Our recent discussion of whether deflation or hyperinflation will lay waste to the economy elicited hundreds of responses. Two of particular interest are featured below. The first, from blogger Charles Hugh Smith, explains why it may be impossible to know with any certainty which of the two forces will prevail. The second, the thoughts of a fourth-generation Texas rancher, suggests that in a crisis, we may discover that our need for protein trumps concerns over gold, silver, Treasury paper and the dollar. Here’s Charles, in an excerpt from an e-mail I received from him several days ago:
I certainly wouldn’t want to debate anyone because my arguments are those of a trader, basically, not an economist. Maybe we will get hyperinflation, I don’t claim to know. What bothers me is the widespread conviction that hyperinflation is “guaranteed.” This smells like a one-sided trade to me, even if it is more of a meme than a trade.
As we’ve both said, the other issue is, how do the Elites benefit from hyperinflation? The only answer I’ve ever received is “they’ve already bought gold.” Yeah, right. As I noted, there’s $7T in gold, total, half of which is owned by central banks, and there’s $160T in financial wealth to protect in the world. Even if gold went to $10K/oz there would be no more than $35 T in gold in private hands, and by that time, the gold in Fort Knox (or in the PBoChina vaults, etc.) would be enough to establish a gold-backed currency. Meanwhile, the Financial Elites would have lost all their financial wealth. Have they really transferred all their wealth out of all financial instruments and totally into gold and land? If so, then owns the $160T in financial wealth?
This explanation — that the wealthy have already transferred their financial assets into gold and land and thus they don’t care if all money, bonds, mortgages, derivatives, insurance policies, etc. all go to zero and is wiped off the books as an asset—makes no sense because it doesn’t explain who is the bag holder to all this “fiat-based” wealth. If the wealthy don’t own all these financial assets, who does? Who did they sell it all to? Yet we know that the Financial Elites own all this financial wealth and thus it will not be in their self-interest to see it wiped out. Only debtors, i.e. Central States, want to see hyperinflation to wipe out their debt. But who considers all that sovereign debt an interest-paying asset? The Financial Elites, that’s who, along with politically powerful union pension funds, banks, etc.
Everyone seems to forget that debt is an asset to the guy on the other side of the trade. The debtor would love hyperinflation but the owner of the debt will resist hyperinflation with every fiber of his being — and that includes the Financial Elite who own the debt.
Only Political Choices
This is basically a “politics of experience” analysis, and very few are equipped to understand such an analysis, as it’s outside their econometric comfort zone. They prefer a deterministic financial analysis that there are “laws” of economics which lead to hyperinflation, etc. Meanwhile, for me, there are only political choices, a narrow band of which lead to hyperinflation and a bunch of others which do not. This kind of analysis doesn’t lend itself to refutation or confirmation by financial models of the sort being bandied about — it’s a behavioral analysis and a political one.
I have yet to see how banks and the Financial Elites would benefit from hyperinflation. Without getting too fancy, it’s obvious that holders of debt, those collecting interest on debt assets, would be wiped out by hyperinflation. Thus as a simple matter of self-interest, we can deduce they will not favor policies that lead to hyperinflation. If the owners of debt (Treasuries, mortgages, corporate debt, commercial paper, etc.) were politically powerless, then we could expect them to be steamrolled by those who would benefit from hyperinflation. But they are not politically powerless — it’s the debtors who are powerless, except for the Central State, and it’s beholden to the Financial Elites who have captured the political and regulatory classes that govern the State.
How Many Angels?
Maybe we will experience hyperinflation after all. I am a skeptic, not a true believer, but I am certainly open to it as a possibility. I think all the financial arguments are somewhat akin to biblical debates about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. They are fundamentally deterministic and apolitical, while the actual process of setting policies that lead to hyperinflation is entirely political.
I have no econometric arguments against hyperinflation, I only have political ones. But since politics sets policy, then hyperinflation is necessarily a political choice. So a political analysis will trump an econometric one in my view.
But I could be wrong. As a basically poor person, I don’t have much of a stake in either outcome.
When Gold Wasn’t Valuable
And here, with the final word, is the rancher, who posted under the pseudonym Bed Rock:
The place I looked to see how to be prepared for a dollar collapse was in the journals of the pioneers who settled the frontiers in North America two to three hundred years ago. When moving to an unexplored region inside the frontier, and being months of hard travel away from any civilization where the necessities of life could be purchased, is basically where we all will be when commerce stops because of a dollar collapse.
Bartering works good, but money was not very valuable, even gold. The people needed a place to live that offered protection from the weather, water and food. Everything else was and is a luxury. The people who had the talents of building shelters and producing food prospered and those that came with family money either died or went home broke.
So what I took from this is, be prepared to use your hands. Surround yourself with good, honest people who have talents in the many life-saving areas needed to survive any circumstances that may be thrown at us. Raising chickens, making bread, treating sickness, making a garden, a carpenter, etc. You will know what you need for your area.
I am a rancher and produce enough beef to feed approximately 6,000 people. But having to do that without cheap fuel, fertilizer, and life-saving drugs for the cattle, I will produce much less. But protein is one of the necessities needed to survive and something the pioneers treasured. If you succeed and prosper as our great country makes its comeback, you will have moved up the ladder of social and economic ranking. Survival of the fittest, and we will be rid of all those who live off of government aid. So don’t be caught with just a lot of gold and silver when the collapse comes. Sell some and buy the tools you will need to survive so you can use the metals latter when civilization returns.
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It is nearing the end of April, 2011. People ought to really sit down, and determine what they will need most, in the event, that the US Dollar completely collapses, within the next couple of months to a year. Think: ‘What must I absolutely have to survive?’ Water. Food. Clothing. Shelter (is nice). Medicine/vitamins. TP, soap, deoderant, etc. 90% (Pre-1964) U.S. coins, for barter. Or, 1 oz. silver coins/rounds. Bicycle for transport?