Only by Aligning Goals Can We Save Ourselves

[With debt spinning wildly out of control and the States threatening to revolt against the tyranny of Washington, we asked some frequent contributors to the Rick’s Picks forum how they thought the nation would look five years from now.  In the essay below, Roger Erickson eschews predictions, asserting instead that we will all have to pull together to meet whatever challenges and disruptions the future might bring.  The task can only be accomplished, he says, if we rise above the squabbling of nation states, ideological factions and other vested interests. A model for this behavior, he notes, can be found in doctrines espoused by, among others, the United States Marine Corps. RA

In what condition will our markets be in, say, five years? 

According to the super computer DeepThought (and probably Larry Summers too), the answer is 42. But seriously, in five years, we’ll either be back to investing in national Selection Markets, not just financial markets – or we’ll have chaos.  How to do that would require a separate essay, so I’ll just develop the premise for now. 

If it’s not obvious, here’s an intro to “group selection.”  Individuals tend to forget that we currently survive as a social species divided into nation states. In this setting, group context provides full-spectrum group selection pressure, expressed through group goals/policies/strategies/tactics/outcomes. Sub-markets for tactical diversity, such as ideology or fiat finance, only serve one tiny aspect of the overall selection process – something we relearn whenever national security comes up. (In a previous comment here, one reader reminded us that we’re toast if neighbors don’t have our back.) Since group data are meaningless without group context, it follows that finance markets are meaningless without group goals and campaign strategies. That’s no more mysterious than the dual strategies of Marines: get promoted to where you’ll be personally happy, but only once your group survives! Those dual strategies are inseparable. 

For perspective, and Socratic consistency, consider the coordination that has produced existing markets.  It is only by keeping the big picture in mind that we can protect ourselves from expedient mistakes that critically limit group options when they’re needed later on.  That’s the methodology cultures use to create and maintain group resiliency.  It’s far more important than financial markets.  (See Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World

‘Reverse Entropy’ 

Before proceeding, let’s consider some random facts that expand our perspective. Not only has reverse-entropy led to our existing “platform,” symbioses have placed prokaryotic mitochondria in all eukaryotic organisms, and centriole-based sensory structures in both photoreceptors and the hair-cells of the inner ear.  Further coordination led single-cell eukaryotes to eventually “domesticate” themselves into multi-cellular organisms, by various methods, from  dictyostelia‘s selective expansion via cloned sex cells, and back to the dicty-style re-aggregation of separate genetic lineages that human cultures use. (I know, they’re all Marxists!)  Yet, it’s clearly one big system, with awe inspiring alignment that we should be careful to respect and leverage – not ignore.  Failed group experiments disappear rapidly.  Individuals don’t even register in evolution – except through miraculous, rapid adoption by or propagation of new groups. 

Despite irrational fear of omnipresent Marxists, how can we consistently leverage system perspective in order to better parse evolving selection markets?  For logical consistency, I’ll refer readers first to Socrates, then jump directly to current Warfighting Doctrine and Campaign Doctrine  as espoused by the Marine Corps.  These doctrines are recognizable to savvy biologists, statisticians, engineers or investors.  Contingency management for aggregates with zero predictive power reduces to group coordination rate. 

Group Extinction 

Members of social species survive by skill in exploring group options.  Given, there will always be some political tacticians more or less blind to national outcome or policy implications, who nevertheless stumble upon momentarily effective tactics in support of superficially local aims.  (Nevertheless, no context excuses failure.  The alternative is group extinction.)   As examples, the absolute size of government and fluctuations in fiat currency supply are just two of many tactics masquerading as national goals.  Absent alignment to real group goals, we’ll bicker over tactics – unless we pursue another way, pursuit of Force Resiliency in our policy apparatus. 

I’ll liberally paraphrase Joshua Chamberlain, circa 1865, “we can’t predict future tests, but we can determine what adaptive kinetics we can generate for novel group challenges”

We need improved methodology for accelerating alignment to common purpose – because our old methodologies alone no longer work quickly enough for 312 million people in 50 states & several territories.  When Rome falls, no amount of resources sequestered from your neighbors will deter the barbarians flooding through the gates. 

