End-Run Wall Street by ‘Investing Local’

A winter-less winter has given way to the most pleasant spring weather imaginable here in Boulder, Colorado.  A cloudless day in the low 70s brought the crowds out in droves on Pearl Street Mall Sunday afternoon. Boulder has been in a precipitation drought for as long as I can remember, and yet there have been no water restrictions since I moved here in 1999. That’s because there has been ample snowfall on the mountains immediately west to provide sufficient runoff for all purposes, including recreation. White-water rafting is extremely popular hereabouts, and in years such as 2010-11, when snowpack was at near-record levels, it was a case of too much white water, at least for rafting novices. This year’s snowfall was below normal, however, and so most of the ski resorts had to make do with artificial snow.  It takes about 30 inches mid-mountain to keep the crowds coming, but the resorts have become so good at making the stuff that, in the worst year for skiing anyone can remember, total skier visits in 2011-12 appear to have been down only 15-20 percent. That’s a nasty hit for the resorts, to be sure, but it will be easily recouped next year if snowfall is normal.

I feel blessed to live here. Coming from one of the greatest cities of them all, San Francisco, and having grown up on a island resort in New Jersey — I had my doubts initially that I would grow to like land-locked Boulder as much as I do. Now, I can even envision settling down here, getting immersed in the local scene, and contributing what I can to make it a better place.  My dream is to produce plays on a small scale, and to help Boulder reach the “critical mass” needed to attract the kind of talent that makes for great theater.


I mention this because I am fired up about a panel discussion I’ll be joining on Monday that includes author and blogger extraordinaire Charles Hugh-Smith. In preparation for this radio event, produced by Financial Survival Network’s Kerry Lutz, I listened to a YouTube interview in which Charles extolled the virtues of “re-localizing.” In part, this means getting your money out of Wall Street and putting it into something local that you understand and believe in.  This is as powerful an idea as I can imagine for those who have been searching for a way to end-run the corrupt and terminally dysfunctional financial system and Big Government that hold sway over our lives. Personal values no longer have meaning in either place, and so why invest your money, time and effort where they can actually make a difference – i.e., in your own community. I’ll furnish a link to the panel discussion when it becomes available. In the meantime, think local!


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  • dajubester April 29, 2012, 3:41 pm

    Rick,……. if people could only “feel” what you are suggesting. Focus and “live” everything local.
    Personal experience…..I have just bought two vehicles and paid the dealer in silver maples bought at sixteen bucks.
    If I didn’t have to spend so much time in my big garden, canning and making wine in the fall, I would extend my forty year stint in the barbershop quartet and theatre society in which I belonged. Haven’t had TV since ’91, and owned a piano before a dining room table.
    Produce with your hands and trade with what your neighbour produces with his. A daily toast to Whale Street with wine from the fruit of the vine made with these human hands…….everyday.
    Let us promote this path of freedom and integrity.

    Thanks a lot Rick..

  • TKO April 24, 2012, 5:56 am

    Oh for the simple life. You’re not ready for the farm or the stage yet! Trade or die…………………

  • Jill April 23, 2012, 10:24 pm

    One other thought on this. Humans are tribal, and there are some very good reasons why that works. It’s far easier to have a solid foundation of trust– or to find out who is untrustworthy– in small groups.

    It is useful in some ways to band together in huge groups, like nations, for some few purpose like self-defense, to build interstate highways etc. But much of the time, when we are dealing with people whom we don’t know, and who are not even known well by other people we know, there is a huge probability that we will become victims of fraud. This is what happens with Wall Street. and with the federal government in various ways. You don’t know who you are dealing with, really. You maybe start believing what stangers say about themselves, for lack of knowledgeable references from people who are known to you. And you soon find out that it was all false advertising, all lies.

  • Steve April 23, 2012, 9:44 pm

    Spelling with a bad headache – not good.

  • Steve April 23, 2012, 8:10 pm

    I typed in a section from Dr. Vieria’s manuscript to the Gold Commission in 1982 “The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution” on local issues in monetary policy. It has disappeared in a bad key-stroke on my part. I’ll type in the last paragraph of the CONCLUSION not having the energy to type in the whole of what has been lost.

