary, you can stop now. You were never really in danger of being out jackassed in this forum and the above rant ensures you a first ballot admission to Rick’s Picks Forum Hall of Shame.

    • Benjamin May 21, 2013, 1:58 pm

      He’s not entirely off, Red. But in usual Gary fashion, he manages to mash it up with so much other BS…

      Such a Shame!

      But I’ll address the easiest one, for the heck of it…

      “Less than 2 years ago the Republicans were scolding Obama for allowing classified information to be leaked without doing anything about it. now they cry for the press? really?”

      The way to handle a CIA leak is not to treat the press as criminals, but rather place the investigation entirely on the agency that did the leaking. The AP only did what it had a constitutional right to do. The CIA, on the other hand… has questionable grounds on which it exists in the first place and isn’t supposed to leak.

      So yes, much “crying” needs to be done over this, by _everyone_. And that is exactly what is happening. It ain’t just a ‘republican’ thing. Anyone who bothers to look around even just a little bit can see that.

    • redwilldanaher May 21, 2013, 2:29 pm

      I disagree Ben. He issues passes all the time for his beloved statists and kleptogarchs. “Everyone would have done it blah blah blah…”

      He complains about the Patriot Act and waterboarding but Osamao has made the Patriot Act look like the work of amateurs and Gitmo is still open. Wasn’t it supposed to be closed 15 minutes after the lying sack of sh!t swore on the bible?

      He objects to him being called a liar. That’s one of the few things that this puppet has actually succeeded at: serial lying.

      Then Gary moves on to defend his legacy? Come on…That’s a joke. I won’t even waste time enumerating exactly how bad and I mean BAD this clown’s “record” actually is. This community organizer CIA stooge is the across-the-board / hands-down worst of all-time.

      All of the above focuses on the superficial surface, just as Gary did and does. None of it matters and is really worth arguing over. Which is the real reason why Gary’s latest looney leftist rant is pure jackassery…

    • Benjamin May 21, 2013, 3:02 pm

      Sorry, Red. Upon second reading, looks like you’re right. I stopped reading at the point where he said “that doesn’t excuse him for losing control”. I mistook that as somewhat redeeming.

      My bad…

  • Andrew Gutterman May 21, 2013, 2:22 am

    Rob P:

    In 2008 we had two choices:

    Senator A or Senator B. Neither one had any management experience whatsoever. Neither one was a born leader, and a leader is what we needed in the worst way.

    Then one of them picked the wackiest VP in recorded history to be his running mate. Is it any wonder Obama won? McCain made sure he couldn’t lose.

    But I always wondered why if Obama ran such a well managed campaign where was that management when he became president? Maybe its because he didn’t ever really manage his own election?

    I never said Romney had no management experience. Clearly he does. His problem is he is so full of himself he cannot see the rest of us, those who may only have been born with a silver spoon, or no spoon at all. (I had the silver spoon)

    It doesn’t matter if he was right about the 47%. He NEEDED many of the 47% to get ELECTED. Isn’t that what he was trying to do? But instead of trying to be inclusive he became extremely exclusive. If you are in the 47% then I’m not for YOU. That leaves the 53% to vote for him, and obviously that’s not going to happen, so he doesn’t get elected.

    Not a very smart politician.


    • Erin May 21, 2013, 3:46 am

      Just a question for you…If every economic chart at this point in time shows the same destruction of the poor and the middle class beginning when Nixon removed us from the gold standard on August 15, 1971, does it really make a difference who was in the white house thru the years from that point on and what party they were affiliated with?

    • Rob P May 21, 2013, 7:00 pm

      So Andy, your point seems to be that Romney was unwise not to promise goodies to the 47%, and if only he had opened the cookie jar to those 47% instead of rashly denigrating that group, his wisdom would have pushed him closer to winning the election.

      I agree with your point, but I reject the premise that voters should need to be offered handouts in exchange for votes. There should be no place for governments that can’t balance their budgets every year. How about a bond election like they have locally here when a political jurisdiction wants to hand out to its preferred 47% more than it can tax . At least then the other 53% can decide whether it’s really all for “police, firefighters, and teachers – and the children.”

      I live in McCain’s state. While he’s a pleasant enough old guy to invite to your afternoon barbecue, he’s fairly dense when it comes to anything that matters. He at least has experience in military leadership, which means he is fully fit to take his marching orders from those who would have brought him into power.

