U.S. Unprepared for Bird Flu Outbreak

[With the global economy being kept afloat on a sea of lies, deceptions and delusions, Rick’s Picks has tried to tell it like it is. Unfortunately, in addition to the looming financial crisis there is yet another threat that would overshadow even the collapse of the banking system. In the guest commentary below, Erich Simon asserts that the U.S. is unprepared for an outbreak of bird flu and  that many millions of lives could be lost as a result. Although we had asked Erich how one might prepare for a pandemic, his response was grimmer than we had expected. To begin with, if you think you’ll be able to safeguard yourself and family by wearing face masks and practicing “social distancing,” you may be gravely mistaken. Read on to learn why. RA]

Back in 2005, following the discovery of a highly pathogenic virus that had jumped the species barrier, Ted Kopple hosted a Nightline panel of health and emergency response officials. The subject was almost too scary to talk about, but an impassioned Kopple pressed his reluctant entourage. He learned little, but the lack of details was telling. The panel agreed unanimously that the time had come to start stockpiling water, “but not yet food.”  Shortly thereafter, in April 2006, the White House called a meeting to create a national response plan. Included were public disclosure guidelines and a pre-fab sound byte for the news media: “Officials fear that bird flu could mutate into a form that becomes easily transmissible…”.

Today, that fear has been realized. According to recent experiments sponsored by the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control, there are only five remaining mutations along one genetic background. In layman’s terms, this means that a single, naturally occurring strain could touch off a pandemic, In the months since then, the number of remaining mutations has narrowed to just three, making a pandemic even more likely. Meanwhile, the National Pandemic Response Plan is clear in its promises to local jurisdictions: There aren’t any. The deafening silence on dealing with a pandemic capable of inflicting human casualties on an untold scale, solely the domain of Homeland Security, betrays an attitude that verges on surrender. Given the teeming interconnectedness of so many millions of urban and suburban lives, a virus capable of killing everyone it infects, as this one is, could make short work of our public service infrastructure. The stock market, too? What stock market?

Fending for Ourselves

So how can one prepare for a catastrophe that could conceivably come at any time, overwhelming what few coping mechanisms have been put in place (more on that below)? A full answer lies beyond the scope of this essay, but I would caution that the government’s preparations to date amount to letting us fend for ourselves.  However, following some basic guidelines could help save at least a few lives. First, understand that there will be no vaccine. It takes up to six months to produce a hit-or-miss vaccine for low-pathogen viruses, but it would be almost impossible to produce one quickly for an extremely virulent strain of influenza like this one.  Second, unlike seasonal flu, which is contagious for only several days, a highly pathogenic virus remains infectious even after death. That means that no one should handle the dead unless equipped with anti-contagion gear. Third, while masks and “social distancing” are prescribed strategies, neither should be considered a reliable defense, as the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic tragically demonstrated. In fact, the bird flu virus is the smallest particulate known to man. It will pass through an N95 mask or HEPA filter and kill you with the slightest exposure. There have been no reported mild cases of the virus save one outlier years ago, a small group of Koreans. Studies of duck hunters have yielded antibodies against all kinds of flu viruses, but not this one. And while there is speculation of individuals harboring antibodies, overstating lethality estimates, this is nothing more than propaganda to pacify the public. Actual mortality rates may actually be higher than stated, given that many possible victims of bird flu were either misdiagnosed with something else or buried without testing.

The Government’s Plan

The government’s plan is based on stringent global surveillance (already firmly entrenched) and escape into self-contained quarantine bunkers. Homeland Security intends to lock us all in our homes, in some states for as long as a year. No supplies will be forthcoming in the first or second waves, so stockpiling necessities will be absolutely crucial. For the overwhelming majority, tragically, their homes will become their tombs. The problem is that not only is every other human a deadly threat, but the air itself will be toxic across broad swaths of our over-developed landscape. According to “remote-island” studies of the Spanish Flu, every pocket around the planet, no matter how secluded, got hit. The viral crystals are today seeded in the human habitat. For anyone traveling through farm country during the fertilization season, the smell of manure, a large particulate, carries for dozens of miles. It is the same with the “aerosoled” viral crystals blowing all around our lower atmosphere now. They are invisible and undetectable.

Understanding this dynamic offers ways to survive what is ahead, but it will require a great deal more from individuals in the way of preparedness, resourcefulness and ingenuity. My suggestion is that you read everything you can find on the subject, trusting no one to give you a complete set of facts. Ultimately, whatever provisions you determine to make, you should trust only yourself to do it properly.

Trading stocks, options and commodities in these treacherous times calls for great patience and skill. Click here if you’d like to see how Rick’s Picks approaches the challenge.

  • Erich Simon September 5, 2012, 11:28 pm

    Food for thought…

    Those ‘chemtrails’ are raising pH. On a hunch I looked at chemical spread properties for viruses like SARS CoV. They remain contagious longer and spread faster in the environment, the higher the pH. Interesting….

    Also, relating to how much time you have to escape into a quarantine, an EMP detonated over the center of the country (which is what I believe will happen shortly after Outbreak) would shut off all cars made after 1984 (Cash For Clunkers took care of that) and put everyone on foot, where they would become easy targets of the aerial military.

    Lastly, I have all along apprised myself of the inventions on ‘safe room’ viral abatement designs on all of the survival internet sites. My design, if any are interested…, is cheaper, easier, more effective and less likely of falling prey to outside interference than any I have come across yet. Also, it requires no electrical energy, and unlike everyone elses filtering systems, of which some are quite prescient… given the size of the H5 nanoparticulate, none are without susceptibility flaws. My system has a built-in mechanism to destroy the virus sans filtering, and combines other ‘systems’ for portability and ‘bug out’. Enough said.

  • Erich Simon September 5, 2012, 1:34 am

    Chris T., and ter,…

    Life is full of challenges and this Pandemic is one of the Grand Daddies of them all. According to one consultant to the US military a highly pathogenic animal virus Pandemic in the human species will be worse than 20 atomic bombs going off over 20 US cities simultaneously. So what?

    To give in, to give up, to try and not survive, to summarily dismiss… out of financial considerations, or because life is already just so cumbersome… is to deny the innate, natural will to survive. Sooner or later, post our evolution conquering bacterial infections with drugs like Penicillin, the human race was going to have to encounter and adapt to the virus world, after all.

    This speaks to the minority (the less than 2,000 out of a total global population of some 7 billion) that has obtained, on both sides… father and mother, the genetic abnormality that prevents any and all viruses from cell domain receptor binding inside their bodies. Guys like Magic Johnson. In the final analysis, the government insiders can not ‘bribe’ their way into nature’s natural selection.

    And it’s not that the government is “demonic”, in so much as it is deterministic reflection of human nature given our overcrowded, technocratic climax. One does not have to be a biblical scholar, or prophet, to extrapolate this simple linear progression.

    In the Micro of the Pandemic Outbreak, odds are that the greater majority everywhere, depending on the Final Mutational strain of airborne high path Outbreak, will have died anyways… which makes me quite suspicious that ‘they’ have already justified an event that ‘scrubs’ the above-ground population, who will be, after all, not only be succumbing to a horrible disease, but become potential viral carrier threats to the emerging, underground continuity population (e.g. the inexplicable chemtrails that appeared shortly after HP H5, whose purpose is as yet undisclosed, could very well be a delivery system for a social euthanasia ‘weapon’ once the chosen governmental continuity workers are safely escaped below; so much has been sprayed these last years that the ph has actually been altered in the soil across the whole of the US and Western Europe… if so, this may seem really ‘demonic’ but such mass extermination to underwrite the survival of the selected minority is the very socio-demographic definition of ‘the military’). In the Macro, the planetary draw on scarce natural resources against unbridled population growth will/would/had to… sooner or later… have ‘evolved’ a governmental entity that was totally self-serving and placing itself above and ahead of the general population.

    Hasn’t it been so for a whole generation now?