Our stubborn debate between statists and operationists was already solved, by Ben Franklin’s  “table” lecture to the Continental Congress.  It’s not the parts, but their artful coordination that successfully defines a “more perfect union.”  Yet we spawn more people yearly and must either teach them Franklin’s return-on-coordination lesson, or suffer the consequences of dis-regulation. 

Statists vs. Operationists 

Statists: “unbalanced spending” presumes that group survival tracks what is/isn’t produced & “spent”, i.e., tangible definitions of wealth – an overly limiting concept rejected by Marines, & biology. 

Operationists: “unlimited potential to spend” promotes a superficial view of what leads to survival – i.e., spending alone, in and of itself – also an overly limiting interpretation. 

There is a better way, the systems-thinking forced upon survivors: survival tracks coordination, not conflict.  Every point of stability in the natural world is most efficiently shaped by a dynamic equilibrium between conflicting forces.  The kinetics of that equilibrium, our group adaptive rate and group intelligence, is determined by the catalysts we invent to simultaneously expand and converge group discourse.  Population growth alone means we always have a challenge to do more, which of course means “spending” more.  We must also converge any additions to new alignment – doing more-in-bulk of a leanest-possible set of actions (“selection” pressure).  We must do both, in proportion. 

Group adaptive rate defines social survival, never infighting alone.  Of course that means more application of more tools, but only once goals and tuning strategies are painstakingly selected.  Survival requires places to go and densely engineered group methods for getting there.  Hoarding any amount of anything is a tactic, not a goal or strategy.  Snails hoard, and limit their own options. Army ants live by their wits, and go places snails can’t.  Are we either, or even more? 

Relearn…or Disaggregate 

Dynamic equilibrium between statists and operationists allows populations to lurch along in Selection Markets that aren’t adequately defined by financial metrics – a mathematical impossibility.  To prosper, listen to the Marine Corps and see how quickly we can explore group options and coordinate successful group achievement.  We’ll either relearn how to invest in Selection Markets, or disaggregate. 

We have zero predictive power.  Yet we know that real wealth – survival – tracks ability to coordinate, unlimited by what absolute amount of tangible goods we had, have or will have

We should invest in our ability to mobilize group responses to future challenges.  How are we doing?  Hard to tell, since context as well as people are our competitors – witness Japan this past week, the Mideast the last month, and our own banksters since 1980. 

Is the mobile internet increasing group knowledge faster than politicians comprehend? It’s the old story of realizing authority lags the pace of change – magnified and accelerated like never before. The next five years should be initially confusing but rewarding beyond our imagination. Revolution with increased general knowledge has never happened on this scale.

“My Son…” 

My son: “I’m not entirely optimistic that the next crop of leaders won’t be the same as the old boss, but I guess we’ll see.”
Me: It doesn’t matter. The writing is no longer restricted to the wall, it’s all over the World Wide Web.  Simply fantastic!  We still can’t predict what will happen, but as always, we can practice how to respond.  Perceptive rates (of populations, not bureaucracies) are at least accelerating, from “rate of change” to “rate of accelerating-change.”  We’re seeing unprecedented turbulence.  Perhaps nothing comparable has happened since Cro-Magnon man swamped the globe? 

Answer to Rick’s question?  I’m more worried about Selection Markets, not financial markets. 

In 2000 thousand years, we’ve almost passed an organizational infection point.

            Caesar:  I came, I saw, I conquered.

           Tom Jefferson: We came, we saw, we made a more perfect union (not they, we). 

In the next 5 years, we’ll know whether we’re taking one step forward, or 2 steps back. 

