‘Stink Bid’ Nails Low in Comex Gold

Will investors have one more chance to buy gold for the relative bargain price of $900 before it takes off? We’ll get to that in a moment, but let me mention first that loading up on gold when bullion is moving higher needn’t be painful and fraught with risk. Consider the following futures recommendation that went out to Rick’s Picks subscribers early Monday evening. It missed the overnight low by just 10 cents, allowing traders to buy a single tick off the bottom. Here’s the recommendation exactly as it was disseminated at 8:01 p.m. EDT:  “The futures sold off hard after making their high early in the day – but then, when haven’t they done so?  The important thing is that buyers had no trouble pushing the August contract past a Hidden Pivot resistance at 985.80 noted here earlier. Night owls should put a stink bid in at  970.60 stop 969.90 and keep your fingers crossed.”


As you can see in the chart above, August Gold bottomed at exactly 970.50 overnight – a tick below the forecast — before embarking on a spirited $18 rally. A trader who followed the recommendation exactly would have enjoyed a highly favorable risk:reward ratio on the way up, since the maximum gain on the trade was 25 times the amount, in theory, that was risked initially.

Beating Predators

Incidentally, off-hours trades like this one are not strictly for scalpers, since they can be used by investors seeking to adjust long-term positions. I hesitate to say that night markets make easy pickings, because they most surely do not. They are in fact dominated by some of the most talented sleazeballs in the business – skilled predators whom you would not want to sit down with at a poker table. But when it comes to trading, DaBoyz who work the night shift are less concerned with technical factors than with the subtle interplay between global news and active markets, particularly index futures that trade round-the-clock. For our purposes, that means night-time price action is somewhat more predictable than during the day. The tradeoff is that liquidity can be very thin in the wee hours, making it easier to get trapped in a bad trade.

So what about the prospect of buying physical gold for $900 before it hits $1500?  That’s the prediction of Karim Ghaidan, a subscriber and veteran institutional trader whose past predictions have garnered an ardent following in the Rick’s Picks chat room. I’ve posted Karim’s detailed forecasts for gold and other vehicles (including a 1300 target in the S&P, followed by a plunge to 400!)  Subscribers can find these forecasts in the Intraday Notes section of the Rick’s Picks home page. If you don’t currently subscribe but would like to have a look, you can gain access to Karim’s numbers, to my daily forecasts, and to a 24/7 chat room frequented by traders from around the world by taking a risk-free seven-day trial subscription. For further details, click here. (And if you’d like to have Rick’s Picks commentary delivered free each day to your e-mail box, click here.)

  • Tony June 3, 2009, 6:54 pm

    I seem to be always to late to glean something from the chatroom that has been noted elsewhere ir is being discussed.

    Is there any way to see more history of the chat room?




    If you click on “Logs” at the top of the chat room box, you can now access a chat room archive that presently goes back about six weeks.

  • richard dudley June 3, 2009, 4:59 pm

    3/06/2008 high +144 days= July28=stocks start second crash….+55 days=Sept.21=low
    Rick Fib Dudley

  • Rich June 3, 2009, 3:21 pm

    Very nice ST gold call Rick.

    Too many golden calves and big smart shorts.

    Default-driven derivative deflation still may rule with Thursday 30 year T auction driving mortgage rates up. Frankly looks like we’re in for some stormy weather:

    “The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the
    second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin.
    But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.” Ernest
    Hemingway, “Notes on the Next War: A Serious Topical Letter”, 1935.”

    Could be wrong short term and right long.
    That’s why stops and Tortuga trends invented.

    ZSL @ 6.40 anyone?


  • Chris T. June 3, 2009, 3:04 pm

    While 1300 may appear optimistic for the S&P, far be it for me to second-guess a good track record. It is another 40% though, which even if achieved over many weeks, seems like a once in a lifetime bull run. Maybe it will peter out before getting there.

    That would be about 12200 in the Dow, or ~10% over its interim peak of about 9 years ago.
    The Dow/Gold ratio is in an unbroken long-term downtrend. 15 is about the maximum ratio without breakind the trend, or an interim correction of about 6 from the current 9. This 15 equates to about $800/oz at Dow 12000, so possible with this metric.
    (BTW, the largest in-trend ratio reversal so far was around 1977-79, when it went from 3.5 to 10)

    Karim’s 400 seems entirely conceivable too, as that would be around 4000 in the Dow, yielding a ratio of 4 at current per oz, 1-3 at what many expect gold to hit. The inflation-adjusted 80 peak would give a ratio of about 1.5 at Dow 4000

    We’ve had these low ratio’s before (1978-1980, 1930’s) and we are trending there now.

  • Albert June 3, 2009, 12:51 pm

    We may have another chance at 970.6, will it hold is another question.