    Which brings to the forefront the money printing of late, the monetization of EVERYTHING, like there is no tomorrow. Why, unless there IS SOME LARGER PLAN UNDERWAY. I call it ‘the trap’. And it is ready to snap; it is all around and we can all see it. And yet we are so in shock that we can not offer resistance. Wow.

    There is no doubt that we are at that point today… with the crowd control drones, second generation satellite lockdown, taking flight… and none can dispute otherwise. The evidence is too overwhelming. The sudden, rapid evolution of the government-public separatist movement demonstrates that we are on the cusp of a major social dichotomy.

    Government is today an entity that has captured and recruited (whether via the capitalist or communist format) the ‘best’ of the human competitive gene pool, mentally and physically, greased by corporate innovation and corrupt, dynastic wealth, establishing itself atop of the social pyramid… the proverbial ‘eye’.

    This is the slice of time in which we find itself. Arbitrary and ‘demonic’ as it may seem, it is simply the incarnate human reflection of environmental exploitation compounded by the latest boot-kick on the social anthill, a Pandemic of an escaped WMD of penultimate horror. Will we survive? Maybe, but not necessarily.

    There are flaws with the government’s (untested) plans that will come back to bite them in a big way. Redundancy and stockpiling is extremely vulnerable and tenuous. So is social isolation and competition amidst, and when it is between, members of a unidimensional, selected monopoly gene pool. And I personally believe that the social consciousness that will be playing out on top of the surface… stumbling through the mayhem of economic collapse and deadly infection… will mirror to large extent what will be a wholly artificial assembly down below.

    The best laid plans of mice and men… fall to pieces when their engineers awaken to hindsight.

  • ter September 4, 2012, 11:40 pm

    Horrifying. The premise and its elaboration explain many government actions as parts of a demonic plan. Thank you.

  • Chris T. September 4, 2012, 4:27 pm

    So, then what’s the point?

    I guess all we can do then is plant an apple tree, no need to discuss further

  • Erich Simon September 3, 2012, 5:23 am

    The Post Pandemic Mop-Up

    There were three original T. Rex sub-clades of HP H5N1 (Qinghai, Fujian, etc.) that emerged early on and marched their separate directions across three continents. Today there are others… and thousands upon thousands of subtypes branching from this ancestry. And there are recombinants between more and more circulating flu strains from mammals of every type, reptile, insect, and fish, along with individual mutations themselves ‘hitchhiking’ the same universe of influenza virus strains and meeting inside ‘mixing vessels’ like pigs and horses and dogs and cats, as well as so many other reservoirs, from migratory geese droppings to contaminated city drinking reservoirs… like in Jakarta… far too many now to begin to even try and keep track. Suspiciously… and unlike other influenza viruses, there appears to be little, if any, cross-immunity between this growing and staggering number of viral sequences, all falling under the eight genome nomenclature of HIGHLY PATHOGENIC H5N1.

    If you survive a ‘milder’ strain (should one “dumb-down” sufficiently for you to be one of the lucky micro-micro-minority) or if you are vaccinated against one prevalent type of strain, thanks to the work (and genius) of a proximal (underground) lab that succeeds in amassing antigen and formulating a nearly impossible vaccine target, then any of the other circulating sequences and sub-types can kill you once you come out of your bunker.

    While the Pandemic will have seeded the environment and then mutated away from species human like all pandemics, so that you can come topside to rejoin the above-ground population, you will still be in danger from infected carriers. This is another fact kept from the public at large and is deeply disturbing in its implications.

    There will be two types of viral carriers wandering the surface when the underground, militarily-endowed population finally deem the Pandemic on the downside threshold of the third wave, and scouting parties come up to reestablish ‘civilization’. Those who have a Darwinian, natural selection immunity from infection… due to ‘abnormality’ in receptor binding cells that simply can not dock with ANY influenza virus, reminiscent of the Delta 32 studies of those who received HIV tainted blood in the 1970s but who never developed AIDS… and those who were infected with any manner of sequence or subtype and were the outliers that lived to tell the tale. It will be impossible to blood test the entire above-ground population, and certainly not in the short timeframe needed to insure against a sudden fourth wave….

    Both of these carrier groups will be pretty much indistinguishable in so far as they will be alive and meandering the rural landscape, along with hermitted groups emerging (too soon!) from their own bunkers. They will both be very serious threats to the vaccinated minority coming up out of the bunkers.

    There will only be one immediate way to assure that some part of the surviving 30% above-ground do not infect the emerging military and industrial infrastructure workers. Unless there comes a Universal Vaccine (no chance, wholly propaganda… all previous talk of such is apt indictment of the unthinkable), or unless the subterranean crowd remains beneath the surface and sends up greeting teams to funnel the above-ground peoples into the network of underground, quarantined holding cells (for processing and reintegration), then everyone on the surface will be an enemy of the state.

  • Ed Hoarse September 2, 2012, 10:36 pm

    Well written response Erich. The governmental preparedness and bunkers could relate to a number of items, not necessarily pandemic alone. The probability list starts simple with the collapse of the dollar and markets, foreign wars gone very bad – EMP/bio counter attack and embargoes on fuel, Carrington Event, simultaneous multiple pandemics, multiple earthquakes/tsunamis/volcanoes and associated nuclear plant melt downs, extra-terrestrial alien or inter-dimension demon invasions, and throw in the Zombie Apocalypse.

    The choices come down to hoping for some semblance of order in the smaller cities or fending off neo-Quantrill raiders in the countryside.

    Maintaining CONfidence until the last minute is the game on the table, whatever it is governments are expecting over the next 6-12 months.

  • Erich Simon September 2, 2012, 7:11 pm

    Sofa King, as a Tulane grad I can tell you that the Fed response to Katrina had nothing to do with Fed incompetence and everything to do with the fact that Louisiana is a separate legal state entity from the other US states. No lawyer from any other state can practice law in Louisiana, because they are on the Napoleonic Code legal system. The Fed disowned that state same as that state has long disowned the Fed (the corruption down there is horrendous). When I was in school there in the late ’70s slavery was still on the legislature ballot for vote. Of course the Fed turned their backs on paying aid. Sadly, the state turned its back too, and right now, today, murder is condoned by the ‘police’ so long as it is kept within certain areas of the city and between individuals residing in low income communities….

    The Federal government is not nearly as inept as you naively imply. They have long been quietly at work closing gaps, linking data bases and instituting what I have referred to as ‘the social and economic trap’ ready to snap for some years now. The bankrupting and disempowering of the masses is all by design, I fear, to transition an end to the supposed ‘freedoms’ and ‘liberties’ that embolden and empower citizens, all the flag-waving ideals that they believe this country was founded upon. And while there is nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing left to lose… except a whole boatload of men with nothing left to lose, have you ever seen an Apache helicopter unloading on a riotous crowd?

    There is no comparison.

    US troops are being expedited back stateside suddenly from the ME to deal with the upcoming Pandemic and lockdown of the United States citizenry after having been trained in the use of ‘nonlethal’ crowd control. Rubber bullets, of course, are the preamble to real bullets, once the social boiling point has bubbled over. And it will. These troops are trained in road blocks, establishing perimeters and in just about every other facet of social lockdown that is awaiting us all.

    The political/military mindset is called Social Triage. Continuity of civilization. The MANAGED culling of the 70% slated to perish during a high path Pandemic.

    In the Philadelphia area, sitting warehoused on a nondescript, overgrown concrete lot on Roosevelt Boulevard, unknown to even most of us locals, is a building full of fully armed tanks ready to roll out to blockade off I-95 and Rt. 1, essentially closing off and cordoning the entire northern access into that one city. It is the same with every other city in this country. If you didn’t know someone who worked there, you would not know of its existence. But there is sits. Silently in the dark.

    Never mind the explosion of National Guard, you should hear the logistics for NYC, where my brother-in-law (selected for training to be one of the city’s six licensed Master Riggers for consultation on BIG crane jobs)… he runs some of the largest construction crews in the world, like the ones that cleaned up after 9-11. There are police in the city that you see, and then there are police that you don’t see, and they are everywhere, like over in the Philippines, plainclothes security guys canvassing everywhere that are carrying machine guns under their jackets. The level of security, the sheer number of foot soldiers, is staggering.