That’s why I’m more concerned with how we practice mobilizing our full group responses, not just our trivial financial markets, and not what any other country does.  We can’t predict what will happen, but we can prepare to survive and succeed, no matter what happens or what any other nation, or investor, does.  It’s been obvious for more than 2000 years that we can do that only through nationwide coordination, not individual effort alone.  To me, who’s more expendable, someone on the front lines in a key institution and context, or any particular billionaire whatsoever?  Accountants are never rate limiting to contingency management, they’re only useful after the fact, for tidying up logistics.  Click here for a closing example that helps us realize what we’re tinkering with, a review of those potentially dismantling U.S. democracy from the inside – innocently or not. 

(If you’d like to have Rick’s Picks commentary delivered free each day to your e-mail box, click here.)

  • Roger Erickson March 26, 2011, 2:19 pm

    Ok, given time, below is what I wish Rick’s Intro would have said. Unfortunately, his original headline directly contradicted and undermined what the article tried to say, poisoning the very approach for more than one reader. After some correspondence, I think we’re on the same page now. No harm in growing familiarity among writer, audience & editor. Without practice, methods don’t change. My two changes below in “italics.”

    Only by Aligning Goals Can We Save the “USA”

    [With debt spinning wildly out of control and the States threatening to revolt against the tyranny of Washington, we asked some frequent contributors to the Rick’s Picks forum how they thought the nation would look five years from now. In the essay below, Roger Erickson eschews predictions, asserting instead that we will all have to pull together to meet whatever challenges and disruptions the future might bring. The task can only be accomplished, he says, if we rise above the squabbling “among US citizens”, ideological factions and other vested interests. A model for this behavior, he notes, can be found in doctrines espoused by, among others, the United States Marine Corps. RA]

  • Robert March 23, 2011, 9:09 pm

    Ok, I read this commentary twice… and, I don’t have anything to say, except to say that Roger and I are again at odds philosophically.

    People have simply lost sight of the fact that to be FREE means to be able to DO WHAT YOU WANT just so long as it imposes on no one elses’ liberties.

    Why does a population of FREE people need to worry about whether the common economy is growing or receeding?


    Why does a population of FREE people need to worry about whether they are productive enough to meet their own needs as well as the needs of BEGGARS, MOOCHES, and THIEVES?


    How stupidly simple is this premise? Why can’t/won’t people come to grips with it?

    Roger wrote:

    “Consider the coordination that has produced existing markets. It is only by keeping the big picture in mind that we can protect ourselves from expedient mistakes that critically limit group options when they’re needed later on. ”

    and my retort is –

    The current big picture is pretty damn ugly- I’d rather join forces with those who want to re-paint it than those who want to preserve or save it”

    I spent last weekend on my boat, and I decided that I do not get enough time on the water. I may just have to move to Baja permanently.

    • roger erickson March 24, 2011, 3:07 pm

      One can only sympathize with Robert’s view. I feel that way myself half the time. Yet one has to be honest and admit that there is no place to hide from the future. Every tribal group in world history has decried and resisted the progress of scaling human populations. Nothing’s stopped it yet. Rather than trying to halt history, it seems the only rational option is to use our group brains to shape it’s direction.

  • Rich March 23, 2011, 7:26 am

    Lords of Finance was reco’d in Hank Pruden’s Wyckoff III course at GGU before the Heisenberg Presentation Sat 19 March 2011:

  • John March 23, 2011, 2:40 am


    what a bunch of drivel!

    in your last reply to me you made sooo many assumptions and were way off the mark.

    Yes, many million(s) of slaves have happily given away what is by Right an inheritance, so that they may feel secure and in fear – hoping that “they” will take care of the emergency.

    What “. . .life meaningful. . .” John ? yes steve meaningful to them.
    What happiness ?/ yes steve happiness with their families or careers or charity time/money
    In a bottle ? bad assumption
    On drugs ? bad assumption
    Before the TV being numb-minded ?
    What did these Joe Sixpacs create that is lasting ?
    what has anyone created thats “lasting”? 100/200 years from now none of this will matter and will all be forgotten.

    What inheritance and beauty has been passed to future generations by these many ’secure’ persons ?
    just because YOU don’t see any value in things does NOT mean there is not any.
    One mans junk… and vice versa! right steve

    Happy, speak of the hunter who owns nothing and is not a debtor in possession. Is this what the generality splayed forth by John envisions ? see above: family, charity and let me add artistry.