    The basis of this local discussion should center on the fact that the Senate put silver specie Money back into circulation in 1985, but; before the ink on the Senate version of the Act could dry Conference turn the act into the Gold Bullion Act of 1985 where speice Dollars are minted, but; corporate enfranchisees can only trade the metal content territorially because of Article I, sec. 10, cls. 1, No State Shall. . .”.

    ‘Gold Money’ may be an option yet it seems the masses would rather loose 5% a year to fiat debasement/ inflation than pay a fee for transacting in honest money. Beside, there is still the problem of the I.R.S. and their conversion of specie into tally numbers for excise fees for being a subject created legislatively by the 14th amendment. (all corporations and 14th persons are equal in legislative creation by the congress – Mitt said so and its true)

    “About the nature of the problem, there can be no serious dispute. The present monetary arrangements of the country are unconstitutional, and even anti-constitutional, root and branch, and augur economic catastrophe in the not-distant future. But what can be done about it in today’s climate of economic and legal ignorance, and rampant political opportunism, is anyone’s guess.” (Manuscript 8 February 1982 Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. – four Degrees from Harvard)

    Rick, the article today is a wif of fresh air in an otherwise sea of ignorance and rampat political opportunism. One should be able to effect change in localities. Yet, there seems to be a greater issue in regard to local success. One must either go “underground”, or be victimized by special interest groups in that rampat political opportunism of persons who suck the life out of the worker until there is no benefit to working, except for the ultra elite who live in windfall land and can spend enough in that social caste to make it look like the masses are doing well.

    It would be a good idea to start local communities and local business that would operate in specie money as an act of rebellion against the poltical skullduggery of the agents of corporate monetary slavery called “the congress” where once stood Congress. Those who have tried, and there have been quite a few, have failed as the I.R.S. thugs come down to destroy the ‘bank’ that holds the specie in trust for People. Nash’s Theory punishes anyone who will not play the game of democratic fiat. The political special interest – that is the corporate excise payer – will not allow anyone to be different from their practice of democracy, and will enact legislative abuse to drive everyone to the same face in mob rule. Then there are the illegals who vote to recieve benefits. (I will not even entertain a statement about the voter system in this corporation being fair and honest.)

    Change normally starts with artists. I hope your dream comes true Rick. And, I hope that the art community comes together Locally and Individually to really become constitutionally independant and free of fiat corruption. One will have need to answer the Vieria question of “. . .what can be done about it in today’s climate of economic and legal ignorance, and rampant political opportunism. . .”. I believe the word ignorance is so pointed. What good can come from local practice if one is still tied to the anti-constitutional ignorance and opportunism of fiat fraud?

    I do not believe one can truely be Local while trading in the material of fiat that is designed by intent to enslave to territorial democracy and corporate enfrancisee subject status in national identity.

    Everything needs to start somewhere and normally artists are the place that originates change. Good luck Rick in producing plays locally and I hope that that will include a local return to desolving today’s climate of economic and legal ignorance, and rampant political opportunism

  • tompaine April 23, 2012, 5:26 pm

    Inspiring, Rick. Thanks.

    To bad the pm sector seems closer to a bottom than a top. If only I had followed this advice in December ’10, I’d be richer and happier. Now, I’m afraid I must wait for the next rally and hopefully have the good sense to get out when the getting is good this time.

  • mario cavolo April 23, 2012, 5:23 pm

    Can only support the great article and inspiring photo of true peace and happiness. We should indeed take the time to lament what has happened in the modern world across so many parts of the globe.

    The old style of living in Asia is in fact probably not much different than the old Italian country side, and many other similar scenarios… you live together as family in community, simple life, on the land, producing local goods and services, as Rick said, what you understand and enjoy and people want. Our forefathers did not have the luxury of a ” blog forum” to thin and express…they were too busy BUSTING THEIR ASSES FROM DUSK TIL DAWN!! Marriages and families don’t “fail ” when you don’t have time to think about what a marriage is…etc.

    For me, back to basics, the “backup plan” is my work as a jazz pianist… if all else fails, what could be more pure 🙂

    Cheers all, Mario

    • tompaine April 23, 2012, 5:27 pm

      If I could play jazz piano, you wouldn’t be reading this.