      I admire your idealism. I had that once myself. However, leaders don’t become president anymore. Once you become president, you will be told how to lead. For example, if you take credit for Bin Laden’s death, you have to deny any knowledge of scandals at the IRS. McCain could have won the 2008 election easily if he said all bad banks will go bankrupt, but all deposits will be fully guaranteed. But that’s just not what presidents do these days.

  • ObummerIsNixon May 20, 2013, 9:57 pm

    There are comparisons but no comparisons. Nixon was a power-monger.

    Obummer — We’ve gone beyond power-monger to flat out Fascism, although those who are misinformed will call him a Marxist. And he has a civilian following, many of who may have marched in anti-Vietnam demonstration, but who are more than happy to stand idly by as the economy, financial institutions, and integrity of government are sodomized.
    And I actually voted for this clone in his first election — “Change we can believe in.”
    Fooled once: shame on you.
    Fooled twice: shame on me.

  • ter May 20, 2013, 9:34 pm

    John Jay, absolutely correct and customarily incisive and informative. I hadn’t thought of that consequence. Working in the law department of a temporary help company, we opposed the legislation, for many reasons, principally because of the paperwork burden it would, and did, impose on us. We were required to complete and save an I-9 Form on every new hire, whether or not put to work. Legal VP naively assumed there would be enforcement. Simpson-Mazzoli was signed into law by Reagan, in his diminished state. Read recently that law also required payment of back taxes and other pecuniary penalties to qualify for amnesty. No rules were issued, no taxes collected, and the provision was quietly repealed in 1988, as an amendment to a must pass bill. This is relevant because nearly identical penalties appear in the bipartisan bill offered by the Egregious Eight, and introduced in the Senate this month. Like the 1986 blunder, we’re again promised a sealed border, in return for enfranchising 10 million more soon-to-be Democrats. We have known for years Graham and McCain are bellicose boobs; Rubio and the other guy now make a quartet of stooges.

    • John Jay May 21, 2013, 12:12 am


      I saw Senator McCain facing off with furious senior citizens at a Town Hall meeting about Illegal Immigration.
      His lame justification for it was, “We don’t have enough buses to deport them”, and “We are a compassionate people.”

      Sadly, no one in that crowd had the presence of mind to tell him, start sweeps and they will self deport, and compassion for tens of millions means bankruptcy for you and me.
      It looks like we will be overrun with Government approval.
      Already a done deed here in California.

    • gary leibowitz May 21, 2013, 3:46 am

      John Jay, disappointed in your argument. You should know better. The jobs illegals have and continue to have is not unproductive. Do you really believe this? Ask any Republican in any state that relies on illegals if they would get rid of them if they had the power. Not a one. In fact the recent bi-partisan agreement gives indentured slavery a resurging notion. A 10 or more year ticket to citizenship. At what cost to them? At what saving to the agriculture, landscape, restaurant, child care segments? Are you really blaming illegals for our debt problem?

  • Matthew Schreiner May 20, 2013, 6:20 pm

    I would request that you not impugn the “far left” with supporting Obama. From what I can tell, he was a plant of the TBTF banks with a progressive veneer on social issues, designed to disarm the liberals. The far left, which, if does not support the overthrow of capitalism to replace it with the self-organization of the freely associated producers (workers), does not deserve the name.


    Point taken, Matthew. But if the far left wants to separate itself more clearly from garden-variety progressives who will continue to suck up to Obama no matter what he does, they ought to be more vocal in expressing their political hostility toward the President. RA

  • ter May 20, 2013, 4:47 pm

    Agree with your observations and most of the comments. Seems to me Eisenhower was the last good president. What I’ve read over the last decade persuaded me JFK was about to attempt a number of “right things”, like getting out of Viet Nam, which is why he had to be liquidated. In many ways, Nixon was a bad president, but his shortcomings pale in comparison with those of Clinton, Bush the Blithe Bumbler and war criminal, and the mestizo messiah. I don’t remember why the Watergate DNC office was burgled, but I can’t agree RMN
    stole that election, given McGovern won Massachusetts, the District of Columbia, and possibly, his home state. It was a wipe-out.
    From her experience on the Ervin Committee, Hilary learned the best defense against a perjury indictment for lying to Congress was a blank mind, meaning pointed questions elicit answers such ” I can’t recall”, “I have no specific recollection”, ” I don’t remember”. Now our House-censured attorney general has taken this defense to a new depth, when he asserts ignorance of what his subordinates have done because he “recused” himself, or entirely delegated his authority and responsibility to underlings. He should be impeached now, Obama later.
    As a Floridian, I’m aware Bush did win Florida in 2000. I believe he lost Ohio, and, therefore, the election in 2004, but Kerry chose not to contest the vote count. Without question, the presidential candidates offered us for decades have been a sorry lot

