Forum discussion generated by our last topic, The FBI Will Get Them, was starting to stink worse than week-old fish. We’ll leave it to the Alex Jones crowd to determine whether the Tsarnaev brothers were in fact double agents who betrayed their U.S. and Saudi handlers, as is now being plausibly claimed. Meanwhile, below is something new and different for you to ruminate on: Yeats’ always timely The Second Coming, arguably the greatest poem of the last hundred years. Your comments will have a better chance of being published if you stay on-topic and show some imagination.
Far out, man. Far out.
Yeats, Erudites, Apocalyse and the destruction of civilization… These last couple days’ commentaries have had it all.
Do any of you who fear the “evil, murderous drug lords” actually KNOW any?
The Boogeyman is NOT your enemy. Your enemy must be known- you must have looked into his eyes before you can formulate the rationale for why you would be willing to terminate his life before yours.
Get it?
When FEAR is your natural response to nature, then you deserve your natural fate- whatever it may be.
If the idea of defending yourself, your family, and your way of life scares you, then that is your conscience telling you that you need to look in the mirror and be a little more honest with yourself. Weakness of character is a normal by-product of indifference and complacency.
Get out there and swing an axe for a while. Go out and look for a Black Widow or a Scorpion, and step on it, instead of cowering away as if the bug were Satan himself.
You can read all the books; and you can compare/contrast each and look for dogmatic loopholes that enable you to rationalize why your particular brand of sinful ways are less sinful than the ways of the scary, murderous boogeymen out there.
All the books declare the same thing: In the end, Good wins, Evil loses.
Love wins, Hate loses.
Nature wins, Unnatural willfullness loses
Character wins, Hubris loses.
Intelligence wins, Stupidity loses.
God wins, Satan loses.
Entropy wins, Fleeting, temporary systems of order lose.
Finally, Sanity wins, Insanity loses.
NOWHERE is it written that the prey win, and the predators lose. There is one brief observation in the book of Isaiah that discusses the Wolf living with the lamb, and the bear grazing with the calf; but this is a break-even at best… no winners or losers.
And, I suppose such an event COULD come to pass on the day that our physical beings no longer require the caloric energy derived from the consumption of other (formerly) living things… but I don’t think even Erudites have a well-formed thesis for how to make this little miracle occur…
Digital technology improves much, but we’re still a long way from digitally printing nutritionally correct, yet fully synthetic chicken breasts and broccoli
So, in the meantime, we’re stuck with the predators; and if you expect to disarm a predator, you can only do so by understanding his/her mind.
Taking away the guns ain’t gonna do it. Pretending that paper (or digital) bills of credit are money ain’t gonna do it either (especially when said bills are issued by a system wherein the predatory psychopaths are installed in the role of the “creditors”)
I really must ask- Are you all REALLY so fearful of what the future holds? If so, then I am even more thankful to the Oneness of the Universe that I am me, and not you.
I do my best to help my children understand the world as it is, and to help them shape it into what they would want it to be.
But, I absolutely do not gloss over the harshness and psychopathy of the predatory (and parasitic) mindset.
It’s all just Nature. Fearing it is simply wasted energy.