  • BigTom April 23, 2012, 4:31 pm

    Years ago I fled the S.F. Bay area for the rurals of Idaho. Now they are here, have caught up with me and have brought with them the very thing I fled from years and years ago…

    • mario cavolo April 23, 2012, 5:25 pm

      That’s funny BigTom…so you’ve got lots of gays in Idaho now…haha, just kidding…hope the Chinese don’t invade Idaho soon…oh geez what a sad thought 🙂 M

  • Mercurious April 23, 2012, 4:29 pm

    Rick, PLEASE PLEASE flog this idea at every opportunity and in every venue you can. What appears on the surface to be a “nice idea” is, in reality, absolutely revolutionary. It is the one area that the feds and the Wall St crowd have the least ability to pollute. Give to your local museums, community gardens, historical preservation groups, anything that militates against the mind-numbing vapidness and corrupt homogeneity of the ghouls who are running things right now.

    In the last year, I have moved to a local bank, gotten involved in local economic development, got my freeze dried food, gravity water filters, medicine stocked up, etc. and started working with the folks around here doing great things to make everyone’s life better, regardless of race or economic status.

    I am begging everyone who is reading this to spend some time in the next day or two to really, seriously consider how you can starve the bastards who have their hands around the throat of you and everything you love.

    There are a million big and little ways to put sand in the gears, and it just takes one person fed up enough to do it. Want one practical method? Not to shamelessly promote but get Dan Pilla’s IRS Problem Solver materials and get to know what your rights are in any action with the IRS. If folks only exercised the rights we still have, the whole freakin’ system would grind to a halt. Don’t worry about stocking up on 50 cal ammo if you’re not even willing to do what is already legal and effective.

    This is probably the most inspiring piece you’ve done, at least IMHO. Your dream to produce plays, replicated with each of our own dreams, is the only thing that can save us now. We’re way past big, collective “solutions” that are owned lock, stock and barrel by those we’re struggling to overcome.

    Fight for it. Fight for it now, today, in every way imaginable. No excuses, turn off the noise that smothers you in trivial distractions and do something for yourself, your children and the legacy you leave behind.

    THANK YOU for starting my week off with hope and strength. We need every bit of it to bring to this struggle.

  • Buster April 23, 2012, 4:03 pm

    Breathe the free air, Rick!
    The growing trend of the exodus from Wall Street, which as just one part of the much larger global operation of the Elites, is a consequence of glimpsing through the facade of free market capitalism for the good of all, to the reality of the slickest most corrupt, exclusive & self-seeking cesspool of murdering liars the world has ever seen, ….probably. The scandalous dealings of just its lower-level crooks are getting reported from a growing number of media outlets away from the control of TPTB. In just a few years RT has become the main source for news for hundreds of millions of people, with the MSM story being rejected increasingly. Popular shows such as Max Kaiser are illuminating the fraud of Wall Street & the rest of the Banking system on a daily basis. Everywhere from Rolling Stone Magazine to Wikeleaks we are seeing the real picture of this Matrix & its true purpose. As one reporter said, the level of fraud that these crooks are getting away with would be comical if it were not for the little fact of millions of peoples lives being ruined by it.
    The sheeple may not be able to bring them to justice, but they are gradually withdrawing their willing support. I suspect that those high frequency trading systems will one day have to take their profits from each other eventually. Also, the banks are losing out to Credit Unions & people are realising that real things are a better investment than paper backed by the promises of snakes in suits. The system may, however, survive through its access to fake money, leaving just zombie institutions with no real public support & the bought & paid for candidates may still be sat in the seats of power, but more & more the voters are ticking ‘NONE OF THE ABOVE’.