    An independent doesn’t stand a chance.

    Similarly, the US borders are already closed to escape for all intents and purposes, with passports required that are only becoming more cumbersome in obtaining. Meanwhile, TSA expands its powers and is moving tag-team into the road block business to help mobilize and lock down all highway travel. The interstates are all fenced and are easily closed off with just one cop posted at every on/off ramp, like what happened on the 4th of July after 9-11 all along the Pennsylvania turnpike.

    Do not mistake the mass of unproductive Federal labor pool worker bees with their babysitting, frivolous budget largesse, today suddenly being pulled off the government teat, with the ‘real’ government. The real government are the ones that got the bulk of the money, and the newfangled crowd control weaponry, over the last 15 years that caused all of our off-balance sheet inflation, which substantially bankrupted (right on schedule too) the US taxpayer in preparation for what is just ahead.

    That ‘real’ government is on a specific mission. Pandemic Preparedness. Preservation of Civilization, and THEIR way of life. They are locking down this nation everywhere, with cameras at every intersection, FEMA camps painted into the local landscapes, endless contracts deputizing third party security firms, troop movements shuffling the final choke points… I mean it’s all around. And it is all happening right now.

    Once they cut the internet, there will be no “ordinary and hardworking and clever citizens” to unite. And the ones who do… well, you can bet that that list has already been drawn, and those persons will not be joining the survivors in the underground, quarantined bunkers. If HP H5N1 doesn’t eradicate ‘dissident’ numbers (including nation by nation war, and by the way, much of our foreign policy pre-Pandemic is going to locking down rogue nukes in places like Pakistan), it is my honest fear that mop-up crews emerging in advance of the general public from the subterranean bunkers, after the Pandemic has mutated away, will either round the masses up for internment… seeing as how the US incarcerates more than any other nation, and is real good at doing so… or else worse, a purge. The time will certainly be ripe for such event.

  • Sofa King September 2, 2012, 5:04 pm

    Eric, great stuff, scared the crap out of me for all of five minutes until I stopped and realized that this great nationwide martial law plan will be carried out by those who can barely get the mail delivered. Look at the response in a small section of the country due to a hurricane…How about you re-write your scenario taking into account the incompetence of federal workers and the determination of ordinary hardworking and somewhat clever citizens. I think clans organized by local warlords would be a good start – That book from the late Nineties, “The Sovereign Individual” has some great stuff; you can work from.

  • ebear September 2, 2012, 12:21 pm

    Does this mean I have to stop feeding the chickadees in my back yard?

  • Erich Simon September 1, 2012, 8:52 pm

    What To Expect/What To Do During Outbreak

    In March 2003 the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was brought under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), not unlike all the powers redirected to DHS from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)… in regards to decision-making and logistics surrounding an upcoming Pandemic of Highly Pathogenic H5N1. SARS CoV was the lead-in to the TSA’s enhanced role and presence (many SARS case fatalities, as determined by viral sequences proffered by the Chinese head of biosecurity no less, were the result of HP H5N1 going back to 2002). When global surveillance (spearheaded by NAMRU, the Naval Medical Research Unit) alerts the WHO Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, to begin ringing the Pandemic bell… after most all of the top-listed VIPs have been retrieved and earmarked for their separate underground bunkers as prescribed by the National Pandemic Response Plan, and built with your tax dollars… the TSA will identify all flights connected to the outbreak, and arrest all passengers and relocate them to designated holding tanks. This is, after all, the raison d’etre for today’s TSA… shutting down and funneling potentially infected air passenger traffic… not the terrorist cover story, with its ludicrous underwear and shoe bomb fanfare. The SARS story in November of 2002 witnessed one individual who infected nine others, who then transported the virus to four continents. In TWO days.

    TSA first-line response is expected to slow the spread of Pandemic by some 2-3 days, the window that the VIPs need to escape to their bunkers. You will have only 2-3 hours, at best. It would be a mistake to use these to acquire last minute supplies. Run.

    All persons during that time will be locked down in their homes, in states like New Jersey for as long as a year. Legally. If you leave, you will be considered a threat to the community and you will most probably be shot and killed. Recent surge in ammunition procurement by DHS is a result of recent CDC experiments and the incipient Pandemic. The Police State is standing at the ready to transition the Military State.

    No supplies will be forthcoming to your houses. In fact, in state pandemic response plans like up in Alaska, the police could not agree or circumvent the problem of delivering aid to the sick, or retrieving bodies of the dead, without themselves becoming infected. Since the drafting of all the state pandemic response plans, tractor trailers of ‘aid supplies’ have been secreted around every state, but it is doubtful that these contain much more than cots, hazmat bio-suits for body disposal… and body bags. The FEMA plan calls for using sports stadiums for incineration of the deceased.

    The tap water drawn from water treatment plants will be poisonous after three days since there are no reserves of chlorination, which is imported from overseas. Stockpile water NOW. Similarly, all ‘just-in-time’ supply chains from overseas, which is basically everything… even medical supplies like the needles used to inject any pipe-dream vaccines if ever there were one…, will come to an abrupt end. The military will occupy (nuclear) power plants so the power will remain on for as long as they are protected from infection, which may not be very long, although they have had time now to ‘gear up’. Hospitals will at first redirect infected patients (to make-shift triage facilities like school gymnasiums), and then they will close altogether as studies have determined that medical staff will flee to avoid infection.

    In addition to TSA’s ‘quarantining’ of all possibly ‘infected’ passengers… across all tangential lines of air travel, the agency will step in to coordinate and funnel the cessation of all remaining travel. Unruly passengers caught up away from their families attempting to flee will be arrested and taken to one of the FEMA camps now built and waiting in every state for the casualties of such a Pandemic, infected and economic. Interstates will similarly be closed. Ships will be turned away or anchored. Planes will remain grounded. All the laws restricting personal freedoms passed over the last decade will suddenly ‘come to life’.

    Announcements will be broadcast over the two or three remaining television/radio channels (the internet and cell phones will all be turned off, initially from ‘traffic jams’ like in 9-11, then by decree per the recent national dry run performed largely in conjunction with the CDC sponsored experiments quantifying the final remaining mutations and throes of incipient Pandemic). These will instruct all persons to remain in their homes awaiting emergency provisions, whenever and if ever they arrive. Anyone leaving their homes will be considered, and treated as, an enemy of We The People under the pretense of potentially being a ‘super-spreader’ of virus. Persons above a certain social standing deemed essential for the maintenance of continuity of ‘government’ will be evacuated, by helicopter if necessary, into the underground bunkers which have all been constructed and fortified over the last five years… as shortages of most all related goods from cement to dehydrated foods have demonstrated. Once key personnel are secured underground, then the chaos will erupt on the next level, as uniforms get tossed (think Katrina) and the quasi-military takes form and assumes command over the new black market, structureless economy that is sure to degenerate. Think prison population dynamics.

    The Pandemic will come in ‘waves’. The first wave will make short work of those living in the cities, which will be barricaded and ‘tanked’ off (literally) at all the main transit entries and exits by the above-ground military grunts, with whole divisions trained for urban warfare in places like Iraq and recently brought stateside. All those holding up inside multi-family residential dwellings will similarly succumb in the early going. It is CRITICAL that those in apartment buildings get out. The viral crystals will inundate those buildings like the smell of the neighbors’ cooking permeating from every apartment inside, while outside, the crystals will come in like the smoke of someone smoking a cigarette on the front stoop, or the exhaust from a car idling in the parking lot. To remain in an apartment or to try and protect oneself in that location means certain infection.

    As the dead begin to pile, in the first 10 days the pile will heap… by the first 30 days the dead will lay everywhere…, their decomposition will release viral crystals into the air, which will blow miles and swarm the inner city and proximity, suburban cul-de-sac landscape like one great billowing fog of death. A grizzly bear, for example, is said to be able to detect an odor trail from as far away as 18 miles. Imagine the scent cloud of tens and hundreds of thousands dead.

