[The following was posted to the Rick’s Picks forum a while back, but I’m republishing it here because it makes some interesting points that deserve a wider audience. The author goes by the handle ‘Buster,’ and his argument is directed at another forum regular, Gary, who reflexively plays the role of Mr. Sunshine no matter how ugly the news or bearish the facts. RA]
The government is not really trying to get the economy moving, at least not the real one. Government is trying to perpetuate a debt money system for the benefit of the relative few who gain from it long term. Since when has evicting millions of families after handing their creditors billions had a ‘real’ positive economic effect? I mean, what ‘real’ productive benefit have these people added to the economy other than the possible turnover of their homes to yet more sharks? Yes, this economic activity may add some numbers to GDP, but so would nuking NYC and rebuilding it again. Allowing millions of people to die from cancer needlessly is great for the drug business, too, for that matter, and their stock price, no doubt. Not so good for human beings and the real prosperity of society in reality, though.
If the aim was really to get the economy moving, I can come up with a better solution in around five seconds: The infrastructure’s falling to bits everywhere. Why didn’t government just spend the trillions on rebuilding it, thus providing millions of jobs and wages to spend, and preventing millions of bankruptcies, too, with the opportunity for ordinary people to keep their debt payments up? America is rich in natural resources, so nearly all the spending would have been internal, so no real problem there. Better still, why doesn’t government print its own debt-free money like it used to instead of having to pay interest to a non-federal central bank owned by foreign Bankster parasites, just like JFK tried to do just before some lone gunman shot him for no reason? It may not seem right nowadays but it’s actually how it used to be before the Banksters got to run the show. Government created currency for real things that benefit the country, and people didn’t go bankrupt through perpetual debt and having the money tap deliberately turned off all of a sudden. Look it up! And before anyone tells me that’s not very ‘Free Market’, neither is pouring money into the unproductive bank accounts of useless parasites. Yet, still it’s being done with gay abandon, now to the tune of $40+ billion a month. Next to none of that money ever sees the ‘real’ economy, which is instead being stifled with every new government rule and regulation.
Tell Me Why…
BTW, Gary, why did the 9/11 towers collapse in a controlled explosion including one which wasn’t even freaking hit? I mean, am I just missing something here or could there really be a conspiracy? I’ll continue just in case: Why was Iraq invaded soon after Sadam declared a non-US$ oil exchange after having his country’s oil stolen by Kuwait using horizontal drilling technology supplied by western corporations? Why is Iran suddenly targeted as the world’s pariah after declaring its own non-US$ oil exchange? Why was Gaddafi wiped out soon after asking for Libya’s gold reserves to be repatriated? Why was Western manufacturing exported to cheap-labour countries under agreements signed by government for the sole benefit of corporations, when the eventual result would undoubtedly be economic ruin for the masses? Why is cheap immigrant labour allowed in when millions are unemployed and losing everything to their creditors?
If I wasn’t so sure of your correct prognosis, I’d almost believe that it’s all about the money instead of the real economy. Maybe even a conspiracy, if I dare use the word. You need to get your head out the numbers ‘cause a train wreck is surely coming your way.
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I am pleased to learn that the FED is not there for Americans. Hope they destroy for a long time this country as Monsanto and Dupont will also destroy its health. You deserve it. Boy you deserve it specially when I think about your damn politicians and psychopathic banksters and your GMOs.