    Or, does John speak of ‘happy’ ants running here and there taken care of by the Queen ? no steve, just people doing what they need to do. doesn’t matter wether there is a queen or not.

    The music man will be paid John / yes but he may be paid in something that he perceives as valuable and you don’t. or he might not be paid and life goes on. (somewhat twilight zonish I know).
    or some new gdp grower comes along and things change.
    then above in one of your notes you extol the very same point I’ve been making for months.

    Here is what is important, and the Native Americans know:

    “Be warm.
    Be feed.
    Tell Stories.
    Go to bed with someone you trust to wake up with.

    Everything else is valueless.”
    thank you
    I’m glad to see you got it. I hope the rest of you do.
    go enjoy your lives.

    PS.The federal legislature and other branches have abused the Nash Theory to the point they have successfully denied “Payment of Debts” by not allowing a store, a bank, a transaction, in silver Specie Coin money. / YES and they will continue to do it for a long long time. not saying its right. its not.

    PS. for any of you that do NOT think the dollar is worth anything… PLEASE send them to ME. And I wont even charge you for taking them off your hands. ha ha ha

  • Steve March 22, 2011, 11:39 pm

    There were, and are JFK dollars out there. May need to go to ‘coin shop’ to find them. There are also Lincoln ‘greenbacks’ out there called “United States Notes” (only 100’s in current circulation now, but; there were 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 in prior years which can be found at a ‘coin shop’) which have nothing to do with federal reserve notes. The Fed will take the United States Notes out of circulation if they can obtain them just like they did the JFK notes. As well, there is silver Specie Coin Dollars, Legal Tender provided by the legislature and Mint. (gold Eagles t00)

    Choice and Choose are critical words today.

    The way to the monkey trap is easy via federal reserve notes. Be assured that ‘use’ of the bait in the monkey trap ‘costs’ the monkey something. Voluntary ‘use’ of territorial script as federal reserve notes creates ‘trust’, federal corporate enfranchisement, and internal character via legislative creation under general and paramount lien of the Banking Act of 1913. (How many records are there of “use” of frn – think about every credit card transaction you do)

    Nash’s Non Co-operative Game Theory is used by the master to create fear in the masses that an individual can be free by use of silver Specie Coin money Legal Tender. Collectivism works because the individual fears lossing his equality among the masses when a single individual steps out of the agreement. That Nash agreement is to co-operatively seek something less than the 1 hot blond girl with green eyes. Nash’s theory is that everyone will get laid if the group settles for the lessor girls and ignors the hot blond girl with green eyes. Anyone under the Nash agreement who goes after the blond girl with green eyes is prevented from playing in Nash’s field of play. Because there is not ‘two to trade’ with silver Specie Coin the one who steps out of the game cannot get any girls.

    Congress has set up a fiat system of money, and fiat citizens, and fiat business all under the Interstate Commerce Clause. Easy only comes with playing the Nash game and punishing ‘use’ of silver Specie Coin in an individual. No federal corporate business, and no federal corporate citizen is permitted to ‘use’ Sovereign Coin because they are corporate enfranchisees of federal creation all within, internal, of Nash’s Game Theory. You don’t get the play book, and you do not know the rules of the Nash Game.

    This has drifted away from Roger’s collective theory of co-operation. The collective theory offered, and the practical application of Nash’s Theory is in operation with the fiat money system as I write. The Mint provides silver Specie Coin Dollars as Legal Tender for the Sovereign in Common Man and Woman. Use of federal reserve notes is prima facie evidence of voluntary acceptance of the fiat fraud, and general and paramount lien of the Banking Act of 1913. The current scheme of mobocracy in the U.S. is the model expounded upon by Roger today. Everyone operates in fear and agrees to keep using federal reserve notes so that they can get theirs from that guy over there. If I want to trade in silver Specie Coin, you the jury will prevent me from that free act. Nearly all is moot anymore under Public Policy which states that it is better to commit fraud, than to create strife with honesty, morality, and fair weights and measures.