    These viral crystals will disburse rather arbitrarily, not unlike the radiation plume blowing across the United States from Fukushima, so to be ‘twice-removed’ at least gets your name in the lottery of the potential living. But to be inside ‘the cloud’ is to invite certain infection.

    The Pandemic will come in three waves if history is any guide. All will be bad. If you survive the first wave understand that the second wave will probably be much worse, since the virus will mutate further to become even more adapted to species human and even more transmissible. Also, people will suffer from isolation fatigue and a false sense of security… and venture out ‘into the dawn’. That would be a mistake (isolation studies have shown that humans are particularly well suited to a solitary existence for long stretches, so ignore the myth that isolation drives people mad, it doesn’t).

    Some time between the second and third wave a vaccine might become available, and bull-horned around your vicinity. If you know who made it, if you have intimate knowledge of its safety, effectiveness and origin, then you might consider rolling up your sleeve. Otherwise, under NO circumstance let anyone inject you with anything. No vaccine has ever been made against a high path and the thought of being injected with high path antigen and adjunct is quite unsettling at best. Also, ‘sinister’ forces will arise that might seek to capitalize on the mayhem to begin euthanizing, using some snake oil cure-all vax, what will be the largest refugee pool of dependents in the history of the planet.

    Do not get arrested. Otherwise, you might just get ‘vaccinated’ against your will under the auspices that you present a threat to the community at large as a ‘carrier’.

    Survival is a matter of prioritizing three mandates. First is personal protection. This means protection from infection foremost, and any other immediate threat. In this case people are the enemy, armed or not. Second, is water. And third is food.

    To hedge your chances of survival you must position yourself to attend to these mandates. Food and water are self-explanatory and should be stored right now. Right now. Do not rely on procuring these items along the way, by purchase or pillage, since to do so will most likely get you infected. Be prepared and know your way around what is sure to be a ‘totalitarian’ environment at best, and a new era of Lord of The Flies at worst. But how to guard against the air, which will be poisonous?

    Isolation is your best hedge. Foremost, people should have a place to go quickly that is as far out of social reach as is attainable per budget and mobility. Children are the biggest threat in a Pandemic, and they must have an efficient and effective escape plan that the whole family is practiced in. The first two hours will determine life or death in most cases. Get out of the cities, get out of apartment dwellings, get out of tightly packed neighborhoods, get remote.

    There are ways of controlling and even sterilizing the air to hedge against ‘environmental’ seeding of viral crystals. Anyone with basic tools can devise a setting that is reasonably secure in this regard. Air in, air out. Draw your air from as ‘clean’ and secure a place as possible. Keep your quarters airtight. Do not come and go, but stay put.

    In order to stay put, you need eyes and ears. Get a cheap radio with all the frills and plenty of batteries. Get Walkie-Talkies, (a pair costing $100 has a line of sight of some 35 miles). Give a Walkie to everyone in your party, which needs to remain SMALL. Every person you add increases your chances of infection. Have a coordinated ‘command’ and communication center. Give a Walkie to neighbors ‘across the way’, especially in vantages high up where they can see the distance, and exposed flanks where trouble might come marching over the hill.

    Eventually the Pandemic will mutate out of the human realm. Underground science teams will come up and take blood samples and survey the damage. Then at some point the government will (attempt?) to restart society. Who knows what that day will look like, but experts like Dr. Robert Webster calculate 50% dead. With the economy in shambles and the US literally too poor to live, I put the number closer to 70%. Following some simple guidelines will greatly enhance your chances of being one of the remaining 30%.

    • Sam September 1, 2012, 10:33 pm

      Amazingly vivid guidelines. Terry Gilliam would be proud – it’s a scenario reminiscent of ‘Twelve Monkeys’ but with gritty reality added.

      I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but the world needs a re-balancing of the human habitation/destruction and the natural world. I wish it was something that is within our own power to do, by controlling the rate of our reproduction and consumption, but we seem incapable of that, instead our only chance of reducing seems to be a choice of a) war (set off by economic fragmentation) or b) viral epidemic (or maybe a combination of the two)

      Thanks for some wise and practical advice and unconventional thoughts on extraordinary circumstances.

  • Sam September 1, 2012, 7:10 pm

    Erich, the timing of this recent incident of hantavirus in Yosemite National Park coincides with your essay uncannily and in a rather eerie way: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9513982/Yosemite-hantavirus-outbreak-virus-kills-quickly-and-cannot-be-treated-says-epidemiologist.html

  • Erich Simon August 31, 2012, 10:22 pm

    Chris T., the mutation that allows H5N1 to mutate around Tamiflu is called H274Y. But like I iterated, Tamiflu was never intended to cure H5N1… so of course it does not work, but only to mask its diagnosis so as to understate the official case number statistics to downplay the whole spread dynamic and keep people in the dark until Outbreak.

  • Phil August 31, 2012, 9:54 pm

    Drink the cool-aid.

  • Chris T. August 31, 2012, 8:18 pm

    “HIV, hepatitis… and influenza”

    Yes, true, BUT those are SCAMS, they do NOT WORK.
    The whole protease inhibitor thing, Tamiflu, is BS.

    At most they can, maybe, reduce the duration of the illnesss by a day or two.
    But at what cost? really bad side-effects.

    The story on HIV-“antivirals””, which aren’t even given to people suffering from the disease, but merely positive to the virus, is even worse.
    There is much credible evidence, that it is these terrible drugs that did alot of the killing, not AIDS.
    Actually the “s” in AIDS is a good indicator that they have no clue.
    Despite Montagnier etc, it still is not even sure that HIV “causes” Aids.
    The epidemiology of “aids” dispositive here as much as the evidence of WTC is to NIST or the 9/11 commission.

    And for what it’s worth, the little Tamiflu does has alreayd been escomped by growing viral-immunity….

    So, either the whole pandeimc thing is a hoax, or if it’s not, there isn’t much that can be done

  • Erich Simon August 31, 2012, 8:05 pm

    As an addendum to the Donald Rumsfeld/Big Pharma story, Rumsfeld was briefed about H5’s existence prior to the ‘public’ discovery in 1996, traced to a goose in Guangdong, China. A meeting of Big Pharma industry insiders and Rumsfeld revealed the obscene threat of this viral WMD, which was probably scrapped by its inventors because it was so lethal that it makes collection of antigen for vaccine production nearly impossible, and antigen has so far been prove ineffective at any quantity, while at the same time, and unknown to the public, the virus is so lethal that it kills the eggs (embryo) used to culture the vaccine.

    When Rumsfeld became advised of these realities he very well decided that if there would never be a vaccine of any sufficient quantity (unless cell-based, DNA vaccine technology evolved to meet the challenge… and if so, it is a government secret that ‘they’ so far have denied, per the head science consultant to the former DHHS, Mike Leavitt), Rumsfeld decided to hide the upcoming Pandemic from society until the moment of Outbreak to contain mass panic on a level that will be surreal, and to lock down the country militarily which is happening all around right now.

    Rumsfeld and his cronies developed a drug called Oseltamivir, widely known as Tamiflu. The purpose of this drug is to mask diagnosis, to test false negative (the symptoms are abated the first day or two, death comes at the same time, with or without the drug). In one documented case an infected patient was given Tamiflu and tested NINE times for the presence of Highly Pathogenic H5N1. All tests came back false negative, except the last, on autopsy.

    In conjunction with Tamiflu, a strategy was put into effect where the CDC and WHO instituted unrealistic and stringent guidelines for ‘official’ verification of the number of global HP H5N1 confirmed cases using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing, which simply is not possible for the vast majority of infections. In fact, it is laudable. This is because most cases across three continents reside and are clustering in ‘bankrupt’ Third World nations. Testing is extremely costly and time consuming, a huge draw on resources, while most do not even have access to sophisticated labs, themselves overburdened, never mind an endemic lack of health reporting and misdiagnosis per hemorrhagic dengue, TB, typhoid, encephalitis, ILI, ARI, etc., etc…. with most governments incentivized and burying cases to protect the tourism and the poultry industries… as well as a slew of other considerations making the total number of confirmed cases to date a Grand Lie. There are easily tens of thousands already dead, and when one includes Russia and China, untold numbers.

