Is Greece Too Corrupt to Be Bailed Out?

The recent collapse of bond markets in Greece threatens the very stability of the European Union. Although there is talk of a bailout, the country may be too corrupt for a rescue attempt to do much good. How bad is it?  The answer to that question is startling, as the following report makes clear. It is from a Rick’s Picks subscriber who lives in Greece and believes the country’s economic potential is being squandered by a political spoils system that deeply permeates the business culture at all levels. He writes as follows:

“Greece is a beautiful, mountainous country with diverse natural scenery. Geographically, it occupies the majority area of the ancient Hellenic world at the southern part of the Balkan peninsula and the eastern part of the European community. It has a land area of 130,800 square kilometers. Its coastline extends for 13,676 kilometers, with 227 inhabited islands that rest on a sea of amazing clarity. Historical monuments abound, making the land a virtual museum and attracting millions of tourists every year. It has a population, according to the 2001 census, of 10,964,020, and a per capita GDP of $30,681. It boasts the largest ownership of shipping tonnage (tanker and cargo) in the 


world, with a total dwt of 141,931 thousand. It owns some of the largest natural resources in specific minerals in the EU, such as bauxite, magnetite, nickel, and perlite.  There are also has anhydrite, gypsum., bentonite, gold. cement, magnesium compounds, pumice, and of course marble. In addition it has large flocks of livestock and fish stock. The abundant sun shine and the winds make it potentially self sufficient in clean energy. 

Naturally Blessed 

“For all of its natural blessings, Greece is not producing sufficient wealth to repay its obligations. Foreign debt is estimated at € 200 billion. The sudden revelation that the real public deficit has reached 12% of GDP against the previous figure of 6% which was released just three months ago shocked the world markets. Repeated downgrades of its economy followed the news. Obviously, the economy is sick. Finding the correct therapy for a patient requires identifying the disease. In this case, someone may blame it on the world crisis. But frankly, it is not so. The world recession merely exposed and brought to the forefront the real weakness underlying the façade of prosperity. 

“At the heart of Greece’s problems stands decades of mismanagement and malinvestment of borrowed funds, including economic assistance from the EU. Responsibility lies with a highly corrupt, unjust and inefficient government sector. This is a well publicized fact buttressed by several relevant statistics. The state operates in a structure much like feudalism. Smaller lordships with special interests operate within a greater feudal kingdom comprising the political parties, with laws and measures made in their favour. This works, naturally, at the expense of the overall society, and therefore the economy. 

Layers of Control 

“On top are the big political parties which oversee a large government sector that encompasses services, industries and the issuance of special licenses to private interests. Feudal lords and the syndicates who actually control them support the government in exchange for special benefits.  Within these fiefdoms there are others, and so on, down to the lowest possible level where local governmental authority exists. Nepotism and political favoritism reign supreme. 

“If their prerogatives are threatened in any way, the feudal lords curtail services, bringing the economy to a standstill. Any administrator like the newly elected prime minister will be isolated within his own party and boycotted if any serious effort is instigated to check the power of the feudal lords. 

Politicians ‘Untouchable’ 

“Although the laws in Greece are Draconian for the private person, ministers, members of parliament and public employees are almost never sanctioned. Not one politician or tax officer has been punished for any wrongdoing in 20 or so years. Note that this is happening in the most corrupt nation in Europe, where numerous large scandals occur almost every year.

“Meanwhile, hundreds of civilians are being thrown in jail and their properties confiscated by the state because of relatively minor offenses. Government versus citizen power is extremely unbalanced as far as comparative rights and penalties. Greeks are a talented and ingenious people. Their creativity, however, is dampened by an all-powerful, mortally sick public sector. Mirroring their government’s attitude, citizens find ways to circumvent paying taxes. The public sector’s corruption expands like a cancer, spreading injustice; it contaminates all the healthy cells, perpetuating amorality. Stealing becomes justified as a path to success.