    • John Jay May 20, 2013, 7:44 pm

      California usually leads the way in the USA as far as trends go.
      And the Reagan Amnesty handed California to the Democrats for good, it just took awhile.
      Of course, the Republicans were working to the same plan, they just had a different path to achieve the same result.
      So California has arrived first where the USA is headed, a bankrupt refugee camp.

      And AI controlled robots are going to decimate all the warehouse/distribution center jobs that are the only benefit to Free Trade out here.
      And once the Panama Canal upgrade is complete, all those Long Beach Port union jobs will be heading East to Houston, New Orleans, etc.
      Classic pincer movement assault!

  • John Jay May 20, 2013, 4:37 pm

    “The goal is to get as many of the parasites on welfare as possible which includes making more of us (the people) poorer. Transfer the wealth and the power goes with it. Now, lets just give another 30 million parasites amnesty and make them citizens and expand the welfare state some more and the approval ratings will continue to rise. ”

    Very good, Erin!
    Open Borders is half of the plan.
    Add “Ship all our jobs offshore and end protective tariffs” to your list and you have Government Policy since JFK was liquidated.

    The nefarious Senators LBJ and McCarran were busy starting Open Borders back in the 1950s when Eisenhower stopped them, at least for a decade.

    “Profits from illegal labor led to the kind of corruption that apparently worried Eisenhower. Joseph White, a retired 21-year veteran of the Border Patrol, says that in the early 1950s, some senior US officials overseeing immigration enforcement “had friends among the ranchers,” and agents “did not dare” arrest their illegal workers.”
    Link: http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0706/p09s01-coop.html
    Eisenhower stopped it cold, but when LBJ came to power in 1963, it was game on, and we are now staring at the results of that policy 50 years later.
    A policy implemented incrementally at first, it has now reached a crescendo.
    So we are now barely tolerated, and once 10 or 20 million new “Citizens” are added to the electorate, we can be safely ignored or persecuted at their whim.
    That’s the signpost up ahead!

  • Carmine Cusano May 20, 2013, 4:05 pm

    Bush didn’t spend more than every President combined! Keep slugging down that kool aid!

  • paul May 20, 2013, 3:51 pm

    Hello folks,
    These threads seem to be superficial at best. The President promised the fundamental transformation of the USA and he’s doing his best to deliver. Even Nixon was sorry and contrite even if only after getting caught. Nixon knew he did wrong by the country and did the right thing by resigning. Resigning allowed the country to move forward.
    On the other hand this sense of right and wrong seems to escape Obama. Obama is not sorry or contrite and has zero remorse or empathy that a large percentage of the country was persecuted for their political opinions! Is it just me, does no one else see anything wrong with this picture? Obama has made it clear he has zero intent of righting any wrong. The country voted for Chicago thug politics because the country was bribed with the promise of free stuff. We are getting the government we voted for and thats the way it is.
    Obama has nothing to lose and he’s moving forward with his promised fundamental transformation of the USA and he will run over anything and anyone that gets in the way. Rule of law and using government to step on law abiding citizens doesn’t matter much to Obama.

  • redwilldanaher May 20, 2013, 3:18 pm

    NWO/CIA/TPTB puppet from the git go. Just another installation. We all know that the 1% master state media (attitudes/behaviors) to control the 50% which in effect enslaves the 20%.

    Sit back and consider the odds that a never-did-anything empty-suit egomaniac with an opaque at-best background is able to meteorically rise to the so-called “highest office in the land” just after jumping into “the game”…

    They’ve been all to stage events that start world wars but they can’t install a puppet? Come on…

    I just want to know the endgame.

    This simple:


    followed by or as an alternative:


  • Andrew Gutterman May 20, 2013, 1:44 pm

    What did we expect when our political system asked us to choose between two people with ZERO leadership or management experience, and then see that soundly confirmed when one of them chose an unknown, radical right, totally ignorant entertainment idiot for his VP?