    From the beginning of the science of virology it was deemed impossible for a Highly Pathogenic virus to spread to outlying poultry populations (let alone jump the species barrier and infect a human being!); they were so lethal that they ‘burnt themselves out’ and therefore could not spread. Recently, that has all been debunked. The reason why the HP H5N1 virus has not, as yet, gone full blown efficient transmission into the human species is simply a matter of mutation. Or combination with an easily mate-able and highly-efficiently transmitting other virus, like the 2009 Pandemic H1N1, which makes its untraceable and sudden introduction in Mexico City so confounding. Once the mutations line up, then it is Outbreak and Pandemic. Right now the virus kills up to 90% of those infected in Indonesia, the evolved stomping grounds of the original strain traced to China/Russia. That is pre-mutation. Post mutation that number is expected to magnify big time.

    The purpose of the recent CDC et al. experiments was/is (many countries are now quietly doing their own frenzied homework) because back in 2005 the virus binded with receptors deep in the human lung. Then, the virus moved up to bind with receptors at the back of the human throat. That was in 2008 when I sounded the alarm and advised my clients to invest and plan accordingly (like others I retired and moved into a self-sufficient property in a sparsely populated area that at least will afford me some heads-up time, and spare me from the insanity that is going to crash hard on our already over-developed population centers).

    The CDC experiments of late (on both sides of the pond), and the remaining mutations, show that the virus is acquiring the ability to bind with receptors in the human nose. When that happens, it will ignite, plain and simple. With the virus on such a well-quantified trajectory… arguing or pretending, or ignoring, the threat of Pandemic is irresponsible. For those with children, it is worse than that.

  • Erich Simon August 31, 2012, 5:59 pm

    I am just reading some of these comments and will throw out a couple of bullet points that might help address the casual dismissal-denial that is typical of things that are ‘unthinkable’.

    -The 2009 Pandemic H1N1 is a brother of the 1918 flu (as opposed to the seasonal H1N1 which is a distant cousin), and it is mutating nearly exactly the same as what happened in 1918. Meaning that we are also staring down the barrel of another Spanish Flu. The 2009 Pandemic H1N1 mates easily with other viruses (suspiciously so) and spreads far more efficiently than the seasonal H1N1, which itself originated from a refrigerator in China/Russia after hiatus and lack of mutations from circulating in the natural environment. THAT virus was stored from 195X to 197X, I don’t have the dates at hand, and then it either escaped or was released.

    -The 1918 virus was a low path that acquired high path ‘traits’. Half of those that died did so from secondary infections for which there are cures today. Still, these high paths are remarkable for their propensity for killing those with the best immune systems, the young and virile.

    -The reason I said in 2008 that we stood a high risk of a high path H5N1 outbreak around that time is because the government was surprise ‘attacked’ by the Qinghai Lake migratory geese ‘befriending’ (another natural world impossibility; high paths do not befriend bird populations, they kill them, 100% in an average time of 48 hours). The government spokespeople had not yet gotten their house in order after that event, or developed what I consider to be the greatest propaganda campaign of all time. The talking heads were panicked and befuddled and what I watched (along with the rest of the world’s tuned-in scientific community on the 2005 Ted Kopple program, which was immediately censored, was a real eye-opener!) . The virus at that time was clustering geometrically, seeming to ebb and flow into the animal kingdom. Today, all human clustering has been under media blackout, and you will not learn of the Outbreak until it is literally in your neighborhood, same as with SARS CoV.

    -In 2008, I listed some ten signs that Outbreak was imminent, like the disappearance of key figures escaped underground (since then many of the CDC have opted for early retirement and I understand many banking CEOs are now gone). Atop the list was a scramble to identify the remaining mutations through experimental analysis, to narrow the window of escape into the quarantined bunkers absent viable vaccine. Well, those experiments have just been completed, meaning that we are very close… either this flu season or the next at present mutation/spread-clustering extrapolation rates… and global surveillance is honing in on the remaining quantifiable set of mutations (and keeping those a well-guarded secret at Los Alamos).

    The fact that experiments have demonstrated that the less than five mutations can happen along one genetic background, meaning one naturally occurring subtype, is cause for alarm. Also cause for alarm is how Indonesia, a blackout country sworn to stop providing sequences, is now giving them away and sequestering input from all First World countries.

    -The origin of the HP virus is most likely a WMD designed as a spoiler, or scorched earth weapon, that escaped, either from Russia when the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, or China. What everyone has overlooked is how in 1997 when the virus got into the human population in Hong Kong- an impossibility from a natural point of view… indicating that the virus was far more advanced/adapted in penetrating the human realm than the very subdued, official byline- the virus came over from a large devastated Chinese poultry population in INFECTED chickens that clinically were pronounced healthy. THAT means that the virus had already befriended the indigenous poultry population long before, exposing an entirely new timeline from the official version! And the beginning of what has all along been one long chain of lies from our and their governments! China, by the way, is the main producer of POULTRY vaccine, which works to keep chicken healthy but SHEDDING VIRUS, the way that the humans probably got infected in the first place since that would be another reservoir for mutation (the reservoirs for mutational recombination are today EVERYWHERE). And the Chinese poultry vaccine protects against just one strain, I suspect the original military strain.

    -Donald Rumsfeld was chosen as Secretary of Defense because he was Chairman of Gilead, which makes antivirals against HIV, hepatitis… and influenza. This means that the number one threat assessment to national security at the time he was brought on board was not Iraq or the Middle East, it was not oil or global warming, it was not terrorism. All of those things are stage set and moving the pieces into place for the real threat. A highly pathogenic virus now heading straight into the human domain, one that is more than capable of killing whole cities in mere seconds. And that is absolutely not hyperbole. This virus kills “instantaneously”, same as the 1918 H1N1 did to First Nation peoples, the Inuit especially… a high path has NEVER been exposed to a human population.

    • EasyE August 31, 2012, 7:58 pm

      Well what do you suggest for practical precautions? Can’t move to the outback, stuck in the city, specifically an apartment.

  • Erich Simon August 31, 2012, 5:02 pm

    Rick asked me to jump in here, I’ll give it a try as I am on an Apple, and indeed have relocated far away from population density for a number of plausible crisis scenarios of which H5N1 is certainly one. My credentials in crisis management investing speak for themselves, attracting large sums from one of the Big Three after correctly positioning ‘all-in short’ for a domestic terror attack five days in advance of 9-11, so I’m not going to go there.

    I will just say briefly that I am the first to anticipate, nearly from day one, a recombination virus with the 2009 Pandemic H1N1, which mates easily with other viruses, and the Highly Pathogenic H5N1. I will also say that the H1N1 2009 Pandemic strain has recently mated with an H3N2 (if you haven’t hear about it YOU WILL), and the CDC is scrambling to come up with vaccine (against a low path) for the coming flu season. THAT virus is today breaking out everywhere from Hawaii to New England, swapping back and forth between swine and human.

    I have a great deal of information on this subject that I am putting together for an article (in the New Yorker?), including having found the ‘smoking gun’ on where this thing originated…. Make no mistake, it is real and the CDC is scrambling right now against an enemy that is nearly unmentionable.

    • gary leibowitz August 31, 2012, 5:16 pm

      So basically the answer is to stay as isolated from the general public as possible. What would you suggest if people decide not to make a drastic change in their lifestyle just yet? Is their a contingency plan for anyone that wishes to get a jump start when the early signs of a pandemic are here? Possible relocation sites, preparing for food storage, etc.

    • gary leibowitz August 31, 2012, 5:24 pm

      BTW, It seems my comments are always being scrutinized and not being allowed to post for some very strange reason.

      “Your comment is awaiting moderation” comes up almost every single time I try to post. I guess thats one way to “get rid of my views”. Imagine we have such extreme and insulting views posted here yet for some reason my “tone” seems out of step with the rest? Ironic that this blog is mainly on the evils of government, when any opposing view seems to be banned or “controlled” by Rick right here on this site.

