Video: Why the Euro Hasn’t Crashed

This demo was done at the invitation of and starts with a brief explanation of the Hidden Pivot Method. We then took a close look at some key charts that provide clues concerning how the global financial crisis might play out. Our focus was on long-term charts for T-Bonds, U.S. stocks, the dollar and the euro. The conclusions we drew are somewhat counterintuitive, most particularly a prediction that the euro will not crash when the PIIGs eventually default.

  • john December 11, 2011, 12:01 am

    it would probably make a lot of sense that when you record this kind of stuff you’re not eating candy or sucking on life savers. wtf is wrong with you?

  • 3 Lions December 9, 2011, 3:53 pm

    What can I say? Superb. The best presentation you have ever done. Should be sent to all kids doing macroeconomics at school. (If they do it!)
    Do “medium/long term overviews” more often in this format. Form a double act with Ron Paul & save America.
    Thanks again. Just brilliant!