Has Apple Become a Drag on the Market?

We dodged a bullet yesterday, exiting a bull calendar spread in Apple for a nice theoretical gain just before the stock tanked. AAPL was up about $7 in the early going, trading for around 674.00, when we put out a bulletin to sell for $8 some Nov-Oct 730 call spreads we’d purchased earlier for $7. The spread was trading for around $8.30 with Apple near its intraday highs, but we’ve recorded a 7.90 sale officially — for a theoretical gain of $720 on the trade– because it is our practice to use the worst price actually reported by a subscriber.

Apple finished the day at 659.51, down $7.46 — a nearly $25 reversal from high to low. But even when it was buoyant in the early going it felt like the stock was being distributed, and that’s why we decided to ditch.  Our position was initiated when Apple looked like it would blow past $700 a couple of weeks ago. Playing the 730 strike for an October expiration seemed like a good bet at the time. However, when the stock wasted five precious days of would-be “rally time” in a power dive last week, it was time to bail.

From a technical standpoint, AAPL became an odds-on bet yesterday to continue lower to at least 649.74. If it gets there, we’ll put out an intraday guidance to help subscribers stake out yet another bull calendar spread, possibly buying December 700 calls and shorting October 700 calls against them.  But we’ll have a better idea of how much to pay for the position if and when the stock approaches the target.  (Want to join us in real time? Click here for a free trial subscription.)

Why So Punk?

So why has Apple looked so punk lately?  Perhaps because the stock could never have lived up to the hype and hubris that preceded the debut of iPhone5.  However, putting aside the inevitable fawning reviews from mainstream critics like the WSJ’s Walter Mossberg, the worst thing we’ve heard said of Apple’s latest phone is that only the power cord has been improved. Even if true, that wouldn’t have stopped buyers from lining up outside Apple stores to buy iPhone5 the day it hit the shelves.

Power cord aside, here’s another factor that could weigh on Apple shares in the months ahead: the company is going to have a far more difficult time negotiating lucrative deals with the television industry than it did when Steve Jobs used a take-no-prisoners approach to soften up an already moribund record industry.

Given its #1 bellwether status, if Apple were to slog lower in the weeks ahead, or merely even churn sideways, it would surely exert a drag on the stock market as a whole.  If Google shares were to turn mushy as well – heaven forbid! — it would add even more weight to the possibility that U.S. shares have made an important top.  Regardless, the 14969 Dow high we’d projected here just a short while ago looks like a non-starter. We’d thought the Indoos could reach that price as soon as November, just ahead of the election, but it now seems more likely that stocks at best will meander until then.  The target remains viable nonetheless as a longer-term play, but the odds could change for the worse if the broad averages start to trace out downward retracement patterns that exceed ‘d’ targets identified via Hidden Pivot Analysis. We’ll keep you posted!

  • mario cavolo October 3, 2012, 9:22 am

    Hi JJ and all,

    ….I haven’t chimed in for awhile, needed to recharge and shift for a few weeks….

    “We are fresh out of bubbles it seems.”

    That’s a nice statement to chew on and extend. First of all, you hit it well that there is a “what’s the next bubble” kind of mentality in the air, not to mention in the planning of the elite masters in charge.

    Yet, there is a much bigger bubble which has emerged, thankfully, a bubble which is going to continue for decades. It is not a bubble that has emerged from direct manipulation by the elite self-serving bastards in charge, but has become its own monster, and a monster of unprecedente proportions; that is the bubble of the entire risig Asia-Pacific rim and Latin America, all primarily led by China’s rise.

    The reason I think most Westerners including many here don’t grasp its expansionary implications is that their thinking is too short-term “wall street style” and too linear, rather than exponential. I am recently reminded by some reading of Ray Kurzweil that expansion and development is often exponential, not linear, easily proven by many historical charts.

    Rick recently referred to a “6 billion dollar” deal most likely finalizing between China Mobile and Apple. It mention seemed like nothing more than a passing phrase, rather than understanding the raw power of reality behind it.

    I have consistently acknowledged and recognizd the negatives which exist in the system; one would have to be truly ignorant or delusional not to. Yet, I will stick to the same being true for those who refuse to recognize the unprecedented good stuff happening too, seen as expansion across the world, the power of a supertrend like China-driven reverse globalization. While just the thought of such points makes most Americans cringe with anti-Chinese bias and fear. Understandable.

    Whether China/Asia, U.S. or Europe, the wealthy are all far too self-serving. It is disgusting, and its already a done deal, not a future problem. The raping is pretty much complete at this point in the global economic system. But now there is a rising tide of upper class wealth AND middle class expansion outside of Europe and the U.S. which I BEG everyone to recognize as not being linear in its progress. It is also, as I think most here agree, one of the only positive things happening that may prevent the disasters often well spoke of here at Rick’s site.