      See ya…..

  • gary leibowitz August 31, 2012, 3:14 pm

    Don’t be so sure we will survive another catastrophic event. We already have determined there were 2 period in our past where near extinction happened. One was 70,000 years ago and the other 1.2 million. The last one resulted in an estimated 2 thousand humans that survived. The older one is estimated to have had 55 thousand survivors (genus homo).

    A massive comet or asteroid will eventually hit us again. That is an almost certainty. Massive super volcanic eruptions will also happen again, with 9 known super volcanic areas of the world.

    During such times, mutations in a small survival sample could lead to extinction or a dramatic beneficial expansion.

    If a large comet hit us what do you think the odds of survival are?

  • Sofa King August 31, 2012, 5:33 am

    I would be more worried about that outbreak of Bubonic Plague in Yellowstone that they keep calling a “deadly disease carried by field mice”. Yes boys and girls, The Plague.

  • ter August 31, 2012, 2:27 am

    The CDC, FDA, the federal government in general are mother lodes of lies and misinformation. A classic example was the lie 36,000 die annually from influenza. The 36,000 figure included deaths from pneumonia, more than 90% of the total, because pneumonia often kills the elderly, after they’ve been weakened by other maladies–not flu. CDC got away with the lie for many years because their Morbidity and Mortality Tables weren’t reviewed. If there is a pandemic coming, the odds favor a laboratory manufactured virus as the source. Credit to the alert commenters on this board who know better than to credit anything CDC tells us.

  • Desk man August 30, 2012, 10:04 pm

    One can never be truly prepared for extreme events and anyone who spends time worrying is a mindless fool. Is America prepared for a meteor strike? What about a magnetic pole reversal? Was anyone prepared for AIDS or the crack and meth epidemics? Man is part of nature and when species become too abundant for their environment the weak are culled. By resisting this natural element you cause harm. Those urging preparation on a mass scale ate full of hubris. Many of today’s problems could be mitigated with a large scale population reduction. I am not so foolish to want to be first or to suggest someone else be the volunteer, yet I do not concern myself whether I shall survive a tail risk event.

  • Mickey August 30, 2012, 7:29 pm

    I come from a back ground rich in treating all sorts of deseases with all natural elements from Mother Earth passed down from my Native American parents & the generations that practiced & documented what each plant, erb & elements was needed to defeat the deseases the white brought with them.

    Today we have let the corruption of big phrama take control of FDA & every other gov agency you can name. If a cure from a cheap natural extracts from a plant or erbs the FDA bans them because big phrama tells congress it will cut into their profits & we are deprived from those cheap cures. Take food grade hydrogen peroxide, it has been used by doctors who practice natural medicine to cure cancer & all sorts of ailments & because of the low cost compared to cemo & radationt big phrama is pushing congress to out law the sales of it in its purest form in the USSA. Two doctors in the late 1800’s from Europe were chain smokers, they started doing experiments to find away to stop the terrible side effects of quiting & they found a extract from a seed that indeed acted to trick the brains receptors & they both stopped smoking & the drug is still used in Europe to help people kick the habit. Early this year a famous heart doctor who came on Fox News every Sunday morning brought up his study on he did to help folks kick the habit. In the 3 groups he gave 1 group Chantex, 2nd group sugar pills & the 3rd group the European seed extract in the pill form, his findings were group 3 had the highest rate of quiting without the bad side effects that Chantex has. The host asked him the name of the drrug group 3 used & he named it & he said he did not care that the FDA had not approved it use in the U.S. but its record in Europe & around the world spoke for itself. I think the name was Sopex, not sure and the good doctor who had appeared every Sunday has been replaced soon after he told the FDA to take a hike!

    Anothe note to the public, the U.S. bio warfare facility at PlumbIsland is being moved to the heart land of cattle country right smack in ‘tornado ally’ in OK. This same folks who gave us Lime desease & to build a bio plant where a torado can bring the barametic pressure so low that well built buildings just explode is just asking for trouble!

    Science has been the tool of the elite to inflick mass harm to humanity. These people live in a world where the suffering of man means nothing to them as long as their profits keep growing . Many places around the world sees & feels it first hand like Japan & soon the whole of north America if another quake hits Japan’s nuke plants. The bird flu is a concern, but what is a real concern is explained on this site. http://www.fairewinds.com/content/can-spent-fuel-pools-catch-fire. The man is a expert in the nuclear field & in this video he shows the dangers the whole world is watching. The U.S. needs to look at our own Mark I nuke pools & demand that the companies spend the money they have to fix this problem, it’s very costly but the share holders does bare the responibilty to ensure the safety of all of the USA at all costs to their personal wealth! If they don’t want to comply, freeze their assets world wide & use it to ensure the job is done ASAP.

  • Benjamin August 30, 2012, 6:52 pm

    The following linked essay, while lengthy, indicates just how incredibly resilient life is…


    That’s not to say there won’t ever be another Spanish Flu-type outbreak, but it’s very, very, very unlikely that human populations will become endangered or extinct in the next century (millennium?).

    Anyway, if one is so concerned about it, the soundest tactic is to move to the Antarctic interior. In other words, there is no serious point talking about preparations and survival against the possibility of super-duper viruses; you’ll either survive it by the good graces of God/Nature or you won’t.

    • Robert August 31, 2012, 12:14 am

      Actually, I think the Atacama desert in Peru is even more sterile than Antarctica, but your point is still well deserved.

  • Robert August 30, 2012, 5:48 pm

    There is one fairly obvious (at least to me) observation I need to make:

    In the battle of man versus nature- man may win the skirmishes, but nature holds the nukes. It is only by the grace of God (or, nature if you choose) that the nukes are not unleashed.

    The preservation of your consciousness (and your memories) is dependent upon the status of your biological being (for now). If you are that fearful of permanently losing your consciousness (and memories) then you need to ignore all the disease-based fear mongering out there, and jump on board the Ray Kurzweil/Nick Bostrom transhumanism express.

    Kurzweil says we will achieve the Singularity before the final human dies a biological death, so why is everyone so worried about Bird Flu?

    If I croak before Kurzweil’s visions happen to come into being, will I have any regrets…? nope, since I’ll be dead.

    Fear of death is the ONLY valid control mechanism we have (and actively use) against each other. The fact that I can deprive you of life should NOT make you fear me.

    Pandemics are just one of nature’s way of performing “regression to the mean” among species. The strongest will survive, and the weakest will perish.

    Living in denial of a natural truth does not make it any less truthful.

    Besides- c’mon Erich, didn’t you read “The Hot Zone” in the 1990’s ?

    Ebola and Marburgh are each 2 billion times more virulent than ANY of the H1N1 strains.

    We were all supposed to be dead shortly after Ebola hitchhiked its first airline flight out of Kinsasha

    Mario- Regarding flu shots- I could not agree more. Focusing your health preservation and dietary practices on basic nutrition and physical conditioning is the BEST thing you can do for your immune system, IMO.

    Trying to erect artificial barriers to infection is no more tenable in the long run than stacking sandbags against the tidal swell of a hurricane.

    If I die of the Avian Flu in the next 10 years, then all of you standing over my corpse boldly declaring “I told you so” will probably be lost on the fact that I simply never cared whether or not you outlived me…

    Preventing pandemics- another folly of human endeavor almost as cosmically stupid as the quest to earn “best-dressed” at the Grammy Awards…

    • Benjamin August 30, 2012, 7:02 pm

      Oh, GAWD… transhumans! If there’s anything more ridiculous than people who live in the fear of dying, it’s people who bask in the hope for solutions like immortality.

    • Robert August 31, 2012, 12:12 am

      HAHAHAH true dat, Benjamin.

      My greatest puzzlement about the transhuman faith is:

      Once your consciousness is transferred over to the ephemeral and immortal artificiality, how will you ensure that no one accidentally trips over your power cord … ?