    Roger, John Nash; on the same plane and playing field – extreme I.Q. Both profer exceptional theory that will only be abused by the few, to create a mass in their likeness here on Earth. John Nash discovered how to make someone volunteer for a thing that is inferior in agreement collectively. The federal legislature and other branches have abused the Nash Theory to the point they have successfully denied “Payment of Debts” by not allowing a store, a bank, a transaction, in silver Specie Coin money. Worse is, that the federal feudal legislative body and its corporate enfranchisees have denied the existence of Sovereignty in Common with Common Man in Common Knowledge by what is now abuse via Title 31 Public Policy on money. It is not Law or Lawful, only legalization of incomprehesible abuses of power. Roger may have a wonderful Theory that could be successful if it were not for human beings. Take the coporate enfranchisee, and the liberal who demands everyone be just like him/her out of the theory – and ………………….

    • roger erickson March 24, 2011, 3:02 pm

      Interesting points about Nash’s game theory. Such insights are useful ways to explain the complex activity of various groups from small ant colonies to huge bee colonies and even to some human groups.

      What everyone seems to skip over is that the individuals in all such groups can’t possibly know what’s going on at the group level. It’s mathematically impossible.

      As various people have noted, masses cannot be ruled by masters, if they simply refuse to be misgoverned.

      Even after that, there always remains the opportunity to do things that can only be done with group cooperation. Imagine a hermit in Vermont whose daughter moves to Nevada. Not easy to visit without a national highway system. 🙂

  • ebear March 22, 2011, 10:59 pm
  • roger erickson March 22, 2011, 10:20 pm

    > In 2000 thousand years, we’ve almost passed an
    > organizational infection point.

    Just realized this was a typo, although it makes an accidentally humorous play on words.

    Meant to say “In 2000 thousand years, we’ve almost passed an organizational INFLECTION point.”

  • dan March 22, 2011, 10:18 pm

    a fine idea and presentation wasted on the ignorant masses. Take care of yourself and family, the PTB will still controll the rest…..til the lord comes and then…..

    • Steve March 22, 2011, 11:44 pm

      Dan, please engage in the conversation. Justify, expound, express. Why was Roger’s presentation ‘fine’? Does “. . .Take care of yourself and family. . .” jell with the collectivism expressed by Roger ?

  • F. Beard March 22, 2011, 7:43 pm

    Only by Aligning Goals Can We Save the World Roger Erickson

    How about we all agree to “Thou shalt not steal”? That would require ethical money creation. Obviously the current system of full legal tender fiat would have to be abolished but full legal tender gold is not ethical either. Should we have to buy gold to pay our taxes?

    Jesus suggested the solution 2000 years ago in Matthew 22:16-22 – separate government and private money supplies.

    Once the government (I include the Fed for the sake of simplicity) is out of the PRIVATE money creation business then the free market can freely experiment with gold, silver, common stock, futures contracts, store coupons or whatever as private money.

    • Buster March 22, 2011, 9:41 pm

      There’s been much written suggesting this point ,so I expect there’s some truth in this simple solution….namely that the masses just need to reject their counterfeit currency and start using silver coinage as currency. I’ve heard of many people attempting this on small levels and the response of TPTB is always very aggressive. It reminds me of when Sadam Husein decided not to accept the US$ for oil. The rest is hstory. Then Iran’s ostracision after following Sadam’s lead. There’s also the rumours of JFK having planned to issue a non fed currency,- just before his execution.
      “It’s all about the money…stupid”
      I think it looks very likely that it’s the Banskers’ achilles heel, too, or they would get so damn jumpety when anyone steps out of line and rejects their monopoly paper.
      It makes sense I suppose. Without the money they would become as impotent as they really really are.
      I think the obstacles would be getting enough of the sheeple on board the idea, and I’d expect to see the real reason for the move to a police state (under the guise of the war against terror) to become clear quite quickly. Basically they’re just going back their more traditional racketeering methods ie. ‘protection money’.
      Still, it looks like the rest of the world are voting with their feet.