    We are NOT fresh out of bubbles. We are fresh out of the typical manipulated bubbles that GS and friends have conjured up. Yes, we are out of those types of bubbles. But I am telling you all, point blank, with 100% certainty of fact, the hugest bubble of all acrossthe economic globe is just getting started, it is ONLY ten years old and it already is unprecedented.

    The entire population of the U.S. is 300M, of which, let’s say 100 million are truly struggling, 150 million are middle class and doing ok and the top 50 million are doing better than ever.

    Contrast that to China, a place where GS, the United Nations, the IMF and myself, expect the current rising DEBT FREE HOME OWNING middle class of 200M people to QUADRUPLE in size to 800M over the next 40 years.

    You don’t understand. Hundreds of millions of Chinese families OWN their homes, 90% of them have always owned their homes and since they were owned more than ten years ago at a purchase price of $15,000, they are obviously mortgage free. They are all now on average worth $100,000 and there is nothing on this earth inside Cia that will ever cause their price to go down from this level. Flat for a few years, sure, but down severely? NEVER, simply because there is no downward pressure on hundreds of millions of mortgage free homes in an expanding society. It is a similar story across Latin America, driven by China’s reverse-globalization.

    The West screwed everybody, screwed their own society, and in the process they created the economic monster that now exists far more powerful far more quickly than anyone had ever imagined. Yet these facts are real and easy to see and measure.

    Couple this scenario I’ve tried to laid out here with a persistent atmosphere of low interest rates and govt monetary expansion and you have a recipe for continued expansion exactly as Indra Nooyi and Robert Fogel expect, a world GDP growing in the next generation of 200 Trillion from today’s 40 Trillion.

    And where do we think the various stock market index #’s are going to be in that future? Gold? Oil? Commodities? 50% of S&P500 company earnings today are international. In that future, which is already here today, Rick is right when he recently suggested that older, traditional indicators and technical analysis are now useless; they don’t mean or indicate what they used to; not even close.

    Cheers, Mario

  • John Jay October 3, 2012, 12:58 am

    I will go out on a limb and argue that all that now stands between most of Western Civilization and a Grapes of Wrath existence is the ongoing Ponzi scheme of money printing and debt financed consumption. I will also admit that I have benefited from this scheme in the course of my work history. As I was laid off from various jobs I was saved by the sequential bubbles blown by the Fed. I rode the first housing bubble, the Dot.com bubble, then the second housing bubble.
    We are fresh out of bubbles it seems.
    France does not look too much better than Spain and Italy now. The EU nations are all in orbit around Germany. Everyone either has a government job or is on some sort of dole, and taxes can’t cover the tab. So they fake it with Deficits that “Don’t Matter”.
    Over here, Ben B admitted defeat when he said he never plans to raise interest rates, even if the economy improves. The Police State is in place here to keep the Joad family in line when TSHTF.
    How lovely.

    And I am having a nice difference of opinion with the Snopes.com folks. Their article on the Obama phone issue says those phones are not paid for by taxpayer monies, but by a Universal Service Fund.
    From their surly reply to me on that issue:

    “As noted in our article, the Universal Service Fund monies are assessed against and collected from telecommunications providers, not taxpayers. The FCC does not require companies to charge their
    customers for these contributions.
    For best results, we recommend ensuring you thoroughly and carefully read articles in their entirety prior to submitting comments on their
    So the short version of my response to that was that I am certain that Verizon passes that charge on to me somewhere in my monthly bill, and did they think that Verizon was just going to “eat” the USF charge.
    I await their reply to my geometric logic on that issue!

    • TMM October 3, 2012, 4:30 am

      Just happen to have the Verizon bill handy. Yep, right there on page four along with all of the other taxes is the Fed Universal Service Charge — works out to about 2.6% of the total.

      Snopes’ logic is right up there with some state policies where sales tax does not have to be passed on if the merchant chooses to hide it in the pricing. In either case, the tax is still paid by the end user.

  • C.C. October 2, 2012, 6:54 pm

    All I know is that it is a good thing for a company to have a nice $pile to ride out inclement weather when it arrives.

    • Rick Ackerman October 2, 2012, 9:11 pm

      U.S. companies supposedly are sitting on a $2Tr surplus. They will never get to use that money, however, because it will vanish when all debts are liquidated via a precipitous deflation or hyperinflation. One or the other, or perhaps both, must occur at some point in the not-too-distant future, since the already quadrillion-dollar derivatives bubble cannot keep growing indefinitely.