    • Dave August 31, 2012, 9:30 pm

      Kurzweil also wrote that keeping your insulin levels low contribute to longevity. Not easy if you’re insulin resistant. Following a no/low carb ketogenic diet like Atkins does help here. Insulin is being implicated in cancers and other chronic illnesses. Personally, I feel better on a ketogenic diet and have 40 years of blood tests to show beneficial HDL, CHOL, trig, etc. when following this, but my inheritance, blood type and metabolism is geared for a high animal fat diet. Know your genotype, read D’Adamo’s blood type diet books on how to determine yours.

  • Buster August 30, 2012, 5:39 pm

    I’ve found that a lot of craving is due to not having enough vitimines & minerals in our diets. Get these & the cravings are reduced. Also, sugars, particularly the processed kinds that big aggro have got in all processed foods & drinks, have a see-saw effect on blood sugar levels which make us crave more food continuously, whilst a diet high in proteins & fats seem to keep it steady & so, too reduce craving.
    Personally I eat pretty normal, but unprocessed food, just with a large helping of raw vegetable/salad mix, & with generous helpings of raw virgin olive oil. Some cooked meat & fish. This is combined with taking zero pharmaceutical products.
    It’s not a religion, just a good way of keeping as far away from the doctor as possible, whilst having the added benefit of being mistaken for being 10 years younger than I am & having the same physique as I had in my twenties.

  • gary leibowitz August 30, 2012, 3:53 pm

    With all the doomsters discussion of mass world distruction and government complicity, I appreciate the informative snippets on how to live longer. Didn’t know the research on bicarbonite of soda.

    Rick, the latest study on Omega-3 suggests there is no benefit for people over the age of 60. I wasn’t happy to see this. Perhaps they are wrong and more research will turn up different.

    • Buster August 30, 2012, 4:55 pm

      There really is no conspiracy. It’s all out in the open if we care to look, ….really!
      Regarding ageing: boiling things down to the basics, I would focus on the main points of reducing sugar & carbs, as research has found these to be the most negative elements to the ageing process (previously it was believed that just limiting total calories had this slowing of ageing effect, now known that limiting sugars was the real reason.). Next, aim to have more than 50% of each meal as some form of raw food (preferably organic, obviously.). At levels above 50%, this stops the body attacking the food & itself as if it is a toxic substance, while the live enzymes will make the whole body function better (look up ‘The Missing Ingredient’ to learn more about the miraculous effect of raw, ‘live’ enzymes on our health.)
      Doing both of these has been found to reduce & in some cases even reverse ageing quite dramatically, probably partly due to the general effect of alkalising the body, which seems to counter most modern ailments, too.
      Unfortunately, there aren’t big profits for pharma’ corporations with such a lifestyle, & the mental disorder prevalent in the world today sees easier profits from illness rather than good health, just as it prefers to profit from war rather than peace (probably a good stock buy there somewhere, though?!). It’s all in the psychology really, & we’re in the process of having our sick mental state & that of the world we’ve created revealed to us, no doubt. Though reluctant to see the truth, we are, reality yet leads us kicking & screaming to the maturity of it’s realisation, eventually.

    • gary leibowitz August 30, 2012, 5:12 pm

      Thanks Buster,

      Reducing sugar and carbs is a big problem we all have. The adictiveness of these two ingredients makes it very hard to fight. I wonder why the body craves these so much and how we can wean ourselves off. Your “raw food” diet will exclude meats, another highly addictive food. Are you suggesting fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and fish as the main diet?

    • fallingman September 2, 2012, 6:15 am

      Just try living without the omega 3’s…eicosapaentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid… Gary. It won’t be a lengthy experiment.

      Do you even have the first clue what you’re talking about? “No benefit” to a nutrient essential for maybe 120 physiological functions…that we know of. Right. That’s like saying there’s no benefit from air or water to people over 60.

      Please try thinking just a little bit before decide to post something.

    • gary leibowitz September 3, 2012, 7:06 pm

      The Omega-3 strudy was for congitive benefits and dementia. If ya don’t believe me look it up.

    • gary leibowitz September 3, 2012, 7:12 pm

      And I quote:

      “It seems that omega-3 is getting a bad rap lately. Adding to research that put into doubt its protective attributes against heart and Alzheimer’s disease, its beneficial effects against cognitive decline are now also being questioned.”

  • mac August 30, 2012, 11:14 am

    The bird flu was a scam basically. Fear is the bosses way to keep us confused and servile. This scarey reference to the Spanish Flu really gets the nerves twitching.
    There is no way at present that I would let Obama or any gov’t inject “stuff” into me. Remember the world is more bad, more evil by the minute, just look at Homeland Security and the lesbian parties by Janet Napolitano or US military invasions 24/7, Obama giving the finger to international laws, then promoting democracy while there isn’t much working here at home or in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc. etc…. The third reich, well, this present gov’t is 100 times more dangerous. Line up for your “flu” shot?
    – over 40% of gov’t spending is for “guns” baby…while 50 million on food stamps, unemployment (real) over 20% and even veterans are trashed here….
    Obama has no oppostion…there r only “fake” candidates (as usual). Be strong – do not vote!!!
    The “useless eaters” (that’s us) may be eliminated. Line up for your “flu shot”?

    • mario August 30, 2012, 1:12 pm

      Hey Mac, couldn’t agree more on that “line up for your flu shot thing”…. I’m 52, a rather typical human being if I may say and I have NEVER had a flu shot, I can’t imagine why anyone would…what stupidity fausted upon us let alone I can’t imagine my govt telling me I have to have one…good grief….

      Cheers, Mario

    • BDTR August 30, 2012, 4:19 pm

      There needs to be a clear distinction made between common strains of ‘bird’ or ‘swine’ flu which are quite real and run their seasonal course with limited infections.

      There’s been several recent updates of various forms of bacteria running amok utterly resistant to any antibiotic, just few months ago a new and virulent Ebola virus was discovered in Africa.


      Virus runs its course and about all that can be done is to stay as physically strong as possible and hopefully avoid secondary infections like pneumonia. Bacteria offer equal likelihood of a uncontrollable pandemic as mutations proliferate at amazing speed due to commercial abuse of antibiotics.

      If you’d like a preview to an event, the movie ‘Contagion’ from last year presents a credible worst case. Here’s a succinct review:


  • scott August 30, 2012, 10:12 am

    how on earth could the security forces keep the masses in there homes ,? you are talking about a biblical task

    • Buster August 30, 2012, 2:22 pm

      1 billion rounds of hollow point ammo anyone??

  • Dave August 30, 2012, 9:35 am

    Rick, just like you wish to enlighten the world on impending financial doom , you need to become informed on the true story of vaccinations and the Pharma Boyz. Vaccinations can cause long term health damage that is not apparent except when you hear of someone developing autism, etc. after vaccination.

    Today, there are so many required vaccinations and new not critical vaccines, like Gardasil for HPV, that the sheer number can overwhelm the immune system of those genetically predisposed. It can be difficult to take a step back and understand other points of view of alternative medical systems, when you’re immersed in the USA medical system and train of thought since birth.

    This week, “West Nile: they’re lying to you again”,

    Here’s a link with plenty of info and data to show that polio was due to DDT and other insecticide exposure.

    Homeopathic medicine has been around over 200 years and the USA had many MD homeopaths and homeopathic hospitals in NYC, Philadelphia (Hahnemann Hospital in Philly was originally homeopathic) in the late 1800’s through early 1900’s until allopathic medicine, what we think of in the USA today as the only medicine tried to eradicate it. It is part of the health care system in England and Canada widely practiced in India, Netherlands, France, … Homeopathic remedies were grandfathered by the FDA and are recognized as legal medicines in HPUS, Homeopathic Pharmacoepia of the US. Homeopathy saved more lives during the Spanish Flu than allopathic medicine did and aspirin used by allopaths was detrimental. Homeopathic remedies made from actual diseased tissue, called nosodes, can be used safely in lieu of vaccinations for each disease there is a vaccination for. Homeopathy is an energy medicine made by dilution of an original substance, thus is subject to riducule as the more powerful remedies are diluted beyond Avogadro’s #, thus have no original substance in them. Quantum physics and studies of molecular properties of water can help explain how homeopathy works.