    • roger erickson March 22, 2011, 10:18 pm

      > “Only by aligning goals can we save the world” [Rick

      Not my words. That title was applied by Rick. Wouldn’t have been my choice at all.


      If you’ll suggest an alternative, Roger, I’ll be glad to make the change…

  • Buster March 22, 2011, 6:25 pm

    Though the problems seem complex, the answers are usually very simple. If they weren’t then the powers that be wouldn’t spend so much effort to keep us preoccupied and confused, eg. the financial world that covers over the simple fact of the problem with graphs, data and theories: the fact being that money only comes into existence with interest bearing on it. The interest burden is not created, only the principle, thus leading to an ever decreasing pie of money in the system unless more money is borrowed into existence continually to keep the ponzi scheme going. This guarentees that the one commodity that TPTB produce (ie. money) is always in high demand. A system designed by Banksters, for Banksters. The result is an ever increasing debt level,- anything else is collapse. Talk of getting the debt level down is complete BS.
    The money masters are and will always be the problem for the economy because they have made sure that money itself is not a free market but a controlled one for their benefit. The world is a land flowing with milk and honey, but the Banksters have written a fictionary IOU against it to themselves which has shut it down, much like they did to productive Irish farms centuries ago by raising a fictitious tax on them. The farms were burnt down because the people had no money printing press. The land lay empty and unproductive whilst the people were displaced. There is nothing new under the sun!
    The reason why there is no hope of change is that organised greed always trumps disorganised democracy. The only way to trump organised greed is for the ‘Sheeple’ to be united. Unfortunately TPTB have built up a framework to ensure the Sheeple are disunited and lost in trivial pursuits. Heck, how many of us have felt the frustration of this fact.
    Understanding of what is happening on a large scale is the only new thing this time around, but TPTB don’t even care much that we do know, such is the grip that they have on the world.

    By the way, have many of you managed to see the documentary ‘Inside Job’ yet? It’s not bad.

    • warren March 22, 2011, 7:23 pm

      Well said.

  • nonplused March 22, 2011, 5:22 pm

    That was a complete waste of time.

    Groups are either self organizing or authoritarian (tyranny). “We” don’t “decide” anything. There sure is group selection, but other than tribal instincts (of no help to anyone but a few identifiable groups in the US) there is no instinct to draw the group together towards a particular “goal” until it self organizes around the crises that presents itself.

    Right now the US consists of many self organized “interest groups” who are each trying to rip a larger chunk of flesh off the beast than the next group gets. These include unions, bankers, social security recipients, the army, anyone who gets more money from Uncle Sam than they give to Uncle Sam including those employed by him. That process will play out until Uncle Sam is broke, there is no stopping it, there will be no reining in the various interest groups until there is nothing left to fight over.

    And there is no way to “decide” our way out of it. Human nature is to fight the current battle, not the larger war, and the current battle is to maximize your own personal benefit even at the expense of everyone else.

    Say “hi” to the protestors in Wisconsin for me. And the bankers on Wall Street too. They are both the same.

    • Buster March 22, 2011, 6:37 pm

      Well said. When push comes to shove it’s every man (& woman) for himself.
      All due respect to the few statesmen there are.
      Just like dogs snapping at eachother when they get hungry, so, people when they are starved of currency.
      I think Abe Linclon stated something about this eventuallity.

  • Rick J March 22, 2011, 5:21 pm

    Without a doubt, this is the biggest pile of steaming unowhat I have read here. Someone reads an essay or two and tries to apply the learning(?) to modern financial crisis and sell it using marine themes.
    Now I will read the comments to see if anyone else feels likewise.

  • DG March 22, 2011, 3:35 pm

    I am sure that we can create a CDS, of sorts, to insure the future, so that “greater good” is completely covered. No problem. We’re “all good.” It worked so well the first time.