  • MEGA-BEAR October 2, 2012, 6:18 pm

    in a delayed reaction to your article yesterday regarding spanish riots about austerity, with a pic you included of a few “fraud-knowing” spaniard youths leading the demonstration with drums—today it struck me, as I read elsewhere, this quote:

    “The New York Times reported that in Spain, where there is more than 50 per cent unemployment among youths, people are rummaging through garbage cans for food. ”

    so I looked at the pic again, saw how skinny they all were, and wondered, how many of them, would be eating from garbage cans, today.

    after all, the matching t-shirts and drums could have been given to them (as a temporary job), by some radical socialist organization.

    since in terms of group psychology, drums throughout history, have had great a effect in bonding the group force, into aggressive action–whatever that aggressive action may be.


    and, in contrast
    to the currenty poverty and hunger in in his country spain
    (a country that was a top first-world country only 10 years ago),
    here’s what their proud president of the govt mariano rajoy, has been up to lately, the rascal:

    September 27, 2012
    “MADRID (Reuters) – Pictures of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy enjoying a cigar on New York’s Sixth Avenue were splashed across Spanish newspapers on Thursday as his government prepared to unveil unprecedented austerity measures.

    The conservative leader’s conspicuous taste for the finer things in life jarred as he asks Spaniards to accept yet more painful sacrifices to restore public finances.

    Some Spaniards said on Twitter the photo of Rajoy outside Radio City Music Hall reminded them of Marie-Antoinette, the queen beheaded during the French revolution after reportedly saying that people should eat cake if they had no bread.”

    “1,000-EURO MEAL”

    “While in New York, the prime minister urged a business audience not to pay attention to images of riot police charging anti-austerity protesters outside parliament in Madrid but to focus instead on the “silent majority” of non-demonstrators.

    His detached attitude contrasts with the way Spain’s middle class is being dragged into poverty by a crisis that started in 2007 when a decade-long property bubble burst. Close to six million people are now unemployed and hundreds of thousands have had their homes repossessed.

    The weekly magazine Interviu reported this week that the dinner served aboard Rajoy’s government-paid flight back from the football trip to Gdansk in June cost 1,000 euros.

    Nine people, including Rajoy, were aboard the Spanish army Falcon 900, which always carries an extra refill of Cardhu whisky when the prime minister travels.

    The meal included filet mignon steak and turbot, seven bottles of Rioja and Rueda wine as well as 10 beers.”



    btw, the public mass demonstrations against austerity, have also now moved to portugal this week, with thousands of unemployed portuguese, also hitting their nation’s streets.

    however, IMO,
    the most intense street-rioting fun will really start,
    when the romans, the irish, and the french, join in.

    because there is nothing
    like a rioting roman, a rioting irishman, or a rioting frenchman;
    since all 3 firey cultures, have centuries of rioting history, to back them up.

    and literally firey, it will get soon likewise, all over the world.

    except of course, for the ever ‘entitled,’ ever sleepy, americans dreamers.
    and just because, you’re ‘so special’, and ‘god shed his grace on thee.’—- NOT.


    Deflationary Depression Worldwide. Straight Ahead.

  • gary leibowitz October 2, 2012, 4:00 pm

    In the last month AAPL was down 6 percent from highs, while the Q’s are up 1.5 percent. I would call that impressive, where AAPL is not leading the Q’s. There is no report or analyst that I have seen that announced they see a cut in AAPL’s projected earnings. No recent event that would suggest they are in trouble.

    As for the whole market being dragged down by one stock, not likely given the very low expectations for earnings this quarter. The street projects a 2 percent drop in earnings, and the doom/gloom reports abound. Wow, 2 percent drop after the peak in the EU crisis over 4 months ago, and China’s economic slide during the same time frame. Me, I call that down right impressive. In fact if anyone was to look at the data coming out you would conclude the exact opposite is true here in the United States. ISM manufacturing surprised on the upside, car sales surprised on upside, redbook (store sales) surprised on the upside, home prices surged 11 percent, consumer and small business confidence went up.

    It is a shoe in that the 4th quarter earnings projections of 11 percent will go up after th 3rd quarter announcements.

    One other point, mentioned numerous times, I would like to drive home. A new report just confirmed that the top one percent get 93 percent of income growth, the highest ever recorded. So lets cut those fat lazy union workers pay and benifits, get rid of all pension plans, disband Obamacare, go to a voucher system where the middle-class and poor will have a dramatic increase in their costs while receiving less, get rid of those silly corporate restrictions and at the same time disband a slew of government posts. Lets not forget to rally behind the top tier tax cuts for the last 11 years.

    You would think we were in the roaring 20’s with the type of profits corporations are making and the huge income disparity between the rich and poor. Yet here we are complaining how this government has spent too much money on social progams we can’t afford. Can yuo imagine if these programs were cut these last 10 years? We would already be in a deep depression. So the logic seems to be one of masocistic proportions. As the citizens align with corporate america and the wealthy to demand more pain be placed on ourselves, we also demand disbanding of unions, restrictions on corporations, and more tax cuts for the top tier.

    What a bizzare world we live in. As for the present market condition, this should be the final corrective pahse before we shoot to the moon. till expecting a crash now? Is that right before or after the elections? Is that right after earnings surprises, once again, on the upside?

    • Rick Ackerman October 2, 2012, 9:14 pm

      Gary, has it ever occurred to you that you don’t have to reflexively disagree with me each and every day the sun rises? It’s okay, really. You can take a rest now and then.