    Here’s info on what happens when you take a vaccination:

    If you use a vaccination, it takes a minimum of two weeks for the body to develop antibodies against the proteins in the vaccines, and to thus have any antibody titer – which is what allopaths believe is supposed to be able to kill
    the disease organisms if/when they cause an infection ….the antibodies.

    In addition, it takes less than 24 hours for the vaccine material to severely damage the thymus, as that damage is immediate – thus nullifying the body’s FIRST line of defense – which would otherwise produce killer cells and/or neutrophils and macrophage cells to eliminate any new pathogen entering the body – BEFORE it can get circulated and cause an infection. (Antibodies will never be needed.)

    Antibodies are the SECOND line of defense. They are not triggered at all, until and unless the thymus has been overwhelmed and indicates that (chemically) to
    the antibody system, AND the infective organism has not only started an infection but also replicated to GREAT NUMBERS – The thymus then indicates that
    it is overwhelmed and needs antibody help to fight the now established infection. There has to be an infection happening for antibodies to get involved. Thymus PREVENTS infection.

    SO here – with vaccine use – we have this situation:
    * Vaccine damage to thymus.
    * NO First Line PREVENTION of infection at all, long-term
    * No second line backup for at least two weeks while antibodies are made.

    Just how vulnerable do you want to be?
    ANd that’s without considering side effects of the vaccine that ALSO lower
    resistance to ALL diseases (and give unwanted symptoms).

    INSTEAD: I suggest:
    * Avoid the vaccine like it’s the plague (as it is worse – one can recover from
    * Order the homeopathic remedy to arrive in 2 weeks or less.
    * USE the thymus meantime as first line of defense.
    * After two weeks the body will make NATURAL antibodies to the disease if it
    exists – which do NOT harm the thymus – in fact they strengthen it.

    * Research shows that ALL naturally produced antibodies strengthen the thymus
    rather than destroying it as vaccines do.
    * Skipping the vaccine keeps your thymus intact ad FUNCTIONAL – to PREVENT

    Summary: All a vaccine does is keep drug companies intact and functional 🙂

  • Buster August 30, 2012, 8:56 am

    Thanks Chris for bringing these points up.
    Further, I might add that everyone should do some study of the whole health system. Of interest should be the previous scandals involving big pharma & their drug manifesto for the whole planet. The vaccine story should set the alarm bells ringing even in those most cynical of conspiracy theories. The European Union were even investigating the criminal acts being enacted on the populations of the world by our vaccine pushing dealers & their friends in government. Oh yes, the corruption doesn’t stop with just the banking system & Goldman Sachs! The WHOLE damned system has been thoroughly corrupted on nearly every level in the most sickening ways imaginable.
    I would also suggest digging into the subject of treating disease with oxygen. This is really something that you need to know about if you are in constant fear of a pandemic or other such things.
    Something else to ponder; you know how TPTB come down heavily on anyone threatening their profit margin & their twisted little control game, don’t you? ….do a search on ‘MMS’ & don’t let the trolls knock you off track. Also, (now you’ve got me started) I would suggest looking up ‘Cancer & Bicarbonate of soda’, as it’s all relevant to the real ‘sickness’ that is so prevalent in the world today. ie. money & power over humanity.

  • Chris T. August 30, 2012, 4:09 am

    Unlike Pat, I won’t resort to any ad-hominems.
    And Erich has written other commentary that was ineresting.

    However, at least with the vaccine comment, there is a problem:
    It implies that a vaccine COULD be beneficial, only that it won’t be available on time, or be targeted at the right virus.
    All of that assumes that vaccinations actually WORK, meaning that the whole vaccine paradigm is correct.

    However exactly THAT is debatable.
    Even the poster child of vaccines Salk and his polio vaccine is in question, one only has to dig deep.

    As to the Spanish flu: it is likely that this was a man-made (not intentional) pandemic, caused BY the vaccinations used at that time.
    It was the vaccinated solders that contracted and succumbed the most, even more than their similarly trench-immune-compromised non-vaccinated brothers in arms.
    These young men had the worst mortality, it;s believed from cytokine-storm, etc.

    Also, to rely on the CDCs pronunciations, an organizationwhich serves the interest of the elite, NOT the people, is not very confidence inspiring.

    So, there may be something here,, but then again, this may very well just be the typical state-sponsored fear-mongering to get people into the vaccination matrix (as in the pandemic warnings of the last 5 years).

    At the very least, one should ensure that blood D3 levels are adequate, at a minimum 50ng.
    Most in the US are prob. deficient….

    • TM August 30, 2012, 10:19 pm

      This scenario is discussed in the Tom Clancy novel “Rainbow Six” where an ebola-type virus is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company backed by bio-terrorists. In itself, the virus is not so contagious but the real delivery vehicle is the worldwide vaccination drive that results.

  • mario cavolo August 30, 2012, 3:52 am

    …Whatever provisions you can make…huh?

    No disrespect intended Erich as you are obvously an intelligent guy, but you just described the end of the world due to a pandemic. Hell, the virus scenario you described is no different than post boom nuclear particles with the added plus of our modern transport system being the delivery system to wipe us all out. If it did happen, I think frankly I’d rather be dead.

    Cheers, Mario

  • Pat August 30, 2012, 2:56 am

    According to [Erich] we all should have been dead from this virus 5 years ago. It didn’t do anything then and it won’t now. This guy is some freak who gets off wanting everyone to be wiped out by a new plague. Grow up !

    • Tom August 30, 2012, 7:22 pm

      Don’t shoot the messenger. Do your own research.

      The bird flu virus H5N1 is deadly, but it does not jump from person to person. The swine flu virus H1N1 is not very deadly, but jumps easily. Imagine what would happen if they were combined. The spanish flu (which originated from a military base in the US) killed only about 6% of the people it infected. The bird flu is 60% lethal.

      Search for ‘depopulation’ and ‘eugenics’. There are among us some who believe that they own the earth and the rest of the population is only being allowed to coexist to serve them. In other words they are the masters and you are simply the slave. How do you know which side you are on? It’s easy, do you chase fiat currencies or do you belong to the circle that makes them? Do a search for the “georgia guidestones”. They always tell you what is going to happen before they do it, although in deceptive and cryptic ways. There has long been a plan to reduce the earths population.

      Using a virus to depopulate the planet is the cleanest and most blame free way to commit mass genocide. The masses would not suspect that it was orchestrated. Of course it would not begin until a secret vaccine was in place and was given to those in the circle. Just because most of us are busy trying to make ends meet and don’t have time to think about these things doesn’t mean everyone else is. There are think tanks who’s job it is to think about these things and advise the elite.

      Search for “rockefeller foundation future planning pdf” and read page 18 of the PDF.

      When all are one and one is all.

    • JimK August 30, 2012, 8:39 pm

      Remember SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) ten years ago, which was going to wipe out 10% of the world’s population? It killed less than one thousand people worldwide. And West Nile Virus, and Bird Flu, and Swine Flu – every single one of them was going to cause mass death – and the O’s new FDA head Hamburg stated her first priority as being getting all the pregnant women and small children vaccinated against Swine Flu, which killed 30,000 (as compared to regular flu’s 100,000) if you believe that those people actually had Swine Flu, as they were almost all diagnosed without a DNA test to verify – just symptoms, which resemble flu.

      The response from Homeland Security, TSA, the World Health Organization, the Centers For Disease Control, and other unelected regulatory agencies that have dictatorial powers through color of law – these responses are something to worry about. Me personally, I and my family will take our chances with whatever kind of flu – PLEEEZE don’t try to save me from myself with some heavy handed mandatory vaccine drive. Some extra vitamin D3 is all I want, and I’ll get it myself.

      I don’t think I posted it here, but this has been my prediction for the ‘October surprise’ to rescue O’s re-election prospects – or to at least provide cover for a flipped eVote on a mass scale. “Voters reject ‘change’ during (hysterical, fictional) Pandemic crisis. Firm hand of Government Health response seen as imperative to Nation’s survival”…