    I couldn’t stand the referenced book,”Lords of Finance”. It read like fingernails on a chalkboard to me, full of Larry Summers-esque claptrap, finance-speak kum ba ya, Krugman bug-eyed academic hyperbole. Elitist obviously know everything, are never wrong, and like the relationship between gunny and jar head, they will tell you what is good for you, even if it kills you, and everyone else involved. When it fails, they will point the finger to other hyperbole to blame. Zero science because their is no testable hypothesis.

    The unfortunate truth is that there is no seat at the table for academics or elitist. They blew it. They are the cancer. They disrupt the illumination of truth. They are like the Church against Copernicus.
    It is only the peaceful conflict of individuals and their ideas which results in the “greater good.” Unfortunately, this gets in the way of the academics and elitists, which is why this conflict will persist. Watch “Inside Job” and get back to me on the report card we should give the academics and their corrupted, failed theories.

  • Stefan March 22, 2011, 2:09 pm

    Are you serious? I had to read your long-winded gimmicked analogies twice just to ascertain that we all need to work together in mass as a species to survive!?

    Then as an insult to the individual, you completely gloss over individual leadership, stating there will be, political tacticians who blindly stumble upon momentarily effective tactics in support of superficially local aims. WHAT!!!?? It is through individual leadership on multiple levels, not just political, that groups are molded and formed. This helps in ushering in an independent mindset to be emulated.

    And where pray tell, did you come to assume the nonsense fact of Marines dual strategies? Get promoted to where you’ll be personally happy, but only once your group survives! Really!? You have never been in the military, have you? There are no soldiers I have met or known with that state of mind.

    I think what irritates me most about this wordy twisted logic piece, is the attack to the dignity of a self-reliant human condition and reducing mankind to hapless amoebas.

    • Benjamin March 22, 2011, 2:27 pm

      What I would like to know is whether or not Roger thinks force justifiable against the individual, even if they’ve committed no crime, so long as The Plan requires it.

  • BILLYED March 22, 2011, 1:40 pm


  • Roger Erickson March 22, 2011, 1:13 pm

    One caveat per Rick’s preface. In correspondence, I took pains to note that my message was about internal coordination, and that the Moment of Adaptation is currently within nation states, not between them.

    Compared to the USA, there’s relatively little to cooperate WITH in other countries (yes, all of ’em). We are our own chief competitor, and if you’ve read Pogo, we’re always in danger of losing our own race.

  • Martin C March 22, 2011, 1:02 pm

    Very nice, if a bit cerebral

    Heads down, ready for the red neck backlash

    • Steve March 22, 2011, 4:59 pm

      Martin, if it is not too much trouble – how about a converstation, some facts, some justification. Roger’s I.Q. appears to be off the chart. The mental filter created by the things Roger knows he knows creates bigotry by not allowing for the possibility that there are things that Roger, and possibly you don’t know you don’t know. This great realm of things we do not know we do not know is the greater mass of facts/reality with actual knowledge a mere wedge created by how much imput the individual mind filters. A converstation would be much better than an attempt at insult through words and labels. The united States is now made up of two kinds. The kind who Stood and fought (creating family lines), and the kind who ran away from their Nation/People and came here for the handout created by the Men and Women who Stand and Fight (no individual pride). There are the individuals who Stand, and there are the masses who will not. There are those who engage, and there are those who name call when there is no foundation and Stand to defend. Without a doubt Roger believes in some good via theory that has never been applied practically in its new gloss, while appearing like the same old Marxist Theory of the past. One must always be careful when using a term like Marine, the Marine way of living into death if it is required as an individual, and the individual ability of that Man who is a Marine if he is the last man Standing anywhere on earth. It appears to me that the mental filter used to compare a Marine to collectivism had no basis or understanding of what it takes to become a Marine, or what the individual Marine believes after leaving service. Intellect is only functional with experience. There really isn’t anything new, only new ways of frosting the cake.

