As if Wall Street’s sleazy, quasi-criminal ways were not proof enough that Western civilization is crumbling, we now have the sordid story of Farrah Abraham to remind us of oh-so-many other ways in which America is rapidly going to hell in a hand basket. Ms. Abraham, 21, a reality TV star as well as the mother of four-year-old Sophia, has sold the rights to a sex tape she made to pornmeister Steve Hirsch for just under $1 million. If, as H.L. Mencken famously said, no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public, then Hirsch stands to make back 20 times his investment. How can he miss? For in this case, “taste” embraces the voyeur’s fondness for anal sodomy. Clearly, Hirsch believes the audience for such entertainment is both eager and large. “I think many fans will be shocked at how truly explicit it is, including stunning backdoor scenes,” he told a panting press after closing the deal.

As an aside, readers might be comforted to know that Ms. Abraham’s rectum would likely have suffered little damage during the shoot, since her sexual partner in the film, porn star James Deen, evidently has a small penis. This detail, seemingly at odds with Mr. Deen’s choice of careers, was revealed by Ms. Abraham herself, reportedly to get back at him for “leaking” the existence of the video before she was able to cut a deal.
Exhibitionism’s Trail-Blazers
Following a path to fame and riches blazed by heiress-cum-sodomist Paris Hilton and the miscgenating Kim Kardashian, Ms. Abraham took the high road in interviews by not citing either of those women as an inspiration. Rather, she seems to be positioning herself somewhere between Joan of Arc and Hester Prynne, vowing to use the proceeds to complete her “Masters degree and [focus] on being a great mother for my daughter as well as many other culinary business endeavors in my future.” For Sophia’s sake, we wish her well.
One might think the Wall Street Journal, or perhaps the New York Times business section, would take note of such entrepreneurial verve. Alas, it was left to Huffington Post, the L.A. Times, New York Post and other bottom-dwellers of the tabloid world to promote the explicit details. For those interested, the video will be released by Hirsch’s company on May 6 and nationally in stores on May 14. For a peek at the video cover, click here.
Fascinating topic-
Does the fact that there is a market for Ms Abraham’s “product” really mean the demise of Western civilization?
I would counter such a premise with the fact that the highest per-capita porn consumption occurs in Asia; With Japan screwing (err skewing) the metric most heavily, while the greatest per-capita new porn generation/production is coming out of south-eastern Europe/Eurasia..
Heck, even those peace loving, Allah fearing Arabs are getting in on the fast buck that catering to the video voyeur offers…
In short- civilization is indeed reaching a climax (pardon the pun) of loose morality similar to the one that marked the end of Rome (fascinating that Sodomic acts are always “en vogue” during such crescendos), but the whole planet is going down the tubes together this time…
To me, the proliferation of homemade porn (and the corresponding quest for celebrity at any cost- talent or no) is merely the latest iteration of the tattoo… albeit one that is TRULY permanent.
I echo the sentiments of those who rightfully point out what it is going to be like for her daughter 13 years from now when news gets around her peer group about her mother’s “famous” past.
One dose of SERIOUS teen humilation is on order for that day .
Kids are ruthless.