    Is it any wonder we got Obama? He was the best of two very terrible choices.

    Then follow that up with a platinum spoon fed politician who had the temerity to declare in public that 47% of Americans are deadbeats, and is it any wonder that we got EXACTLY what we deserve?

    So who managed to put this over on us? You need to think about who the winners have been for the last few years, and who the winners are going to be for the rest of Obama’s term.

    I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

    It certainly is not Big Government.


    • Rob P May 20, 2013, 7:32 pm

      Mitt Romney was not a bad choice for the reasons you suggest.

      1. He had leadership experience you say he lacks, but he would have used those to serve his superiors who financed him, much as he did with his equity groups and the Olympics.

      2. The VP pick is for entertainment purposes only. I would ascribe no value to the VP slot unless he comes from a swing state. I don’t know why you bring it up unless you expect Romney to be assassinated for not following the orders of his financiers.

      3. Romney was dead on with his 47% comments, and people forget that 100 years ago the approximate number of government-dependent deadbeats was zero.

      Big government itself is not the winner, but rather the arm with which various entities control regulatory power and a giant pot of money. It’s not just the 47%, but the 53% as well, who work their hardest to steer the reins of government and keep the money flowing their way.

      Romney may have been one of the 53%, but with his father before him as a presidential candidate, he used his “platinum spoon” knowledge to understand the value of controlling the political process in one’s favor.

      I have no doubt that both RomneyCare and our military adventures would be equally extensive if Romney had been elected. Romney knows who butters his bread, just as Obama does, regardless of empty campaign promises.

      Bottom line – Big Government is just a tool. The winners are those who use it to control power, resources, and money. Small-time winners get the money crumbs (Social Security, EBT cards, etc.) or the job in the shiny new federal building.

      The losers are everyone else. You may hate the game, but if you’re not a player, you’re losing.

    • redwilldanaher May 20, 2013, 7:42 pm

      Nice post Rob P. I prefer to think of the small-time “winners” as enablers for TPTB and jailors of the few that are left are not “players” as you note.

  • BDTR May 20, 2013, 12:21 pm

    “Americans are about to be richly entertained by a full accounting of lies, misdeeds and coverups”….

    Just what we need for interesting times. It’s just too bad that the Watergate hearings had to be seen in standard 4:3 definition. Had we then wide screen nirvana it may have become clearer earlier to Americans that the sacred presidency was inherently a diseased office. RMN was only the most narcissistic of the west wing executives, but the recognized malignancy wasn’t on the office, but is the office itself.

    It’s the reflection edifice and concentrate receptacle for all American cultural hubris, misjudgment, and folly. The entire lineage of post-war ‘leadership’ for brevity’s sake is a rogues gallery of pretenders caught in a web of foundational precedent fiction.

    So, begin where you will with finger pointing, but the lot is the rot. It only gets ranker descending into the body politic like a profligate, oozing bacterial infection.

    My personal favorite contradiction and perhaps the most exemplary of rampant arrogance in executive office was LBJ. Now there was a murderous piece of unambiguous work. Had he not self exempted he likely would have cheated RMN of the forced resignation precedent.

    Sadly, we’ll never have it as good again entertainment-wise, that is, despite O’s best efforts to contradict fictitious beneficent principles of the American empire’s foundations. His is pitifully derivative.

    We need the re-runs of treachery from about 1963 to re-realize what true and pure corruption from hell really means.

  • Carls May 20, 2013, 12:00 pm

    The power to tax is the power to destroy. Obama can goof off all day long and let his mad dog appointees in Justice Dept, EPA and IRS do his dirty work. No need to inform him, plausible deniability. Distance from his IRS mad dogs who coordinated with the Obama re-election campaign to block the Tea party and audit many public conservatives.
    Right on DG!

  • Craig May 20, 2013, 11:45 am

    Can all of you PLEASE STOP with the IRS going after people for political reasons “conspiracy theory” seriously!!! There is no proof of any of this!!!! None!!! And even if there was, I can not believe anyone would do something like that! Therefore IT DID NOT HAPPEN!!!!

  • Benjamin May 20, 2013, 8:06 am

    “This won’t wash with the American people, and we should therefore expect the stench of the Obama presidency to grow even more foul until the day he leaves office.”