  • s. devon l. March 22, 2011, 10:26 am

    The writer may be confused regarding creative processes and evolutionary processes. He does not seem to have a sense of the universe—the context of all BEing and BEcoming.
    Error is agreed upon by subtle signals.
    Richard Dawkins insists upon a defective, inverted metaphysics. Since this is the only “stance” he allows, and there is tremendous group and peer pressure to adopt it, very few are intelligent and free enough to escape this, actually, pretty blatant error.
    Earth to Dawkins: there is higher, and there is lower, and higher is actually higher than lower. No shit.

  • Agent P March 22, 2011, 8:07 am

    Rugged individualism and the desire to be Free are what will live on. Hopefully, enough rugged individuals that believe in these basic tenets will keep our Republic and our sovereign states just so.

    Saving first, spending later. Lending a hand to those less fortunate. Passing down the values, morals and skills that were passed down to us.

    This America, separated by the world’s two biggest oceans didn’t arrive here by accident. If we value Freedom and the Constitution, it is up to us to pass along the message of Liberty and to let our young people know that our rights and reason for being, do not come from government.

  • Don March 22, 2011, 6:41 am

    Roger I applaud your message Discernment………what a beautiful gift.
    Unfortunately those without it do not understand.
    Best to you,

    • Sunny April 10, 2011, 3:43 pm

      Ppfsea Real brain power on display. Thanks for that answer!

  • Steve March 22, 2011, 2:07 am

    Wh0 is your target market Roger ? Factually, the article is to the upper caste, not the masses in organization demanded by the words, as I see them. I’m lost here ! Are you a Jar Head ? I ask because once a Jar Head, always a Jar Head. Its not something you did, but; something you are until dead. The article does not read like a Jar Head article at all. Marines are simple. Don’t challenge my authority, and; jump when told. Do not return to ground unless Gunny says so. Do not think Jar Head, I’ll think for you. No one over 20 can be formed into a Jar Head, and once formed into a Jar Head, no one ever changes, except in death. Jar Heads are all the same. They do what others will not. Jar Heads are few, and mighty. One Jar Head who “wants” you is a scary proposition. Get the point about Jar Head ?

    This theory appears bigoted to evolutionary morasses of goo, not withstanding the possibility of comparative makeup by a superior being using a superior map of creation. The theory seems to conclude that there are no things that Roger does not know he does not know. Roger knows how to use big words. Roger doesn’t appear to know what it is to be a Marine (though I have nothing to prove or disprove the marine theory of creation).

    Where will we be in 5 years ? I have no idea. But, only a fool would not be ready for what ever, why ever, where ever, when ever, who ever on an individual basis while holding onto the hope that more are prepared than it appears.

    We are two poles opposed. I will not fight for democracy, and you will fight for Marxism. The two will not stand forever in opposition and conflict. Good times breed tollerance via Bhrama and Dharma. Bad times are different. The world runs headlong into mobocracy. I will not so run. I would rather come for 10,000 in a group, than have 10,000 individual enemy ex-Marines wanting my soul. There is no such thing as an ex-Marine.

    Here is what is important, and the Native Americans know:

    Be warm.
    Be feed.
    Tell Stories.
    Go to bed with someone you trust to wake up with.

    Everything else is valueless.

    Please come down to where I live and justify the theory written in real life terms. We are two kinds who walk this earth, and certainly Roger is a different kind than I am. It sounds like collectivism frosted with big words that leave me without understanding from a marine creation sense of being that ignors the possibility of something UNKNOWN by human mind.

    • Benjamin March 22, 2011, 3:23 am

      Outstanding, Steve! I don’t think that in 100 years time I could put it quite as clearly as you have. I, too, found myself having to derive meaning from lots of big words in a single sentence… and just gave up.

      And if one is looking for the ulimate coordination, as well as to maximize individuality (the two are not at war, by nature), then they need to look no further than how currency is created from a hard source. This article is blind without that knowledge, hence wandering in big words, looking for a place to go that is where it SHOULD be coming from… but itself is not there.

      This is not to slam Roger, but rather an attempt to help. You need an anchor and compass. Otherwise, you’re talking about, and as, an endless competition with endlessly shifting natural forces. This is no way to get back to port, except by the occaisonal and most fortunate accident.