“For Greece to get back on its feet and harness its dynamic potential, this whole mentality must change. Injustices and distortions must be addressed immediately to promote the growth of a healthy economy. One solution would be to establish special investigators and prosecutors to root out public corruption, with amnesty for whistle-blowers.” 

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  • Ault Nathanielsz December 23, 2009, 3:37 pm

    What amazes me in the US, is how the common man can become so incensed about the theft of a few thousand dollars by “welfare cheats” and be oblivious to the theft of millions if not billions by the rich and powerful.

    The question, “… can we design a self-auditing political system that delivers justice and benevolence without dictatorship?” ls a good one. The U.S. constitution was a good first attempt, but fails because it left too many vexious questions unanswered, and resloved these by compromise. It also failed because we allowed the federal government to exceed its power almost as soon as the ink was dry.

    God has blessed America but we Americans have squandered those blessings as fast as He could bestow more, and this is a difficult feat.

  • Sotiri Anagno December 23, 2009, 9:00 am

    Human nature predetermines the path that those in authority will follow. They begin as idealistic young politicians, but succumb to peer and self-preservation pressures. The exceptions to this rule, such as Mandella and Ghandi, are few.

    Our political systems are simply flawed by inherent human behaviour. The difficult question is how to deal with this pervasive problem. Lincoln’s government of, by and for the people is the right idea. But can we design a self-auditing political system that delivers justice and benevolence without dictatorship?

  • ena-ena-epta December 23, 2009, 8:24 am

    I remember telling my family/relatives/friends/etc. around about early 2000’s that one day Greece’s “easy” European handouts will stop.

    This has finally come and should be a wake-up call for Greece’s population (including my relatives in Greece). The people in Greece should spend less time idolising sport/music and more time focussing on corruption of the government sector (escpecially politicians). Sometimes I view the “sports/music madness” in Greece as being a tool for distracting the people from the important issues (Note: I like sport and music).

    One way to go might be strengthening of the minor political parties so that the major two parties (PASOK and ND) can be made more honest.

    Who knows ?
    But I tell you something, the BATOPEDI (land) scandal was a “beauty” of a scandal and this was brushed over so passively by the previous government (ND) with no politician being charged.

    Only in GREECE (Ellada) !

  • throatlozenge December 23, 2009, 7:41 am

    Great article and very true.

    It was suggested that Greeks don’t view this as corruption. They do. You hear people talk about it all the time. They know precisely what’s going on and what they’re doing. They definitely view themselves as less than ethical.

    I’ve heard many times comments like, “I bet you don’t have to do this in America!” or “This is Greece. What do you expect? We’re a bunch of thieves.”

  • marcos xagoraris December 23, 2009, 2:07 am

    This guy is spot on. Thanks for the article, Mr. Ackerman.

  • Steve Hallett December 23, 2009, 12:15 am

    Apart from the sunshine the description appears to be Britain Under Labour, especially the piece about the difference between the polls and civil servants and the rest of us.

  • mguru December 22, 2009, 10:33 pm

    Ya, I can think of a few or 100, more countries to add to your astute idea of regulation and this could be handled by “the people on the net.” Maybe a “monthly report card” of our elected officials. One can only hope the people wakeup sooner, than later. I fear that the fallout from these types of governments and the crisis their actions have gotten us into will lead to civil unrest, wars and bloodshed. Peace

  • Mike December 22, 2009, 7:42 pm

    Well I think they are just another in a never ending string of countries that were corrupted by fiat money and debt. Fiat money allows a privileged few to get everything they want and need to destroy a society, especially power.

    Without fiat money those criminals would be much more likely to be held accountable…they get their power from our grandchildren via fiat money. Yes OUR grandchildren…change Greece to America and it would be hard to seriously challenge any of what you wrote with a straight face.

  • AZ Girl December 22, 2009, 5:45 pm

    Was he really talking about America?