    Every comment section of every news article I’ve read thus far, each detailing one to three of the scandals, is overwhelmingly (im)peach(ment) flavored.

    In contrast, the articles themselves — well over a score of them — go easy on das fuhrer. At worst, it’s all just big-but-not-too-big government doing things without the knowledge of POTUS. So, you know…


    That’s probably why the latest polls show his approval rating still at just over 50% (as always it is!). People are not that bothered by what _clearly_ isn’t Obama’s fault. The media and polls say so, and it’s definitely not like His Holiness would unleash his no-fault, didn’t-know-about-it wrath if they didn’t let him off easy in a pathetic attempt to mislead the fed up majority.

    Yes, it already reeks most foul. But I wonder if there will ever come a day when Obama _leaves_ office.

    • Erin May 20, 2013, 3:10 pm

      Those approval ratings will always go hand in hand with the government assistance numbers. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. The goal is too get as many of the parasites on welfare as possible which includes making more of us (the people) poorer. Transfer the wealth and the power goes with it. Now, lets just give another 30 million parasites amnesty and make them citizens and expand the welfare state some more and the approval ratings will continue to rise.

      I will say it once again, none of this happens in a society where there is no money to corrupt the system and its people. Very simple (and only solution) to this whole problem is shut the fed down, liquidate the bad debt, let the banks die (watch prices fall like a stone on everything), tell the citizens that it is time to get off your *** and move to where the work is because we have plenty of cities in this nation that have what amounts to almost full unemployment. The problem is the people don’t want to live there so we pay them to sit on their *** where they are. Once those things happen, we will begin the healing process.

      As we all know, this will never happen in this liberal society.

    • Benjamin May 20, 2013, 4:06 pm

      Erin: “Those approval ratings will always go hand in hand with the government assistance numbers. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. ”

      We’ve much common ground, but that quoted portion couldn’t be further from the truth…


      It might make logical sense to conclude welfare = support, but the numbers (thus far, in my inquiry) are contradicting that logic.

      I don’t expect you to look at every last county in the U.S. and compare it to the Census data. I do, however, encourage you (and anyone in doubt) to take a closer look at what is “safe” to assume.

      I haven’t done it all, myself, but I’ve seen more than enough of the voting-age population voting None of the Above or Not Obama — even in the so-called “welfare cesspits” like NYC and Chicago — that I can safely assume that far less than the 50% in these polls are okay with POTUS and everything he stands for.

      And if less than 50% actually voted for him, why would just over 50% seem to always approve of him and what he stands for?

      Btw, the only place I’ve seen so far where Obama actually won is D.C., though by not by an impressive margin.

  • bachus May 20, 2013, 7:40 am

    “This wont wash with the American people” , haha , i disagree – in my experience people are so clueless , if it was possible for him to run for re – election again, he would have been voted right back in again.

    • Free Radical May 20, 2013, 6:01 pm

      Right you are, bachus, the word that best describes the American people being “freedumb,” in keeping with Goethe’s famous dictum: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

  • DG May 20, 2013, 7:08 am

    I disagree that Obama was dealt a bad hand. He had all aces and face card. He could always say “it was Bush’s fault”, regardless of his success or failure. He had a real opportunity to do great things. Yet he did nothing. Quite the contrary. THE MOMENT he put Larry Summers on his team it was over. All was lost.
    What if Obama had been tough on Wall St? What if Obama actually had been an advocate of the people? No. He bowed to his campaign financiers and agreed to prosecute no one. He shoved through Obamacare, destroying an already destroyed healthcare industry, giving the insurance companies, drug companies, and hospitals a gift….
    I have a couple of questions:
    Did he ever golf before he was President? With his golfing frequency being so high, I would assume he had very good handicap. What was it before he was Prez? What about his vacation luxuries? Did they even ski before the Presidency, or was it like caviar, and “geez, might as well, thats what rich folks do.”

    It seems to me that he is like an employee that just left college and is abusing the new employer expense account nightly……while he systematically throws log after log on the destruction of the Country fire.

    If everything were great and there were no conflicts around the world, there weren’t 50 million on food stamps, disability hadn’t turned into a form of longterm unemployment, if debt was controlled….I wouldn’t care about his abuse of the perks of office…..but his contribution so far has been awful….I think he should quit golfing, quit vacationing, and fix his mistakes.