    Corporate fascism, just like Communist Fascism, does not have any real supporters when we can see it for what it is & when we have a choice. Corporate Fascism is enslavement of the many for the benefit of the few, hiding behind a façade of a free market. It has been a slick operation buying or stealing the power over the money supply, coupled with control of the military industrial complex, media & religion. Its had its slimy hands all over the world for centuries but it looks like it’s past its ‘sell by’ date as it requires ever more force to perpetuate. I believe that if it were actually Free Market Capitalism that we have then it would not be getting rejected by the masses. How could the freedom to prosper & realise our great value as human beings ever be rejected? A friend who is an ‘Anti-Capitalist’ is in fact trying desperately to make his living providing services in the free market. He complains of the constant restrictions & fees put on him by big government. These same hindrances are helping to keep big corporations in their position of dominance in his industry. Oh, the irony!
    This is something to be aware of when we try to make our way in the ‘real world’ economy.
    TPTB are the gatekeepers. They are trying to keep all the doors & exits covered to keep the sheeple in the pen for fleecing or slaughter.
    When reading through the huge comment left by Jon Loren a couple of days ago on the previous Banking Scam page, is it really any wonder more & more of us want ‘out’?:
    Revelation 17:15- And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”“The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues.”
    And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean exhalation and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird! 3 For because of the wine of the anger of her fornication all the nations have fallen [victim], and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the traveling merchants of the earth became rich due to the power of her shameless luxury.”
    “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues. 5 For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind. 6 Render to her even as she herself rendered, and do to her twice as much, yes, twice the number of the things she did; in the cup in which she put a mixture put twice as much of the mixture for her. 7 To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in shameless luxury, to that extent give her torment and mourning. For in her heart she keeps saying, ‘I sit a queen, and I am no widow, and I shall never see mourning.’ 8 That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire…..because your traveling merchants were the top-ranking men of the earth, for by your spiritistic practice all the nations were misled. 24 Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.’
    I have to agree with Rick here. So,…Get your ass & your assets out of Babylon if & while you can!

  • John D. Wilson April 23, 2012, 2:59 pm

    Interesting concept Rick – think local like the old days.
    Here’s an article about a Greek town that has done just that – opted out of the euro – :http://www.maltastar.com/dart/20120412-greek-town-opts-for-bartering-instead-of-euro
    Instead of having a nice front yard with just grass, why not grow your own veggies and fruit?
    My dad, in his 90’s, told me that during the depression, the government would come out and plow the vacant lots so people could grow their own viggies to get by – what were they thinking?
    People actually having to work to survive?
    Not a far fetched idea – the plans are available to be “community self supporting”, it’s a question of getting off the government dole that is a detriment to the idea.
    One never knows though. People can do amazing things if they set their minds to it.
    Opting out of the government dole and reliance would take a change of mindset for the average American – not sure Americans have the backbone to do that these days.
    If you truly believe that “going local’ is the answer, I hope to read more about your plans for Boulder, Colorado.
    Keep up the good work, Rick – always enjoy your emails.

  • John Jay April 23, 2012, 2:50 pm

    That is a good idea for more than just avoiding Wall St.
    From anecdotal evidence I gather from tracking mob violence stories from major US cities it is time to take to the life boats. In the future I would not be surprised to hear of groups of fed up people banding together to “take over” small rural towns where they have some control over their own destiny. I just read a telling story in the WSJ by a British citizen describing the drunken, thuggish behavior that is now the norm in that former paragon of civility. He said that half of the people in Britain want to leave so as to avoid the other half of their fellow citizens! When I was a mover I can recall packing up wealthy people in the Beverly Hills area who were moving to Switzerland because it was “time to get out” as they told me. And that was thirty years ago!

  • Avocado April 23, 2012, 1:56 pm

    Yes, Boulder is a beautiful small city. I remember it fondly when I lived up near the top of Sugarloaf off the Sugarloaf Road, back in the mid-70’s. Lived in a cabin built in the 1830’s, we had phone but no water or electric. Outhouse above, spring below. Then moved out to live on the side of the mountain in a lean-to. Much younger then, but it was certainly an adventure! Haven’t been back since. But I’m certain I would recognize it if I did.

    Of course the mountain is much different after the fire. Cabin is gone as is most of everything else that was up there.

    Local is good.


  • Cam Fitzgerald April 23, 2012, 9:05 am

    Charles’ idea of re-localizing is quite honestly genius. It is an acknowledgement too that in many respects we are all on our own if the you-know-what hits the fan. I look forward to hearing more about it and your contributions there, Rick. I believe he is far ahead of the curve in this process and his instincts and intuition for creating and proactively investing in a sustainable lifestyle against the odds and against the overwhelming risks in the financial world are on the money. What Charles may be saying is that we should not be complacent. That we should take the time to actively invest in ourselves (now) and not be a mere victim when the system hits the really big snags that look to be coming our way.

    Or…. I could just be reading too much into a few comments. I do like my own version though.

  • Jill April 23, 2012, 5:57 am

    Wow. “Getting your money out of Wall Street and putting it into something local that you understand and believe in. ” THAT is definitely an idea whose time has come. Many thanks for this essay and the links you supply above on this topic, Rick.