  • Rich December 22, 2009, 5:36 pm

    As someone whose college classmates taught at the American School of Athens, whose college schoolmates included the current Prime Minister and opposition leader, and who thoroughly enjoyed a honeymoon Biblical Ports of Call cruise from Piraeus to Alexandria to Ashdod to Cairo to Ephesus to Jersusalem to Patmos to Rhodes and the Grande Bretagne below the Parthenon dining around the corner by power-off candlelight with the combined casts of Love Boat, Mash and Linda Evans, I pray for the effective cleansing of Greece’s corruption.
    Endemic global corruption also came to America.
    I am thus tempted to live in a whitewashed hut on one of those beautiful Islands of the Gods portrayed in Mama Mia, enjoying the turquoise Aegean sunrises and sunsets with the naked bodies and monuments of three thousand years of civilization. My understanding is true wealth fled Greece as it did America due to totalitarian corruption beginning with taxes.
    What else can we expect when a Senator calls Senate Healthcare Legislation sleazy?
    That capital flight, corruption and decline can be reversed.
    A 1% Temporary Tobin Total Transparent Transaction Tax replacing all other political taxes could go a long way to restoring productive democracy and liberty instead of State sanctioned socialist theft in Greece and in America.
    Rudi Guiliani proved the broken window hypothesis in NYC:
    If we clean up corruption at all levels, the city state prospers.
    Having said all this, it appears the inevitable consequence of corruption, deflation by default, is now accelerating worldwide.
    The widely trumpeted 3.5% Q3 GDP was reduced to 2.8% and today 2.2%.
    Can anyone say/see 0% before too long in a double dip depression?
    Big4 has the fewest longs since we began keeping track of plutocrats and their tracks.
    We are selling strength today for much lower prices…

  • Nuno Branco December 22, 2009, 5:18 pm

    It reminds me of Portugal, all of it (except we don’t have gold).

    Widespread corruption, big government, big deficit… when one of us implodes, the other will go down with it in less than 48 hours.

  • Mickey S December 22, 2009, 4:21 pm

    Uh, sounds like what has been going on in the USA after the Rothschild Dynasty & the Progressives took control with middle of the night Christmas vote!


    Damned Rothschilds seem to turn up everywhere, no? RA

  • Jim December 22, 2009, 3:50 pm

    So Greece is just a smaller version of the USA, and their malefactors are more upfront with their corruption.

  • mario cavolo December 22, 2009, 2:13 pm

    With respect and thanks to your subscriber who gave his intelligence and time and energy to write in with insights on the situation in Greece, I suggest that for all of us it mostly boils down to this statement within:

    “….this whole mentality must change. Injustices and distortions must be addressed immediately…”

    I could only think as I read how I could so easily tag the word Greece with “ditto for China, ditto for the U.S…” and probably ditto for dozens of others of other countries.

    The key point is that they each have their own unique brand and flavor of governmental, societal and cultural corruption, often internally believing in their cultural psyche that such matters are in fact not corrupt at all, but just the way things are done, making words like “must change” and “immediately” as empty as a sail in the ocean’s dead wind doldrums.

    Here in China (all over Asia), for example, middleman cash commissions, to managers, sales reps, bartenders, purchasing dept heads who are all traditionally on low salaries, are a 100% normal way of doing business. They are an expected protocol, a thank you, and if the cost numbers are coming in where they are supposed to, who cares? If you didn’t participate, you would be considered naive, odd, dumb, strange, someone to take advantage of, etc.

    Cheers, Mario

  • Dako December 22, 2009, 7:03 am

    Who are the goofballs that allowed a Balkan country to enter the EU in the first place? I’m from Montenegro a mountainous country along the Adriatic coast which is naturally just as blessed as Greece, if not more so. I just can’t see how this corruption will ever be rooted out of our system.

    The people of the Balkans always blame someone else for the crap they bring on to themselves…The main scapegoat used to be the Turks (Ottoman Empire) now it’ll be the EU or the World Crisis.

    Greece is in big dooodoooo. Lets hope they can survive.