    Having gone through two audits I can assure you that the aforementioned agency are a bunch of extorting goons. Mafia. You want me to leave? Pay me. It was immoral, illogical, unethical, and brutal. They only audit folks that have money and are small enough to not lawyer up to an equal size as them. They know there is a “we will leave you alone number” and they find it. GE has an army of tax attorneys and lawyers. Small Business has nothing. It would be Divine Providence to see them burn and take down BHO with them.

    The ironic reality of this IRS scandal is that it is becoming a great unifier of folks that before could not talk. Everyone hates the IRS. Getting everyone fired up about the IRS could easily swamp this imbecile’s boat. No teleprompter can save him from that.

    The only thing I will say in his defense, is well, geez, uh, nothing. And take your worthless AG with you!
    Rant off.

    • J May 20, 2013, 8:36 am

      Bravo! Outstanding rant. Could not have said it any better.

    • mario cavolo May 20, 2013, 2:35 pm

      The answer my friend is to stop being so honest and get over the “Catholic guilt” of it. Sorry to say but true…

    • DG May 20, 2013, 3:56 pm

      Sorry, you shot and missed. I have contempt for pretty much all organized religions as most of them are so corrupt that I find it very difficult to get behind any of them. I feel zero guilt, Catholic or otherwise. (I’m not affiliated with any official church, btw)
      I am simply observing society and wanting some order, some semblance of morality, some empathy, some desire “to do to others as you would have done to you.” I realize that you can’t play a game with psychos and sociopaths and expect morality. And when I say morality I am not talking about who sleeps with whom or who lights up a joint. I am talking about very basic property rights. Without that, there is nothing. I think this is what the last 900 years have been about. Magna Carte, Constitution (s), etc. Otherwise, get back to building my pyramid, B.

    • Benjamin May 20, 2013, 3:57 pm

      I second J. But since when are biographies considered rants? 🙂

      Anyway, thanks for reminding that the IRS had a history prior to this latest scandal. What I find disheartening in this otherwise very promising rise in awareness is that so few mention the inherent evil of that agency (and the extreme unconstitutionality of the 16th) and instead are focused on the single instance.

    • mario cavolo May 20, 2013, 4:11 pm

      I share your frustration with organized religion. My use of the phrase as an old figurative metaphor representing all types of institutions and systems inflicting their ideas upon us supposedly for our own good when in fact it is often laced with manipulation and deception to control us for their own benefit…Cheers, Mario

  • PhotoRadarScam May 20, 2013, 7:05 am

    The one thing that is for sure is that if there are no consequences for these scandals, then this paves the way for this and all future presidents to do whatever they want because they will be able to get away with anything. You could argue that the country is already headed down the tubes, but if you allow any president (no matter who he is) to preside over scandals like this and get away with it, then there is no limit to the scandal we can expect in the future regardless of who is in charge.

  • John Jay May 20, 2013, 6:35 am

    It looks like the POTUS’s best defense is a good offense.
    From the tone of his recent speeches, he is preparing to play his trump card of “They hate me because I’m black.”
    A variation of “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore.”

    Oh well, we are at least ten years past the point of turning things around anyway, so I am not going to expect the latest example of the ongoing Tyranny to result in a 180 degree change in course for the Ship of State.
    And I am too old and wise to get all worked up over the Government tightening that noose just a little bit more.

    Another WWE type “grilling” of the perps for the MSM to pontificate over, while nothing changes, or, more likely, things just get worse.
    I remember the Knapp Commission after Serpico did his Diogenes imitation.
    I remember the Pentagon Papers hearings.
    I remember countless Foghorn-Leghorn US Senators intoning: “This willy-nilly wasting of taxpayer money is going to stop!”
    This is the last Amnesty, we are going to get the borders sealed tighter than Scrooge McDuck’s pocketbook!
    This is the last straw.
    No really, I mean it, this is finally it!
    Yeah, right.

    Frank Serpico knew the score way back in the 1970s.
    He got out of Dodge and never went back.
    And things have gotten a whole lot worse since then.

  • Troll May 20, 2013, 6:10 am

    Yes, it’s all Obama’s fault. The Bush administration (who couldn’t find a weapon of mass destruction anywhere but the US and certainly not in Iraq if their lives depended on it) had nothing to do with trillions of wasted US dollars in an ocean of sand.